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diff --git a/rMD-exp/AUTHORS b/rMD-exp/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index 023898c..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-John Varouhakis
diff --git a/rMD-exp/COPYING b/rMD-exp/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d60c31a..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/rMD-exp/ChangeLog b/rMD-exp/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd5f6f..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/*VERSION 0.2.1*/
-*Unupdated lines bug fixed.
-*Fuzzy cursor at border bug fixed.
-*Incorrect display of windows that
-extended beyond recording height fixed.
-*Size adjustement that resulted in extra
-or missing pixels at borders has been corrected.
-New adjustment is 8 pixels max,split evenly if possible.
-*The option to drop frames has been added.
-*The option to do better subsampling has been added.
-*Default behavior now is to use shared memory when
-size of image gets over 75% of total (or a user set threshold).
-*Many other minor bugfixes.
-/*VERSION 0.2.2*/
-*Changes to the configure script.
-*BGR to YUV convertion corrected.
-/*VERSION 0.2.3*/
-*Problems on big-endian architectures, corrected
-(thanks to Marcel Unbehaun for bringing up the problem
-and providing the neccessary feedback to resolve it).
-*Failure to respect change in channels number, while
-opening soundcard, which resulted in crashes, segfaults
-and repeated error-messages has been fixed.
-*other minor bugfixes
-/*VERSION 0.2.4*/
-*Behavior on lack of $DISPLAY evironment
-variable has been corrected.
-*Size adjustment is now quantized at 16 pixels,
-in order to avoid complete image distortion,
-present at certain resolutions, when using shared memory
-(conditional or not).
-*Some other minor bugfixes, related mostly to default
-values of options.
-/*VERSION 0.2.5*/
-*Drawing of the correct cursor is now supported through
-the Xfixes extension.
-*Change of behavior on lack of any Xserver extension and
-failure to open sound device. The program now exits and informs
-instead of continuing with a different configuration.
-*Exit status also indicates the nature of any error that occured.
-*Documentation has been updated with exit status explanations.
-*Subsampling of the chroma planes is made by averaging, while
-pixel discarding is an option(used to be otherwise).
-/*VERSION 0.2.6*/
-*Behavior on stream desync has been changed.
-Now, instead of dropping sound buffers, image
-capturing speeds up. That is, waiting for timer to
-expire is disabled until sync is achieved.
-When not recording sound, this does not apply.
-*Theora return values are now properly checked,
-to avoid inserting corrupt packages into the stream.
-*Major memory leaks have been fixed. These were related
-to the rectangle insertion algorithm and discarding of
-used sound buffers,
-*Segmentation fault on seemingly random occasions has been
-found and is now fixed. Reason was lack of thread safety over
-libogg calls.
-/*VERSION 0.3.0*/
-*Implemented cache functionality
-(Encoding by default happens right after the recording)
-*Corrected damage event handling.
-*Saving under the same file-name,no longer deletes the previous one,
-instead it saves under a number postfixed file.
-*Opening the sound device doesn't block anymore.
-*A few new options were added related to caching.
-*Program now checks if it is run uder a known 3d compositing window manager
-and set behavior accordingly, to reduce the need for extra options at launch.
-*Updated documentation.
-*Removed uneeded bitmap screenshot function.
diff --git a/rMD-exp/INSTALL b/rMD-exp/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 393bf2e..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-To compile the program you have to go through the regular drill:
-~$ gzip -d recordmydesktop-x.y.z.tar.gz
-~$ tar -x recordmydesktop-x.y.z.tar
-~$ cd recordmydesktop-x.y.z
-~$ ./configure
-~$ make
-~$ sudo make install
-You will need the development headers(i.e. packages ending with -dev or -devel
-depending on the distribution you use) for the following:
-alsa (libasound)
-Additionally you may need libICE-dev.
-Last, you need the regular headers, plus the ones for pthreads
-(both of which you should have if you have compiled anything else before).
-Of the above, the most likely to be missing are probably those of libXdamage and libtheora
-but any recent linux distribution should offer an easy way to get them.
-Compiling on *BSD or other *nix flavors is not going to work(because of the alsa dependency)
-but it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to change that(at least by disabling sound capture).
-Future versions might include support for OSS-based sound capture.
-If you are interested in this please let me know.
diff --git a/rMD-exp/ b/rMD-exp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86af0cd..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = src doc
diff --git a/rMD-exp/NEWS b/rMD-exp/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index b28b04f..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/rMD-exp/README b/rMD-exp/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a64d5a5..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-This is the experimental branch of recordMyDesktop. Changes that will
-take place here might render the program unusuable and/or unstable.
-Any stable changes that influence the program positively and bugfixes
-will be merged back into the main tree.
diff --git a/rMD-exp/TODO b/rMD-exp/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 62a2465..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-1)write a TODO
diff --git a/rMD-exp/ b/rMD-exp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06af23f..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-automake --copy --add-missing
-autoconf \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rMD-exp/ b/rMD-exp/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8dae65..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- # -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-# Checks for programs.
-# Checks for header files.
-if test "x$x_libraries" != "x" && test "x$x_libraries" != xNONE ; then
- echo "X libraries are found in $x_libraries"
- LIBS="-L$x_libraries $LIBS";
-if test "x$x_includes" != "x" && test "x$x_includes" != xNONE ; then
- echo "X includes are found in $x_includes"
- CFLAGS="-I$x_includes $CFLAGS";
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/time.h unistd.h vorbis/vorbisfile.h ])
-# Checks for libraries.
-AC_CHECK_LIB([ICE],[IceOpenConnection],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libICE]),)
-AC_CHECK_LIB([SM],[SmcOpenConnection],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libSM]),)
-AC_CHECK_LIB([X11],[XOpenDisplay],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libX11]),
- -L$x_libraries $X_PRE_LIBS)
-AC_CHECK_LIB([Xext],[XShmQueryVersion],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libXext]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([Xfixes], [XFixesQueryExtension],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libXfixes]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([Xdamage], [XDamageQueryExtension],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libXdamage]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([vorbis],[vorbis_info_clear],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libvorbis]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([vorbisfile],[ov_open],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libvorbisfile]),-lvorbis)
-AC_CHECK_LIB([vorbisenc],[vorbis_encode_init],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libvorbisenc]),-lvorbis)
-AC_CHECK_LIB([ogg],[ogg_stream_init],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libogg]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([theora],[theora_encode_YUVin],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libtheora]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([pthread],[pthread_mutex_lock],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libpthread]))
-AC_CHECK_LIB([asound],[snd_pcm_drain],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libasound]))
-# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
-# Checks for library functions.
- src/Makefile
- doc/Makefile ])
diff --git a/rMD-exp/doc/ b/rMD-exp/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9780b6c..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-man_MANS = recordmydesktop.1
diff --git a/rMD-exp/doc/recordmydesktop.1 b/rMD-exp/doc/recordmydesktop.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa7da5..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/doc/recordmydesktop.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-.TH "RECORDMYDESKTOP" 1 "13/7/2006" "Linux"
-recordMyDesktop \- record desktop sessions to an Ogg\-Theora\-Vorbis file.
-.B recordmydesktop
- recordMyDesktop produces a file(default out.ogg) that contains a video and audio recording
-of a linux desktop session. The default behavior of recording is to mark areas that have changed(through libxdamage)
-and update the frame. This behavior can be changed (option
-) to produce a more accurate result
-or capture windows that do not generate events on change(windows with accelerated 3d context)
-but this will notably increase the workload. In this case, enabling the
-option is recommended
-(by default this option is switched on or off at every frame, according to the size of the area to be aquired).
-recordMyDesktop doesn't have a commandline interface.
-After startup, it can be controled only through the following signals:
-causes the program to pause if it's currently recording, and vice-versa.
-causes normal termination of the recording.
-also causes normal termination.
-terminates the program and removes the specified output file.
-A typical scenario of recording can be a command as simple as:
-~$ recordmydesktop
-which will produce a fullscreen recording named out.ogg
-while a command like:
-~$ recordmydesktop foo.ogg
-will write output to foo.ogg
-Since version 0.3, encoding will happen right after the recording finishes.
-While this behavior saves a lot of CPU, you can revert to the old one by entering the \-\-on\-the\-fly\-encoding switch.
-To specify a region for recording you can type this:
-~$ recordmydesktop -x X_pos -y Y_pos -width WIDTH -height HEIGHT -o foo.ogg
-where X_pos and Y_pos specify the offset in pixels from the upper left
-corner of your screen and WIDTH and HEIGHT the size of the window to be recorded(again in pixels).
-If the area extends beyond your current resolution, you will be notified appropriately and nothing will happen.
-Notice also, that if any option is entered you have to specify the output file with the \-o switch.
-If you try to save under a filename that already exists, the name will be post-fixed with a number (incremented if that name exists already)
-To normally end a recording you can press ctl-c.
-(which will send a
-to the program).
-For further manipulation of the end result look at the
-0 is success
-Non-zero means an error occurred, which is printed in stderr.
-The following error codes indicate the nature of the error:
-1 Error while parsing the arguments.
-2 Initializing the encoder failed(either vorbis or theora).
-3 Could not open/configure sound card.
-4 Xdamage extension not present.
-5 Shared memory extension not present.
-6 Xfixes extension not present.
-7 XInitThreads failed.
-8 No $DISPLAY environment variable and none specified as argument.
-9 Cannot connect to Xserver.
-10 Color depth is not 24bpp.
-11 Improper window specification.
-12 Cannot attach shared memory to proccess.
-13 Cannot open file for writting.
-Generic Options:
- \-h or \-\-help
- Print help summary and exit.
- \-\-version
- Print program version and exit.
-Image Options:
- \-windowid id_of_window
- id of window to be recorded.
- \-display DISPLAY
- Display to connect to.
- \-x X
- Offset in x direction.
- \-y Y
- Offset in y direction.
- \-width N
- Width of recorded window.
- \-height N
- Height of recorded window.
- \-dummy\-cursor color
- Draw a dummy cursor, instead of the normal one.Value of color can be "black" or "white".
- \-\-no\-cursor
- Disable drawing of the cursor.
- \-\-with\-shared
- Enable usage of MIT\-shared memory extension at all times.
- \-\-no\-cond\-shared
- Do not use the MIT\-shared memory extension when aquiring large areas.
- \-shared\-threshold n
- Threshold over which shared memory is used(default 75).
- \-\-full\-shots
- Take full screenshot at every frame(Not recomended!).
- \-\-quick\-subsampling
- Do subsampling of the chroma planes by discarding extra pixels.
- \-fps N(number>0.0)
- A positive number denoting desired framerate.
-Sound Options:
- \-channels N(number>0)
- A positive number denoting desired sound channels in recording.
- \-freq N(number>0)
- A positive number denoting desired sound frequency.
- \-device SOUND_DEVICE
- Sound device(default hw0:0).
- \-\-no\-sound
- Do not record sound.
-Encoding Options:
- \-\-on\-the\-fly\-encoding
- Encode the audio-video data, while recording.
- \-v_quality n
- A number from 0 to 63 for desired encoded video quality(default 63).
- \-v_bitrate n
- A number from 45000 to 2000000 for desired encoded video bitrate(default 45000).
- \-\-drop\-frames
- Allow theora encoder to drop frames(this can significantly lower proccessing times).
- \-s_quality n
- Desired audio quality(\-1 to 10).
-Misc Options:
- \-\-no\-wm\-check
- When a 3d compositing window manager is detected the program will function as if the
- \-\-full\-shots and \-\-with\-shared options have been specified. This option disables that
- behavior alltogether.
- \-\-zero\-compression
- Image data are always cached uncompressed.
- \-workdir DIR
- Location where a temporary directory will be created to hold project files(default $HOME).
- \-delay n[H|h|M|m]
- Number of secs(default),minutes or hours before capture starts(number can be float).
- \-\-overwrite
- If there is already a file with the same name, delete it.
- Default action is to add a number postfix to the new file.
- For example when not specifying a name, if out.ogg exists,
- the new file will be out.ogg.1 and if that exists too, out.ogg.2
- and so on (no ad-infinitum though, more like ad-short-integer...)
- \-o filename
- Name of recorded video(default out.ogg).
-If no other option is specified, filename can be given without the \-o switch.
-.B recordmydesktop
-[\-h| \-\-help| \-\-version| \-delay n[H|h|M|m]| \-windowid id_of_window|
-\-display DISPLAY| \-x X| \-y Y|\-width N| \-height N| \-fps N(number>0)| \-\-on\-the\-fly\-encoding|
-\-v_quality n| \-s_quality n| \-v_bitrate n| \-\-no\-framedrop| \-dummy\-cursor color|
-\-\-no\-cursor| \-freq N(number>0)| \-channels N(number>0)| \-device SOUND_DEVICE|
-\-\-no\-sound| \-\-with\-shared| \-\-no\-cond\-shared| \-shared\-threshold n| \-\-full\-shots|
-\-\-quick\-subsampling| \-workdir DIR| \-\-zero\-compression| \-\-no\-wm\-check| \-\-overwrite| \-o filename]^filename
-Display environment variable, specifying X server to connect to.
- Recording a window using the \-windowid option, doesn't track the window itself, but the region that it covers.
-Also when using that option the \-x,\-y,\-width and \-height options are relative to the specified window area.
-An easy way to find out the id of a window, is by using the
-Running a command like :
-xwininfo |grep "Window id:"|sed \-e "s/xwininfo\\:\\ Window id:\\ // ;s/\\ \.*//"
-will give you only the id of the window(which should look like this: 0x4800005)
-More conviniently you can put all that in the command that launches recordMyDesktop like this:
-~$recordmydesktop -windowid $(xwininfo |grep "Window id:"|sed \-e "s/xwininfo\\:\\ Window id:\\ // ;s/\\ \.*//" )
- Also, the lower quality you select on a video recording (
-option), the highest CPU-power that you will need.
-if you are doing the encoding on the fly
-,it's better to start with default values and manipulate
-the end\-result with another program.
-An excellent converter is
-, which despite its name is also a theora to theora converter.
-Changing the quality of a recordng with it,can be as simple as :
-ffmpeg2theora infile.ogg \-v 3 \-a 4 \-o outfile.ogg
-It can even perform resizing on the size of the recording, or change the overall duration.
-Does not record 3d windows, if \-\-full\-shots isn't specified.
-Saving 65536 files with the same name, will result in upredictable behavior,
-which might manifest as an endless loop, or a segmentation fault.
-John Varouhakis(
-.BR xwininfo(1)
-.BR ffmpeg2theora(1) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rMD-exp/include/recordmydesktop.h b/rMD-exp/include/recordmydesktop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c3ad18..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/include/recordmydesktop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,745 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
- #include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <endian.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/ipc.h>
-#include <sys/shm.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <zlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xlibint.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/Xdamage.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
-#include <theora/theora.h>
-#include <vorbis/codec.h>
-#include <vorbis/vorbisenc.h>
-#include <ogg/ogg.h>
-#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
-//define whcih way we are reading a pixmap
-#define __ABYTE 3
-#define __RBYTE 2
-#define __GBYTE 1
-#define __BBYTE 0
-#define __RVALUE(tmp_val) (((tmp_val)&0x00ff0000)>>16)
-#define __GVALUE(tmp_val) (((tmp_val)&0x0000ff00)>>8)
-#define __BVALUE(tmp_val) (((tmp_val)&0x000000ff))
-#define __ABYTE 0
-#define __RBYTE 1
-#define __GBYTE 2
-#define __BBYTE 3
-#define __RVALUE(tmp_val) (((tmp_val)&0x0000ff00)>>8)
-#define __GVALUE(tmp_val) (((tmp_val)&0x00ff0000)>>16)
-#define __BVALUE(tmp_val) (((tmp_val)&0xff000000)>>24)
-#error Only little-endian and big-endian systems are supported
-//do not be confused
-//this is useless and obsolete.
-//There are no plans for other fotmats
-typedef struct _DisplaySpecs{ //this struct holds some basic information
- int screen; //about the display,needed mostly for
- uint width; //validity checks at startup
- uint height;
- Window root;
- Visual *visual;
- GC gc;
- int depth;
- unsigned long bpixel;
- unsigned long wpixel;
-typedef struct _WGeometry{ //basic geometry of a window or area
- int x;
- int y;
- int width;
- int height;
-typedef struct _RectArea{ //an area that has been damaged gets stored
- WGeometry geom; //in a list comprised of structs of this type
- struct _RectArea *prev,*next;
-typedef struct _BRWindow{ //'basic recorded window' specs
- WGeometry geom; //window attributes
- WGeometry rgeom; //part of window that is recorded
- int nbytes; //size of zpixmap when screenshoting
- Window windowid; //id
-//defaults in the following comment lines may be out of sync with reality
-//check DEFAULT_ARGS macro further bellow
-typedef struct _ProgArgs{
- int delay; //start up delay
- Window windowid; //window to record(default root)
- char *display; //display to connect(default :0)
- int x,y; //x,y offset(default 0,0)
- int width,height; //defaults to window width and height
- int quietmode; //no messages to stderr,stdout
- char *filename; //output file(default out.[ogg|*])
- int encoding; //encoding(default OGG_THEORA_VORBIS)
- int cursor_color; //black or white=>1 or 0
- int have_dummy_cursor;//disable/enable drawing of the dummy cursor
- int xfixes_cursor; //disable/enable drawing of a cursor obtained
- //through the xfixes extension
- float fps; //desired framerate(default 15)
- unsigned int frequency; //desired frequency (default 22050)
- unsigned int channels; //no of channels(default 2)
- char *device; //default sound device(default according to alsa or oss)
- int nosound; //do not record sound(default 0)
- int noshared; //do not use shared memory extension(default 1)
- int nocondshared; //do not use shared memory on large image aquititions
- int nowmcheck; //do not check if there's a 3d comp window manager
- //(which changes full-shots and with-shared to 1)
- int shared_thres; //threshold to use shared memory
- int full_shots; //do not poll damage, take full screenshots
- int no_quick_subsample;//average pixels in chroma planes
- int v_bitrate,v_quality,s_quality;//video bitrate,video-sound quality
- int dropframes; //option for theora encoder
- int encOnTheFly; //encode while recording, no caching(default 0)
- char *workdir; //directory to be used for cache files(default $HOME)
- int zerocompression;//image data are always flushed uncompressed
- int overwrite;//overwite a previously existing file(do not add a .number postfix)
-//this struct holds anything related to encoding AND
-//writting out to file.
-typedef struct _EncData{
- ogg_stream_state m_ogg_ts;//theora
- ogg_stream_state m_ogg_vs;//vorbis
- ogg_page m_ogg_pg;//this could be avoided since
- // it is used only while initializing
- ogg_packet m_ogg_pckt1;//theora stream
- ogg_packet m_ogg_pckt2;//vorbis stream
-//theora data
- theora_state m_th_st;
- theora_info m_th_inf;
- theora_comment m_th_cmmnt;
- yuv_buffer yuv;
-//vorbis data
- vorbis_info m_vo_inf;
- vorbis_comment m_vo_cmmnt;
- vorbis_dsp_state m_vo_dsp;
- vorbis_block m_vo_block;
-//these should be 0, since area is quantized
-//before input
- int x_offset,
- y_offset;
-//our file
- FILE *fp;
-//this struct will hold a few basic
-//information, needed for caching the frames.
-typedef struct _CacheData{
- char *workdir, //The directory were the project will be stored, while recording.
- //Since this will take a lot of space, the user must be
- //able to change the location.
- *projname, //This is the name of the folder that will hold the project.
- //It is rMD-session-%d where %d is the pid of the current proccess.
- //This way, running two instances will not create problems
- //and also, a frontend can identify leftovers from a possible crash
- //and delete them
- *imgdata, //workdir+projname+img.out.gz
- *audiodata; //workdir+projname+audio.pcm
- gzFile *ifp; //image data file pointer
- FILE *afp; //audio data file pointer
-//sound buffer
-//sound keeps coming so we que it in this list
-//which we then traverse
-typedef struct _SndBuffer{
- signed char *data;
- struct _SndBuffer *next;
-//this structure holds any data related to the program
-//It's usage is mostly to be given as an argument to the
-//threads,so they will have access to the program data, avoiding
-//at the same time usage of any globals.
-typedef struct _ProgData{
- ProgArgs args;//the program arguments
- DisplaySpecs specs;//Display specific information
- BRWindow brwin;//recording window
- Display *dpy;//curtrent display
- char *window_manager;//name of the window manager at program launch
- XImage *image;//the image that holds the current full screenshot
- XImage *shimage;//the image that holds the current full screenshot(shared memory)
- unsigned char *dummy_pointer;//a dummy pointer to be drawn in every frame
- //data is casted to unsigned for later use in YUV buffer
- int dummy_p_size;//initially 16x16,always square
- unsigned char npxl;//this is the no pixel convention when drawing the dummy pointer
- char *datamain,//the data of image
- *datash,//the data of shimage
- *datatemp;//buffer for the temporary image,which will be
- //preallocated in case shared memory is not used.
- RectArea *rect_root[2];//the interchanging list roots for storing the changed regions
- int list_selector,//selector for the above
- damage_event,//damage event base code
- damage_error,//damage error base code
- running;
- SndBuffer *sound_buffer;
- EncData *enc_data;
- CacheData *cache_data;
- int hard_pause;//if sound device doesn't support pause
- //we have to close and reopen
- int avd;//syncronization among audio and video
- unsigned int periodtime,
- frametime;
- pthread_mutex_t list_mutex[2],//mutexes for concurrency protection of the lists
- sound_buffer_mutex,
- libogg_mutex,//libogg is not thread safe
- yuv_mutex;//this might not be needed since we only have
- //one read-only and one write-only thread
- //also on previous versions, y component was looped separately
- //and then u and v so this was needed to avoid wrong coloring to render
- //Currently this mutex only prevents the cursor from flickering
- pthread_cond_t time_cond,//this gets a broadcast by the handler whenever it's time to get a screenshot
- pause_cond,//this is blocks execution, when program is paused
- sound_buffer_ready,//sound encoding finished
- sound_data_read,//a buffer is ready for proccessing
- image_buffer_ready;//image encoding finished
- snd_pcm_t *sound_handle;
- snd_pcm_uframes_t periodsize;
-//This is the header of every frame.
-//Reconstruction will be correct only if made on
-//the same platform.
-//We need the total number of blocks
-//for each plane.
-//The number of the frame compared to the
-//number of time expirations at the time of
-//caching, will enable us to make up for lost frames.
-//default 4+4+2+2+2=14!bad!
-//me add pad, make god of 2 happy!
-typedef struct _FrameHeader{
- char frame_prefix[4];//always FRAM
- u_int32_t frameno,//number of frame(cached frames)
- current_total;//number of frames that should have been
- //taken at time of caching this one
- u_int16_t Ynum,//number of changed blocks in the Y plane
- Unum,//number of changed blocks in the U plane
- Vnum;//number of changed blocks in the V plane
- u_int16_t pad;//always zero
-//The frame after retrieval.
-//Based on the Header information
-//we can read the correct amount of bytes.
-typedef struct _CachedFrame{
- FrameHeader *header;
- unsigned char *YBlocks;//identifying number on the grid, starting at top left
- unsigned char *UBlocks;// >> >>
- unsigned char *VBlocks;// >> >>
- unsigned char *YData;//pointer to data for the blocks that have changed,
- unsigned char *UData;//which have to be remapped on the buffer when reading
- unsigned char *VData;
-//I've read somewhere that I'll go to hell for using globals...
-int Paused,*Running,Aborted;
-pthread_cond_t *time_cond,*pause_cond;
-unsigned char Yr[256],Yg[256],Yb[256],
- Ur[256],Ug[256],Ub[256],
- Vr[256],Vg[256],Vb[256];
-//the following values are of no effect
-//but they might be usefull later for profiling
-unsigned int frames_total,//frames calculated by total time expirations
- frames_lost;//the value of shame
-//used to determine frame drop which can
-//happen on failure to receive a signal over a condition variable
-int capture_busy,
- encoder_busy;
-#define CLIP_EVENT_AREA(e,brwin,wgeom){\
- if(((e)->area.x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x)&&((e)->area.y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y)&&\
- ((e)->area.width>=(brwin)->rgeom.width)&&((e)->area.height<(brwin)->rgeom.height)){\
- (wgeom)->x=(brwin)->rgeom.x;\
- (wgeom)->y=(brwin)->rgeom.y;\
- (wgeom)->width=(brwin)->rgeom.width;\
- (wgeom)->height=(brwin)->rgeom.height;\
- }\
- else{\
- (wgeom)->x=((((e)->area.x+(e)->area.width>=(brwin)->rgeom.x)&&\
- ((e)->area.x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x+(brwin)->rgeom.width))?\
- (((e)->area.x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x)?(brwin)->rgeom.x:(e)->area.x):-1);\
- \
- (wgeom)->y=((((e)->area.y+(e)->area.height>=(brwin)->rgeom.y)&&\
- ((e)->area.y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y+(brwin)->rgeom.height))?\
- (((e)->area.y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y)?(brwin)->rgeom.y:(e)->area.y):-1);\
- \
- (wgeom)->width=((e)->area.x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x)?\
- (e)->area.width-((brwin)->rgeom.x-(e)->area.x):\
- ((e)->area.x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x+(brwin)->rgeom.width)?\
- (((brwin)->rgeom.width-(e)->area.x+(brwin)->rgeom.x<(e)->area.width)?\
- (brwin)->rgeom.width-(e)->area.x+(brwin)->rgeom.x:e->area.width):-1;\
- \
- (wgeom)->height=((e)->area.y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y)?\
- (e)->area.height-((brwin)->rgeom.y-(e)->area.y):\
- ((e)->area.y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y+(brwin)->rgeom.height)?\
- (((brwin)->rgeom.height-(e)->area.y+(brwin)->rgeom.y<(e)->area.height)?\
- (brwin)->rgeom.height-(e)->area.y+(brwin)->rgeom.y:(e)->area.height):-1;\
- \
- if((wgeom)->width>(brwin)->rgeom.width)(wgeom)->width=(brwin)->rgeom.width;\
- if((wgeom)->height>(brwin)->rgeom.height)(wgeom)->height=(brwin)->rgeom.height;\
- }\
-#define CLIP_DUMMY_POINTER_AREA(dummy_p_area,brwin,wgeom){\
- (wgeom)->x=((((dummy_p_area).x+(dummy_p_area).width>=(brwin)->rgeom.x)&&\
- ((dummy_p_area).x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x+(brwin)->rgeom.width))?\
- (((dummy_p_area).x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x)?(brwin)->rgeom.x:(dummy_p_area).x):-1);\
- (wgeom)->y=((((dummy_p_area).y+(dummy_p_area).height>=(brwin)->rgeom.y)&&\
- ((dummy_p_area).y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y+(brwin)->rgeom.height))?\
- (((dummy_p_area).y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y)?(brwin)->rgeom.y:(dummy_p_area).y):-1);\
- (wgeom)->width=((dummy_p_area).x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x)?\
- (dummy_p_area).width-((brwin)->rgeom.x-(dummy_p_area).x):\
- ((dummy_p_area).x<=(brwin)->rgeom.x+(brwin)->rgeom.width)?\
- ((brwin)->rgeom.width-(dummy_p_area).x+(brwin)->rgeom.x<(dummy_p_area).width)?\
- (brwin)->rgeom.width-(dummy_p_area).x+(brwin)->rgeom.x:(dummy_p_area).width:-1;\
- (wgeom)->height=((dummy_p_area).y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y)?\
- (dummy_p_area).height-((brwin)->rgeom.y-(dummy_p_area).y):\
- ((dummy_p_area).y<=(brwin)->rgeom.y+(brwin)->rgeom.height)?\
- ((brwin)->rgeom.height-(dummy_p_area).y+(brwin)->rgeom.y<(dummy_p_area).height)?\
- (brwin)->rgeom.height-(dummy_p_area).y+(brwin)->rgeom.y:(dummy_p_area).height:-1;\
- if((wgeom)->width>(brwin)->rgeom.width)(wgeom)->width=(brwin)->rgeom.width;\
- if((wgeom)->height>(brwin)->rgeom.height)(wgeom)->height=(brwin)->rgeom.height;\
-#define DEFAULT_ARGS(args){\
- (args)->delay=0;\
- if(getenv("DISPLAY")!=NULL){\
- (args)->display=(char *)malloc(strlen(getenv("DISPLAY"))+1);\
- strcpy((args)->display,getenv("DISPLAY"));\
- }\
- else\
- (args)->display=NULL;\
- (args)->windowid=(args)->x=(args)->y\
- =(args)->width=(args)->height=(args)->quietmode\
- =(args)->nosound=(args)->full_shots=(args)->encOnTheFly\
- =(args)->zerocompression=(args)->nowmcheck\
- =(args)->overwrite=0;\
- (args)->noshared=1;\
- (args)->dropframes=(args)->nocondshared=0;\
- (args)->no_quick_subsample=1;\
- (args)->filename=(char *)malloc(8);\
- strcpy((args)->filename,"out.ogg");\
- (args)->encoding=OGG_THEORA_VORBIS;\
- (args)->cursor_color=1;\
- (args)->shared_thres=75;\
- (args)->have_dummy_cursor=0;\
- (args)->xfixes_cursor=1;\
- (args)->device=(char *)malloc(8);\
- strcpy((args)->device,"hw:0,0");\
- (args)->fps=15;\
- (args)->channels=1;\
- (args)->frequency=22050;\
- (args)->v_bitrate=45000;\
- (args)->v_quality=63;\
- (args)->s_quality=10;\
- (args)->workdir=(char *)malloc(strlen(getenv("HOME"))+1);\
- strcpy((args)->workdir,getenv("HOME"));\
-#define QUERY_DISPLAY_SPECS(display,specstruct){\
- (specstruct)->screen=DefaultScreen(display);\
- (specstruct)->width=DisplayWidth(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->height=DisplayHeight(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->root=RootWindow(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->visual=DefaultVisual(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->gc=DefaultGC(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->depth=DefaultDepth(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->bpixel=XBlackPixel(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
- (specstruct)->wpixel=XWhitePixel(display,(specstruct)->screen);\
-#define AVG_4_PIXELS(data_array,width_img,k_tm,i_tm,offset)\
- ((data_array[(k_tm*width_img+i_tm)*4+offset]+data_array[((k_tm-1)*width_img+i_tm)*4+offset]\
- +data_array[(k_tm*width_img+i_tm-1)*4+offset]+data_array[((k_tm-1)*width_img+i_tm-1)*4+offset])/4)
-#define UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_SH(yuv,data,x_tm,y_tm,width_tm,height_tm){\
- int k,i;\
- register unsigned int t_val;\
- register unsigned int *datapi=(unsigned int*)data+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width;\
- register unsigned char *yuv_y=yuv->y+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width,\
- *yuv_u=yuv->u+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *yuv_v=yuv->v+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *_yr=Yr,*_yg=Yg,*_yb=Yb,\
- *_ur=Ur,*_ug=Ug,*_ub=Ub,\
- *_vr=Vr,*_vg=Vg,*_vb=Vb;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k++){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i++){\
- t_val=*datapi;\
- *yuv_y=_yr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _yg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _yb[__BVALUE(t_val)] ;\
- datapi++;\
- yuv_y++;\
- }\
- yuv_y+=yuv->y_width-width_tm;\
- datapi+=yuv->y_width-width_tm;\
- }\
- datapi=(unsigned int*)data+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k+=2){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i+=2){\
- t_val=*datapi;\
- *yuv_u=\
- _ur[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _ug[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _ub[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- *yuv_v=\
- _vr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _vg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _vb[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- datapi+=2;\
- yuv_u++;\
- yuv_v++;\
- }\
- yuv_u+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- yuv_v+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- datapi+=(2*yuv->y_width-width_tm);\
- }\
-#define UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_SH_AVG(yuv,data,x_tm,y_tm,width_tm,height_tm){\
- int k,i;\
- register unsigned int t_val,t1,t2,t3,t4;\
- register unsigned int *datapi=(unsigned int*)data+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width,\
- *datapi_next=(unsigned int*)data+x_tm+(y_tm+1)*yuv->y_width;\
- register unsigned char *yuv_y=yuv->y+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width,\
- *yuv_u=yuv->u+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *yuv_v=yuv->v+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *_yr=Yr,*_yg=Yg,*_yb=Yb,\
- *_ur=Ur,*_ug=Ug,*_ub=Ub,\
- *_vr=Vr,*_vg=Vg,*_vb=Vb;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k++){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i++){\
- t_val=*datapi;\
- *yuv_y=_yr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _yg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _yb[__BVALUE(t_val)] ;\
- datapi++;\
- yuv_y++;\
- }\
- yuv_y+=yuv->y_width-width_tm;\
- datapi+=yuv->y_width-width_tm;\
- }\
- datapi=(unsigned int*)data+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k+=2){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i+=2){\
- t1=*datapi;\
- t2=*(datapi+1);\
- t3=*datapi_next;\
- t4=*(datapi_next+1);\
- t_val=((((t1&0xff000000) +(t2&0xff000000)+\
- (t3&0xff000000)+(t4&0xff000000))/4)&0xff000000) \
- +((((t1&0x00ff0000) +(t2&0x00ff0000)+\
- (t3&0x00ff0000)+(t4&0x00ff0000))/4)&0x00ff0000)\
- +((((t1&0x0000ff00) +(t2&0x0000ff00)+\
- (t3&0x0000ff00)+(t4&0x0000ff00))/4)&0x0000ff00)\
- +((((t1&0x000000ff) +(t2&0x000000ff)+\
- (t3&0x000000ff)+(t4&0x000000ff))/4)&0x000000ff);\
- *yuv_u=\
- _ur[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _ug[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _ub[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- *yuv_v=\
- _vr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _vg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _vb[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- datapi+=2;\
- datapi_next+=2;\
- yuv_u++;\
- yuv_v++;\
- }\
- yuv_u+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- yuv_v+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- datapi+=(2*yuv->y_width-width_tm);\
- datapi_next+=(2*yuv->y_width-width_tm);\
- }\
-#define UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM(yuv,data,x_tm,y_tm,width_tm,height_tm){\
- int k,i;\
- register unsigned int t_val;\
- register unsigned int *datapi=(unsigned int*)data;\
- register unsigned char *yuv_y=yuv->y+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width,\
- *yuv_u=yuv->u+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *yuv_v=yuv->v+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *_yr=Yr,*_yg=Yg,*_yb=Yb,\
- *_ur=Ur,*_ug=Ug,*_ub=Ub,\
- *_vr=Vr,*_vg=Vg,*_vb=Vb;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k++){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i++){\
- t_val=*datapi;\
- *yuv_y=_yr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _yg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _yb[__BVALUE(t_val)] ;\
- datapi++;\
- yuv_y++;\
- }\
- yuv_y+=yuv->y_width-width_tm;\
- }\
- datapi=(unsigned int*)data;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k+=2){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i+=2){\
- t_val=*datapi;\
- *yuv_u=\
- _ur[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _ug[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _ub[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- *yuv_v=\
- _vr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _vg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _vb[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- datapi+=2;\
- yuv_u++;\
- yuv_v++;\
- }\
- yuv_u+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- yuv_v+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- datapi+=width_tm;\
- }\
-#define UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM_AVG(yuv,data,x_tm,y_tm,width_tm,height_tm){\
- int k,i;\
- register unsigned int t_val,t1,t2,t3,t4;\
- register unsigned int *datapi=(unsigned int*)data,\
- *datapi_next=(unsigned int*)data+width_tm;\
- register unsigned char *yuv_y=yuv->y+x_tm+y_tm*yuv->y_width,\
- *yuv_u=yuv->u+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *yuv_v=yuv->v+x_tm/2+(y_tm*yuv->uv_width)/2,\
- *_yr=Yr,*_yg=Yg,*_yb=Yb,\
- *_ur=Ur,*_ug=Ug,*_ub=Ub,\
- *_vr=Vr,*_vg=Vg,*_vb=Vb;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k++){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i++){\
- t_val=*datapi;\
- *yuv_y=_yr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _yg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _yb[__BVALUE(t_val)] ;\
- datapi++;\
- yuv_y++;\
- }\
- yuv_y+=yuv->y_width-width_tm;\
- }\
- datapi=(unsigned int*)data;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k+=2){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i+=2){\
- t1=*datapi;\
- t2=*(datapi+1);\
- t3=*datapi_next;\
- t4=*(datapi_next+1);\
- t_val=((((t1&0xff000000) +(t2&0xff000000)+\
- (t3&0xff000000)+(t4&0xff000000))/4)&0xff000000) \
- +((((t1&0x00ff0000) +(t2&0x00ff0000)+\
- (t3&0x00ff0000)+(t4&0x00ff0000))/4)&0x00ff0000)\
- +((((t1&0x0000ff00) +(t2&0x0000ff00)+\
- (t3&0x0000ff00)+(t4&0x0000ff00))/4)&0x0000ff00)\
- +((((t1&0x000000ff) +(t2&0x000000ff)+\
- (t3&0x000000ff)+(t4&0x000000ff))/4)&0x000000ff);\
- *yuv_u=\
- _ur[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _ug[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _ub[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- *yuv_v=\
- _vr[__RVALUE(t_val)] + _vg[__GVALUE(t_val)] + _vb[__BVALUE(t_val)];\
- datapi+=2;\
- datapi_next+=2;\
- yuv_u++;\
- yuv_v++;\
- }\
- yuv_u+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- yuv_v+=(yuv->y_width-width_tm)/2;\
- datapi+=width_tm;\
- datapi_next+=width_tm;\
- }\
-#define XFIXES_POINTER_TO_YUV(yuv,data,x_tm,y_tm,width_tm,height_tm,column_discard_stride){\
- int i,k,j=0;\
- unsigned char avg0,avg1,avg2,avg3;\
- int x_2=x_tm/2,y_2=y_tm/2;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k++){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i++){\
- yuv->y[x_tm+i+(k+y_tm)*yuv->y_width]=\
- (yuv->y[x_tm+i+(k+y_tm)*yuv->y_width]*(UCHAR_MAX-data[(j*4)+__ABYTE])+\
- (Yr[data[(j*4)+__RBYTE]] + Yg[data[(j*4)+__GBYTE]] + Yb[data[(j*4)+__BBYTE]])*data[(j*4)+__ABYTE])/UCHAR_MAX ;\
- if((k%2)&&(i%2)){\
- avg3=AVG_4_PIXELS(data,(width_tm+column_discard_stride),k,i,__ABYTE);\
- avg2=AVG_4_PIXELS(data,(width_tm+column_discard_stride),k,i,__RBYTE);\
- avg1=AVG_4_PIXELS(data,(width_tm+column_discard_stride),k,i,__GBYTE);\
- avg0=AVG_4_PIXELS(data,(width_tm+column_discard_stride),k,i,__BBYTE);\
- yuv->u[x_2+i/2+(k/2+y_2)*yuv->uv_width]=\
- (yuv->u[x_2+i/2+(k/2+y_2)*yuv->uv_width]*(UCHAR_MAX-avg3)+\
- (Ur[avg2] + Ug[avg1] +Ub[avg0])*avg3)/UCHAR_MAX;\
- yuv->v[x_2+i/2+(k/2+y_2)*yuv->uv_width]=\
- (yuv->v[x_2+i/2+(k/2+y_2)*yuv->uv_width]*(UCHAR_MAX-avg3)+\
- (Vr[avg2] + Vg[avg1] +Vb[avg0])*avg3)/UCHAR_MAX;\
- }\
- j++;\
- }\
- j+=column_discard_stride;\
- }\
-#define DUMMY_POINTER_TO_YUV(yuv,data_tm,x_tm,y_tm,width_tm,height_tm,no_pixel){\
- int i,k,j=0;\
- int x_2=x_tm/2,y_2=y_tm/2,y_width_2=(yuv)->y_width/2;\
- for(k=0;k<height_tm;k++){\
- for(i=0;i<width_tm;i++){\
- if(data_tm[(j*4)]!=(no_pixel)){\
- (yuv)->y[x_tm+i+(k+y_tm)*(yuv)->y_width]=Yr[data_tm[(j*4)+__RBYTE]] + Yg[data_tm[(j*4)+__GBYTE]] + Yb[data_tm[(j*4)+__BBYTE]];\
- if((k%2)&&(i%2)){\
- yuv->u[x_2+i/2+(k/2+y_2)*y_width_2]=Ur[data_tm[(k*width_tm+i)*4+__RBYTE]] + Ug[data_tm[(k*width_tm+i)*4+__GBYTE]] + Ub[data_tm[(k*width_tm+i)*4+__BBYTE]];\
- yuv->v[x_2+i/2+(k/2+y_2)*y_width_2]=Vr[data_tm[(k*width_tm+i)*4+__RBYTE]] + Vg[data_tm[(k*width_tm+i)*4+__GBYTE]] + Vb[data_tm[(k*width_tm+i)*4+__BBYTE]] ;\
- }\
- }\
- j++;\
- }\
- j+=16-width_tm;\
- }\
-#define I16TOA(number,buffer){\
- int t_num=(number),k=0,i=0;\
- char *t_buf=malloc(8);\
- t_num=t_num&((2<<15)-1);\
- while(t_num>0){\
- int digit=t_num%10;\
- t_buf[k]=digit+48;\
- t_num-=digit;\
- t_num/=10;\
- k++;\
- }\
- while(k>0)\
- (buffer)[i++]=t_buf[--k];\
- (buffer)[i]='\0';\
- free(t_buf);\
-#define INIT_FRAME(frame_t,fheader_t,yuv_t){\
- (frame_t)->header=(fheader_t);\
- (frame_t)->YBlocks=malloc(256);\
- (frame_t)->UBlocks=malloc(64);\
- (frame_t)->VBlocks=malloc(64);\
- (frame_t)->YData=malloc((yuv_t)->y_width*(yuv_t)->y_height);\
- (frame_t)->UData=malloc((yuv_t)->uv_width*(yuv_t)->uv_height);\
- (frame_t)->VData=malloc((yuv_t)->uv_width*(yuv_t)->uv_height);\
-#define CLEAR_FRAME(frame_t){\
- free((frame_t)->YBlocks);\
- free((frame_t)->UBlocks);\
- free((frame_t)->VBlocks);\
- free((frame_t)->YData);\
- free((frame_t)->UData);\
- free((frame_t)->VData);\
-/**Function prototypes*/
-void *PollDamage(void *pdata);
-void *GetFrame(void *pdata);
-void *EncodeImageBuffer(void *pdata);
-void *FlushToOgg(void *pdata);
-void UpdateYUVBuffer(yuv_buffer *yuv,unsigned char *data,int x,int y,int width,int height);
-void ClearList(RectArea **root);
-int RectInsert(RectArea **root,WGeometry *wgeom);
-int CollideRects(WGeometry *wgeom1,WGeometry *wgeom2,WGeometry **wgeom_return,int *ngeoms);
-void SetExpired(int signum);
-void RegisterCallbacks(ProgArgs *args);
-void UpdateImage(Display * dpy,yuv_buffer *yuv,pthread_mutex_t *yuv_mutex,DisplaySpecs *specs,RectArea **root,BRWindow *brwin,EncData *enc,char *datatemp,int noshmem,int no_quick_subsample);
-int GetZPixmap(Display *dpy,Window root,char *data,int x,int y,int width,int height);
-int ParseArgs(int argc,char **argv,ProgArgs *arg_return);
-void QueryExtensions(Display *dpy,ProgArgs *args,int *damage_event,int *damage_error);
-int SetBRWindow(Display *dpy,BRWindow *brwin,DisplaySpecs *specs,ProgArgs *args);
-unsigned char *MakeDummyPointer(DisplaySpecs *specs,int size,int color,int type,unsigned char *npxl);
-void *CaptureSound(void *pdata);
-void *EncodeSoundBuffer(void *pdata);
-snd_pcm_t *OpenDev(const char *pcm_dev,unsigned int *channels,unsigned int *frequency,snd_pcm_uframes_t *periodsize,unsigned int *periodtime,int *hardpause);
-void InitEncoder(ProgData *pdata,EncData *enc_data_t,int buffer_ready);
-void MakeMatrices();
-void SizePack2_8_16(int *start,int *size,int limit);
-void *CacheImageBuffer(void *pdata);
-void InitCacheData(ProgData *pdata,EncData *enc_data_t,CacheData *cache_data_t);
-void *CacheSoundBuffer(void *pdata);
-void *LoadCache(void *pdata);
-void SyncEncodeImageBuffer(ProgData *pdata);
-void CancelTimer(void);
-void SyncEncodeSoundBuffer(ProgData *pdata,signed char *buff);
-char *rmdWMCheck(Display *dpy,Window root);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/ b/rMD-exp/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5fa847..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-bin_PROGRAMS = recordmydesktop
-recordmydesktop_SOURCES= recordmydesktop.c\
- getzpixmap.c\
- parseargs.c\
- rectinsert.c\
- setbrwindow.c\
- queryextensions.c\
- register_callbacks.c\
- get_frame.c\
- update_image.c\
- poll_damage.c\
- encode_image_buffer.c\
- bgr_to_yuv.c\
- flush_to_ogg.c\
- make_dummy_pointer.c\
- opendev.c\
- capture_sound.c\
- encode_sound_buffer.c\
- init_encoder.c\
- cache_frame.c\
- cache_audio.c\
- rmd_cache.c\
- load_cache.c\
- wm_check.c
-INCLUDES= $(all_includes) -I../include
-recordmydesktop_LDFLAGS = @X_LIBS@ @X_EXTRA_LIBS@ @X_PRE_LIBS@
-recordmydesktop_CFLAGS = -D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread -Wall
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/bgr_to_yuv.c b/rMD-exp/src/bgr_to_yuv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f775e2..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/bgr_to_yuv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void MakeMatrices(){
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Yr[i]=(2104.0*i)/8192.0+8.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Yg[i]=(4130.0*i)/8192.0+8.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Yb[i]=(802.0*i)/8192.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Ur[i]=37.8-(1204.0*i)/8192.0+8.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Ug[i]=74.2-(2384.0*i)/8192.0+8.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Ub[i]=(3598.0*i)/8192.0 ;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Vr[i]=(3598.0*i)/8192.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Vg[i]=93.8-(3013.0*i)/8192.0+8.0;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- Vb[i]=18.2-(585.0*i)/8192.0+8.0;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/cache_audio.c b/rMD-exp/src/cache_audio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b17d7b..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/cache_audio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *CacheSoundBuffer(void *pdata){
-//We are simply going to throw sound on the disk.
-//It's sound is tiny compared to that of image, so
-//compressing would reducethe overall size by only an
-//insignificant fraction.
- pthread_mutex_t smut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&smut,NULL);
- while((((ProgData *)pdata)->running)){
- SndBuffer *buff;
- if(Paused){
- pthread_mutex_t tmut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&tmut,NULL);
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&tmut);
- }
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer==NULL)
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_data_read,&smut);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer_mutex);
- buff=((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer;
- //advance the list
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer=((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer_mutex);
- fwrite(buff->data,((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize,1,((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->afp);
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->avd-=((ProgData *)pdata)->periodtime;
- free(buff->data);
- free(buff);
- }
- fclose(((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->afp);
- pthread_exit(&errno);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/cache_frame.c b/rMD-exp/src/cache_frame.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c100505..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/cache_frame.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-int CompareBlocks(unsigned char *incoming,unsigned char *old,int blockno,int width, int height,int divisor){
- int j,i,
- block_i=blockno/divisor,//place on the grid
- block_k=blockno%divisor;
- register unsigned char *incoming_reg=&(incoming[block_i*(width*height/divisor)+block_k*width/divisor]),
- *old_reg=&(old[block_i*(width*height/divisor)+block_k*width/divisor]);
- for(j=0;j<height/divisor;j++){
- for(i=0;i<width/divisor;i++){
- if((*(incoming_reg++))!=(*(old_reg++)))
- return 1;
- }
- incoming_reg+=(width-width/divisor);
- old_reg+=(width-width/divisor);
- }
- return 0;
-void FlushBlock(unsigned char *buf,int blockno,int width, int height,int divisor,gzFile *fp){
- int j,
- block_i=blockno/divisor,//place on the grid
- block_k=blockno%divisor;
- register unsigned char *buf_reg=(&buf[block_i*(width*height/divisor)+block_k*width/divisor]);
- for(j=0;j<height/divisor;j++){//we flush in rows
- gzwrite(fp,(void *)buf_reg,width/divisor);
- buf_reg+=width;
- }
-void *CacheImageBuffer(void *pdata){
- pthread_mutex_t pmut,imut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&pmut,NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&imut,NULL);
- yuv_buffer yuv[2];
- gzFile *fp=((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->ifp;
- if(fp==NULL)exit(13);
- int i,current=0,divisor=16,firstrun=1,frameno=0;
- for(i=0;i<2;i++){
- yuv[i].y_width=((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.y_width;
- yuv[i].y_height=((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.y_height;
- yuv[i].uv_width=((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.uv_width;
- yuv[i].uv_height=((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.uv_height;
- yuv[i].y=(unsigned char *)malloc(yuv[i].y_width*yuv[i].y_height);
- yuv[i].u=(unsigned char *)malloc(yuv[i].uv_width*yuv[i].uv_height);
- yuv[i].v=(unsigned char *)malloc(yuv[i].uv_width*yuv[i].uv_height);
- }
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- int prev;
- int j;
- unsigned short ynum,unum,vnum;
- unsigned char yblocks[256],ublocks[64],vblocks[64];
- FrameHeader fheader;
- ynum=unum=vnum=0;
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->image_buffer_ready,&imut);
- if(Paused)
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&pmut);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- //rotate buffers
- prev=current;
- current=(current)?0:1;
- //copy incoming
- memcpy(yuv[current].y,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.y,yuv[current].y_width*yuv[current].y_height);
- memcpy(yuv[current].u,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.u,yuv[current].uv_width*yuv[current].uv_height);
- memcpy(yuv[current].v,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv.v,yuv[current].uv_width*yuv[current].uv_height);
- //release main buffer
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- //get checksums for new
- //find and flush different blocks
- if(firstrun){
- firstrun=0;
- for(j=0;j<pow(divisor,2);j++){
- ynum++;
- yblocks[ynum-1]=j;
- }
- for(j=0;j<pow(divisor/2,2);j++){
- unum++;
- ublocks[unum-1]=j;
- }
- for(j=0;j<pow(divisor/2,2);j++){
- vnum++;
- vblocks[vnum-1]=j;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(j=0;j<pow(divisor,2);j++){
- if(CompareBlocks(yuv[current].y,yuv[prev].y,j,yuv[current].y_width,yuv[current].y_height,divisor)){
- ynum++;
- yblocks[ynum-1]=j;
- }
- }
- for(j=0;j<pow(divisor/2,2);j++){
- if(CompareBlocks(yuv[current].u,yuv[prev].u,j,yuv[current].uv_width,yuv[current].uv_height,divisor/2)){
- unum++;
- ublocks[unum-1]=j;
- }
- }
- for(j=0;j<pow(divisor/2,2);j++){
- if(CompareBlocks(yuv[current].v,yuv[prev].v,j,yuv[current].uv_width,yuv[current].uv_height,divisor/2)){
- vnum++;
- vblocks[vnum-1]=j;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.zerocompression){
- if(ynum+unum+vnum>(pow(divisor,2)+pow(divisor/2,2)*2)/10)
- gzsetparams (fp,1,Z_FILTERED);
- else
- gzsetparams (fp,0,Z_FILTERED);
- }
- strncpy(fheader.frame_prefix,"FRAM",4);
- fheader.frameno=++frameno;
- fheader.current_total=frames_total;
- fheader.Ynum=ynum;
- fheader.Unum=unum;
- fheader.Vnum=vnum;
- fheader.pad=0;
- gzwrite(fp,(void*)&fheader,sizeof(FrameHeader));
- //flush indexes
- if(ynum)gzwrite(fp,yblocks,ynum);
- if(unum)gzwrite(fp,ublocks,unum);
- if(vnum)gzwrite(fp,vblocks,vnum);
- //flush the blocks for each buffer
- if(ynum)
- for(j=0;j<ynum;j++)
- FlushBlock(yuv[current].y,yblocks[j],yuv[current].y_width,yuv[current].y_height,divisor,fp);
- if(unum)
- for(j=0;j<unum;j++)
- FlushBlock(yuv[current].u,ublocks[j],yuv[current].uv_width,yuv[current].uv_height,divisor/2,fp);
- if(vnum)
- for(j=0;j<vnum;j++)
- FlushBlock(yuv[current].v,vblocks[j],yuv[current].uv_width,yuv[current].uv_height,divisor/2,fp);
- /**@________________@**/
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->avd+=((ProgData *)pdata)->frametime*2*((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels;
- }
- //clean up since we're not finished
- for(i=0;i<2;i++){
- free(yuv[i].y);
- free(yuv[i].u);
- free(yuv[i].v);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Saved %d frames in a total of %d requests\n",frameno,frames_total);
- gzclose(fp);
- pthread_exit(&errno);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/capture_sound.c b/rMD-exp/src/capture_sound.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bda596..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/capture_sound.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *CaptureSound(void *pdata){
- int frames=((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize>>((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels;
-// fprintf(stderr,"fr %d ps %d\n",frames,((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize);fflush(stderr);
- pthread_mutex_t pmut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&pmut,NULL);
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer=NULL;
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- int sret=0;
- SndBuffer *newbuf,*tmp;
- if(Paused){
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->hard_pause){
- snd_pcm_pause(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle,1);
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&pmut);
- snd_pcm_pause(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle,0);
- }
- else{//device doesn't support pause(is this the norm?mine doesn't)
- snd_pcm_close(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle);
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&pmut);
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle=
- OpenDev(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.device,
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels,
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->args.frequency,
- NULL//let's hope that the device capabilities didn't magically change
- );
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't reopen sound device.Exiting\n");
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->running=0;
- errno=3;
- pthread_exit(&errno);
- }
- }
- }
- //create new buffer
- newbuf=(SndBuffer *)malloc(sizeof(SndBuffer *));
- newbuf->data=(signed char *)malloc(((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize);
- newbuf->next=NULL;
- //read data into new buffer
- while(sret<frames){
- int temp_sret=snd_pcm_readi(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle,
- newbuf->data+2*((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels*sret,
- frames-sret);
- if(temp_sret==-EPIPE)
- snd_pcm_prepare(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle);
- else if (temp_sret<0){
- fprintf(stderr,"An error occured while reading sound data:\n %s\n",snd_strerror(temp_sret));
- snd_pcm_prepare(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle);
- }
- else
- sret+=temp_sret;
- }
- //queue the new buffer
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer_mutex);
- tmp=((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer;
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer==NULL)
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer=newbuf;
- else{
- while(tmp->next!=NULL)
- tmp=tmp->next;
- tmp->next=newbuf;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer_mutex);
- //signal that there are data to be proccessed
- pthread_cond_signal(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_data_read);
- }
- snd_pcm_close(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_handle);
- pthread_exit(&errno);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/encode_image_buffer.c b/rMD-exp/src/encode_image_buffer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff9629..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/encode_image_buffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *EncodeImageBuffer(void *pdata){
- pthread_mutex_t pmut,imut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&pmut,NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&imut,NULL);
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->image_buffer_ready,&imut);
- encoder_busy=1;
- if(Paused)
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&pmut);//this may not be needed
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- if(theora_encode_YUVin(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_th_st,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Encoder not ready!\n");
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- }
- else{
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- if(theora_encode_packetout(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_th_st,0,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt1)==1){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_ts,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt1);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->avd+=((ProgData *)pdata)->frametime*2*((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels;
- }
- }
- encoder_busy=0;
- }
- //last packet
- if(theora_encode_YUVin(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_th_st,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Encoder not ready!\n");
- }
- theora_encode_packetout(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_th_st,1,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt1);
-// ogg_stream_packetin(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_ts,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt);
- pthread_exit(&errno);
-//this function is meant to be called normally
-//not through a thread of it's own
-void SyncEncodeImageBuffer(ProgData *pdata){
- if(theora_encode_YUVin(&pdata->enc_data->m_th_st,
- &pdata->enc_data->yuv)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Encoder not ready!\n");
- }
- else{
- if(theora_encode_packetout(&pdata->enc_data->m_th_st,0,
- &pdata->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt1)==1){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pdata->libogg_mutex);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&pdata->enc_data->m_ogg_ts,
- &pdata->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt1);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pdata->libogg_mutex);
- pdata->avd+=pdata->frametime*2*pdata->args.channels;
- }
- }
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/encode_sound_buffer.c b/rMD-exp/src/encode_sound_buffer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f6d48..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/encode_sound_buffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *EncodeSoundBuffer(void *pdata){
- int sampread=((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize/(2*((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels);
- pthread_mutex_t smut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&smut,NULL);
- while((((ProgData *)pdata)->running)){
- float **vorbis_buffer;
- int count=0,i,j;
- SndBuffer *buff;
- if(Paused){
- pthread_mutex_t tmut;
- pthread_mutex_init(&tmut,NULL);
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&tmut);
- }
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer==NULL)
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_data_read,&smut);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer_mutex);
- buff=((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer;
- //advance the list
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer=((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->sound_buffer_mutex);
- vorbis_buffer=vorbis_analysis_buffer(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,sampread);
- for(i=0;i<sampread;i++){
- for(j=0;j<((ProgData *)pdata)->args.channels;j++){
- vorbis_buffer[j][i]=((buff->data[count+1]<<8)|
- (0x00ff&(int)buff->data[count]))/32768.f;
- count+=2;
- }
- }
- vorbis_analysis_wrote(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,sampread);
- while(vorbis_analysis_blockout(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_block)==1){
- vorbis_analysis(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_block,NULL);
- vorbis_bitrate_addblock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_block);
- while(vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt2)){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_vs,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt2);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- }
- }
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->avd-=((ProgData *)pdata)->periodtime;
- free(buff->data);
- free(buff);
- }
- vorbis_analysis_wrote(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,0);
-// while(vorbis_analysis_blockout(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_block)==1){
-// vorbis_analysis(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_block,NULL);
-// vorbis_bitrate_addblock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_block);
-// while(vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt2))
-// ogg_stream_packetin(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_vs,&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt2);
-// }
- pthread_exit(&errno);
-void SyncEncodeSoundBuffer(ProgData *pdata,signed char *buff){
- float **vorbis_buffer;
- int count=0,i,j;
- int sampread=pdata->periodsize/(2*pdata->args.channels);
- vorbis_buffer=vorbis_analysis_buffer(&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,sampread);
- for(i=0;i<sampread;i++){
- for(j=0;j<pdata->args.channels;j++){
- vorbis_buffer[j][i]=((buff[count+1]<<8)|
- (0x00ff&(int)buff[count]))/32768.f;
- count+=2;
- }
- }
- vorbis_analysis_wrote(&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,sampread);
- while(vorbis_analysis_blockout(&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_block)==1){
- vorbis_analysis(&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_block,NULL);
- vorbis_bitrate_addblock(&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_block);
- while(vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&pdata->enc_data->m_vo_dsp,&pdata->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt2)){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pdata->libogg_mutex);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&pdata->enc_data->m_ogg_vs,&pdata->enc_data->m_ogg_pckt2);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pdata->libogg_mutex);
- }
- }
- pdata->avd-=pdata->periodtime;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/flush_to_ogg.c b/rMD-exp/src/flush_to_ogg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fed07c5..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/flush_to_ogg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *FlushToOgg(void *pdata){
- int videoflag=0,audioflag=0;
- double video_bytesout=0,audio_bytesout=0;
- ogg_page videopage,audiopage;
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- videoflag=ogg_stream_pageout(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_ts,&videopage);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- if(videoflag){
- video_bytesout+=fwrite(videopage.header,1,videopage.header_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- video_bytesout+=fwrite(videopage.body,1,videopage.body_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- videoflag=0;
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nosound){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- audioflag=ogg_stream_pageout(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_vs,&audiopage);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->libogg_mutex);
- if(audioflag){
- audio_bytesout+=fwrite(audiopage.header,1,audiopage.header_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- audio_bytesout+=fwrite(audiopage.body,1,audiopage.body_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- audioflag=0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- usleep(10000);
- }
- //last packages
- videoflag=ogg_stream_flush(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_ts,&videopage);
- if(videoflag){
- video_bytesout+=fwrite(videopage.header,1,videopage.header_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- video_bytesout+=fwrite(videopage.body,1,videopage.body_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- videoflag=0;
- }
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nosound)
- audioflag=ogg_stream_flush(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_vs,&audiopage);
- if(audioflag){
- audio_bytesout+=fwrite(audiopage.header,1,audiopage.header_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- audio_bytesout+=fwrite(audiopage.body,1,audiopage.body_len,((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- audioflag=0;
- }
- ogg_stream_clear(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_ts);
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nosound)
- ogg_stream_clear(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_ogg_vs);
-//this always gives me a segfault :(
-// theora_clear(&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->m_th_st);
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp)fclose(((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->fp);
- fprintf(stderr,"\r \nDone.\nWritten %.0f bytes\n(%.0f of which were video data and %.0f audio data)\n\n",video_bytesout+audio_bytesout,video_bytesout,audio_bytesout);
- pthread_exit(&errno);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/get_frame.c b/rMD-exp/src/get_frame.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b1da1fe..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/get_frame.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *GetFrame(void *pdata){
- int tlist_sel=0;
- pthread_mutex_t pmut,tmut;
- uint msk_ret;
- WGeometry mouse_pos_abs,mouse_pos_rel,mouse_pos_temp;
- Window root_ret,child_ret;
- int pixel_total=((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width*((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height;
- XFixesCursorImage *xcim=NULL;
- mouse_pos_abs.x=mouse_pos_temp.x=0;
- mouse_pos_abs.y=mouse_pos_temp.y=0;
- mouse_pos_abs.width=mouse_pos_temp.width=((ProgData *)pdata)->dummy_p_size;
- mouse_pos_abs.height=mouse_pos_temp.height=((ProgData *)pdata)->dummy_p_size;
- pthread_mutex_init(&pmut,NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&tmut,NULL);
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- //if we are left behind we must not wait.
- //also before actually pausing we must make sure the streams
- //are synced. sound stops so this should only happen quickly.
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->avd>0){
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->time_cond,&tmut);
- if(Paused){
- pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&pmut);
- }
- }
- capture_busy=1;
- /*pthread_cond_wait(&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond,&((ProgData *)pdata)->pause_cond_mutex);*/
- //mutexes and lists with changes are useless when full_shots is enabled
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.full_shots){
- tlist_sel=((ProgData *)pdata)->list_selector;
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->list_selector=((((ProgData *)pdata)->list_selector+1)%2);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->list_mutex[tlist_sel]);
- }
- //here we measure the list and decide which way we will go
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nocondshared){
- int level=0;
- RectArea *temp=((ProgData *)pdata)->rect_root[tlist_sel];
- if(temp!=NULL){
- do{
- level+=temp->geom.width*temp->geom.height;
- temp=temp->next;
- }while(temp!=NULL);
- level*=100;
- level/=pixel_total;
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->args.noshared=(level<((ProgData *)pdata)->args.shared_thres);
-// if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.noshared){
-// fprintf(stderr,"shared screenshot with %d\n",level);
-// }
- }
- }
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.xfixes_cursor){
- //xfixes pointer sequence
- //update previous_position
- //(if full_shots is enabled this is skipped since it's pointless)
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.full_shots){
- CLIP_DUMMY_POINTER_AREA(mouse_pos_abs,&((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin,&mouse_pos_temp);
- if((mouse_pos_temp.x>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.y>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.width>0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.height>0))
- RectInsert(&((ProgData *)pdata)->rect_root[tlist_sel],&mouse_pos_temp);
- }
- xcim=XFixesGetCursorImage(((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy);
- mouse_pos_abs.x=xcim->x;
- mouse_pos_abs.y=xcim->y;
- mouse_pos_abs.width=xcim->width;
- mouse_pos_abs.height=xcim->height;
- }
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.have_dummy_cursor){
- //dummy pointer sequence
- //update previous_position
- //(if full_shots is enabled this is skipped since it's pointless)
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.full_shots){
- CLIP_DUMMY_POINTER_AREA(mouse_pos_abs,&((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin,&mouse_pos_temp);
- if((mouse_pos_temp.x>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.y>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.width>0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.height>0))
- RectInsert(&((ProgData *)pdata)->rect_root[tlist_sel],&mouse_pos_temp);
- }
- //find new one
- XQueryPointer(((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.root,
- &root_ret,&child_ret,
- &mouse_pos_abs.x,&mouse_pos_abs.y,
- &mouse_pos_rel.x,&mouse_pos_rel.y,&msk_ret);
- }
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.noshared)
- XShmGetImage(((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.root,((ProgData *)pdata)->shimage,(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.x),(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.y),AllPlanes);
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.full_shots)
- UpdateImage(((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv,
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex,
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->specs,
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->rect_root[tlist_sel],
- &((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data,
- ((((ProgData *)pdata)->args.noshared)?(((ProgData *)pdata)->datatemp):((ProgData *)pdata)->shimage->data),
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->args.noshared,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->args.no_quick_subsample);
- else{
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.noshared){
- GetZPixmap( ((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.root,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->image->data,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.x,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.y,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.no_quick_subsample){
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM_AVG((&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)((ProgData *)pdata)->image->data),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->x_offset),(((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->y_offset),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width),(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- else{
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM((&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)((ProgData *)pdata)->image->data),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->x_offset),(((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->y_offset),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width),(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- }
- else{
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.no_quick_subsample){
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM_AVG((&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)((ProgData *)pdata)->shimage->data),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->x_offset),(((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->y_offset),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width),(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- else{
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM((&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)((ProgData *)pdata)->shimage->data),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->x_offset),(((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->y_offset),
- (((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width),(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->yuv_mutex);
- }
- }
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.xfixes_cursor){
- //avoid segfaults
- CLIP_DUMMY_POINTER_AREA(mouse_pos_abs,&((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin,&mouse_pos_temp);
- //draw the cursor
- if((mouse_pos_temp.x>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.y>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.width>0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.height>0)){
- XFIXES_POINTER_TO_YUV((&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)xcim->pixels),
- (mouse_pos_temp.x-((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.x+((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->x_offset),
- (mouse_pos_temp.y-((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.y+((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->y_offset),
- mouse_pos_temp.width,
- mouse_pos_temp.height,
- (xcim->width-mouse_pos_temp.width));
- }
- XFree(xcim);
- xcim=NULL;
- }
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->args.have_dummy_cursor){
- //avoid segfaults
- CLIP_DUMMY_POINTER_AREA(mouse_pos_abs,&((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin,&mouse_pos_temp);
- //draw the cursor
- if((mouse_pos_temp.x>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.y>=0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.width>0)&&(mouse_pos_temp.height>0)){
- DUMMY_POINTER_TO_YUV((&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv),
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->dummy_pointer,
- (mouse_pos_temp.x-((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.x+((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->x_offset),
- (mouse_pos_temp.y-((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.rgeom.y+((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->y_offset),
- mouse_pos_temp.width,
- mouse_pos_temp.height,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->npxl);
- }
- }
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.full_shots){
- ClearList(&((ProgData *)pdata)->rect_root[tlist_sel]);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->list_mutex[tlist_sel]);
- }
- if(encoder_busy){
- frames_lost++;
- }
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&((ProgData *)pdata)->image_buffer_ready);
- capture_busy=0;
- }
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&((ProgData *)pdata)->image_buffer_ready);
- pthread_exit(&errno);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/getzpixmap.c b/rMD-exp/src/getzpixmap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a7a7de..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/getzpixmap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-int GetZPixmap(Display *dpy,Window root,char *data,int x,int y,int width,int height) {
- xGetImageReply reply;
- xGetImageReq *request;
- long nbytes;
- LockDisplay(dpy);
- GetReq(GetImage,request);
- request->drawable=root;
- request->x=x;
- request->y=y;
- request->width=width;
- request->height=height;
- request->planeMask=AllPlanes;
- request->format=ZPixmap;
- if((!_XReply(dpy,(xReply *)&reply,0,xFalse))||(!reply.length)){
- UnlockDisplay(dpy);
- SyncHandle();
- return 1;
- }
- nbytes=(long)reply.length<<2;
- _XReadPad(dpy,data,nbytes);
- UnlockDisplay(dpy);
- SyncHandle();
- return 0;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/init_encoder.c b/rMD-exp/src/init_encoder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d36aa..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/init_encoder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-int IncrementalNaming(char **name){
- struct stat buff;
- char *base_name;
- int i=0;
- base_name=malloc(strlen(*name));
- strcpy(base_name,*name);
- //this will go on an endless loop if you have 65536? files with the same name
- //or it will crash and die.anyone interested in trying ?
- while (stat(*name,&buff)==0){
- //create new name
- char *tname=malloc(strlen(*name)+10);
- char numbuf[8];
- strcpy(tname,base_name);
- strcat(tname,".");
- I16TOA((++i),numbuf)
- strcat(tname,numbuf);
- //save new name
- free(*name);
- *name=malloc(strlen(tname)+1);
- strcpy(*name,tname);
- free(tname);
- }
- free(base_name);
- return 0;
-void InitEncoder(ProgData *pdata,EncData *enc_data_t,int buffer_ready){
- int y1,y2;
- (pdata)->enc_data=enc_data_t;
- srand(time(NULL));
- y1=rand();
- y2=rand();
- y2+=(y1==y2);
- ogg_stream_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_ts,y1);
- if(!pdata->args.nosound)
- ogg_stream_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_vs,y2);
- if(!pdata->args.overwrite)
- IncrementalNaming(&(pdata)->args.filename);
- (enc_data_t)->fp=fopen((pdata)->args.filename,"w");
- if((enc_data_t)->fp==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file %s for writting!\n",(pdata)->args.filename);
- exit(13);
- }
- theora_info_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf);
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.frame_width=(pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.frame_height=(pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width=(((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.frame_width + 15) >>4)<<4;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height=(((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.frame_height + 15) >>4)<<4;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.offset_x=(((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width-(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.frame_width)/2)&~1;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.offset_y=(((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height-(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.frame_height)/2)&~1;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.fps_numerator=((pdata)->args.fps*100.0);
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.fps_denominator=100;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.aspect_numerator=1;//(pdata)->brwin.rgeom.width;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.aspect_denominator=1;//(pdata)->brwin.rgeom.height;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.colorspace=OC_CS_UNSPECIFIED;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.pixelformat=OC_PF_420;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.target_bitrate=(pdata)->args.v_bitrate;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.quality=(pdata)->args.v_quality;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.dropframes_p=(pdata)->args.dropframes;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.quick_p=1;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.keyframe_auto_p=1;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.keyframe_frequency=64;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.keyframe_frequency_force=64;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.keyframe_data_target_bitrate=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.quality*1.5;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.keyframe_auto_threshold=80;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.keyframe_mindistance=8;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.noise_sensitivity=1;
- (enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.sharpness=2;
- theora_encode_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_st,&(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf);
- if(!pdata->args.nosound){
- int ret;
- vorbis_info_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_inf);
- ret = vorbis_encode_init_vbr(&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_inf,pdata->args.channels,pdata->args.frequency,(float)pdata->args.s_quality*0.1);
- if(ret){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error while setting up vorbis stream quality!\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- vorbis_comment_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_cmmnt);
- vorbis_analysis_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_dsp,&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_inf);
- vorbis_block_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_dsp,&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_block);
- }
- theora_encode_header(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_st,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pckt1);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_ts,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pckt1);
- if(ogg_stream_pageout(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_ts,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg)!=1){
- fprintf(stderr,"Internal Ogg library error.\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- theora_comment_init(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_cmmnt);
- theora_comment_add_tag(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_cmmnt,"recordMyDesktop",VERSION);
- theora_encode_comment(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_cmmnt,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pckt1);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_ts,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pckt1);
- theora_encode_tables(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_st,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pckt1);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_ts,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pckt1);
- if(!pdata->args.nosound){
- ogg_packet header;
- ogg_packet header_comm;
- ogg_packet header_code;
- vorbis_analysis_headerout(&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_dsp,&(enc_data_t)->m_vo_cmmnt,&header,&header_comm,&header_code);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_vs,&header);
- if(ogg_stream_pageout(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_vs,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg)!=1){
- fprintf(stderr,"Internal Ogg library error.\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_vs,&header_comm);
- ogg_stream_packetin(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_vs,&header_code);
- }
- while(1){
- int result = ogg_stream_flush(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_ts,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg);
- if(result<0){
- fprintf(stderr,"Internal Ogg library error.\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- if(result==0)break;
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- }
- if(!pdata->args.nosound){
- while(1){
- int result=ogg_stream_flush(&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_vs,&(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg);
- if(result<0){
- fprintf(stderr,"Internal Ogg library error.\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- if(result==0)break;
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.header_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- fwrite((enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body,1,(enc_data_t)->m_ogg_pg.body_len,(enc_data_t)->fp);
- }
- }
- if(!buffer_ready){
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.y=(unsigned char *)malloc((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height*(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width);
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.u=(unsigned char *)malloc((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height*(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width/4);
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.v=(unsigned char *)malloc((enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height*(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width/4);
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.y_width=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width;
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.y_height=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height;
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.y_stride=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width;
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.uv_width=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width/2;
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.uv_height=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.height/2;
- (enc_data_t)->yuv.uv_stride=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.width/2;
- (enc_data_t)->x_offset=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.offset_x;
- (enc_data_t)->y_offset=(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf.offset_y;
- }
- theora_info_clear(&(enc_data_t)->m_th_inf);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/load_cache.c b/rMD-exp/src/load_cache.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd09956..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/load_cache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void LoadBlock(unsigned char *dest,unsigned char *source,int blockno,int width, int height,int divisor){
- int j,
- block_i=blockno/divisor,//place on the grid
- block_k=blockno%divisor;
- for(j=0;j<height/divisor;j++)//we copy rows
- memcpy( &dest[block_i*(width*height/divisor)+j*width+block_k*width/divisor],
- &source[j*width/divisor],
- width/divisor);
-void *LoadCache(void *pdata){
- yuv_buffer *yuv=&((ProgData *)pdata)->enc_data->yuv;
- gzFile *ifp=((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->ifp;
- FILE *afp=((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->afp;
- FrameHeader fheader;
- CachedFrame frame;
- signed char *sound_data=(signed char *)malloc(((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize);
- int j=0,
- audio_end=0,
- extra_frames=0,//total number of duplicated frames
- missing_frames=0,//if this is found >0 current run will not load
- //a frame but it will proccess the previous
- thread_exit=0,//0 success, -1 couldn't find files,1 couldn't remove
- divisor=16,
- blockszy=0,//size of y plane block in bytes
- blockszuv=0;//size of u,v plane blocks in bytes
- //we allocate the frame that we will use
- INIT_FRAME(&frame,&fheader,yuv)
- //and the we open our files
- ifp=gzopen(((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->imgdata,"rb");
- if(ifp==NULL){
- thread_exit=-1;
- pthread_exit(&thread_exit);
- }
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nosound){
- afp=fopen(((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->audiodata,"rb");
- if(afp==NULL){
- thread_exit=-1;
- pthread_exit(&thread_exit);
- }
- }
- //these two are likely to be the same, but not guaranteed, especially on
- //low resolutions
- blockszy=(yuv->y_width*yuv->y_height )/pow(divisor,2);
- blockszuv=(yuv->uv_width*yuv->uv_height)/pow(divisor/2,2);
- //this will be used now to define if we proccess audio or video
- //on any given loop.
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->avd=0;
- //If sound finishes first,we go on with the video.
- //If video ends we will do one more run to flush audio in the ogg file
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- //video load and encoding
- if(((ProgData *)pdata)->avd<=0 || ((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nosound || audio_end){
- if(missing_frames>0){
- extra_frames++;
- missing_frames--;
- SyncEncodeImageBuffer((ProgData *)pdata);
- }
- else if(gzread(ifp,frame.header,sizeof(FrameHeader))==sizeof(FrameHeader)){
- //sync
- missing_frames+=frame.header->current_total-(extra_frames+frame.header->frameno);
- fprintf(stdout,"\r[%d%%] ",
- ((frame.header->frameno+extra_frames)*100)/frames_total);
- fflush(stdout);
- if( (frame.header->Ynum<=pow(divisor,2)) &&
- (frame.header->Unum<=pow(divisor/2,2)) &&
- (frame.header->Vnum<=pow(divisor/2,2)) &&
- (gzread(ifp,frame.YBlocks,frame.header->Ynum)==frame.header->Ynum) &&
- (gzread(ifp,frame.UBlocks,frame.header->Unum)==frame.header->Unum) &&
- (gzread(ifp,frame.VBlocks,frame.header->Vnum)==frame.header->Vnum) &&
- (gzread(ifp,frame.YData,blockszy*frame.header->Ynum)==blockszy*frame.header->Ynum) &&
- (gzread(ifp,frame.UData,(blockszuv*frame.header->Unum))==(blockszuv*frame.header->Unum)) &&
- (gzread(ifp,frame.VData,(blockszuv*frame.header->Vnum))==(blockszuv*frame.header->Vnum))){
- //load the blocks for each buffer
- if(frame.header->Ynum)
- for(j=0;j<frame.header->Ynum;j++)
- LoadBlock( yuv->y,
- &frame.YData[j*blockszy],
- frame.YBlocks[j],
- yuv->y_width,
- yuv->y_height,
- divisor);
- if(frame.header->Unum)
- for(j=0;j<frame.header->Unum;j++)
- LoadBlock( yuv->u,
- &frame.UData[j*blockszuv],
- frame.UBlocks[j],
- yuv->uv_width,
- yuv->uv_height,
- divisor/2);
- if(frame.header->Vnum)
- for(j=0;j<frame.header->Vnum;j++)
- LoadBlock( yuv->v,
- &frame.VData[j*blockszuv],
- frame.VBlocks[j],
- yuv->uv_width,
- yuv->uv_height,
- divisor/2);
- //encode. This is not made in a thread since now blocking is not a problem
- //and this way sync problems can be avoided more easily.
- SyncEncodeImageBuffer((ProgData *)pdata);
- }
- else{
- raise(SIGINT);
- continue;
- }
- }
- else{
- raise(SIGINT);
- continue;
- }
- }
- //audio load and encoding
- else{
- if(!audio_end){
- int nbytes=fread(sound_data,((ProgData *)pdata)->periodsize,1,afp);
- if(nbytes<=0)
- audio_end=1;
- else
- SyncEncodeSoundBuffer((ProgData *)pdata,sound_data);
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- CLEAR_FRAME(&frame)
- free(sound_data);
- gzclose(ifp);
- if(remove(((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->imgdata)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't remove temporary file %s",((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->imgdata);
- thread_exit=1;
- }
- if(!((ProgData *)pdata)->args.nosound){
- fclose(afp);
- if(remove(((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->audiodata)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't remove temporary file %s",((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->audiodata);
- thread_exit=1;
- }
- }
- if(remove(((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->projname)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't remove temporary directory %s",((ProgData *)pdata)->cache_data->projname);
- thread_exit=1;
- }
- pthread_exit(&thread_exit);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/make_dummy_pointer.c b/rMD-exp/src/make_dummy_pointer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a346e..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/make_dummy_pointer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-unsigned char *MakeDummyPointer(DisplaySpecs *specs,int size,int color,int type,unsigned char *npxl){
- int i,k,o='.';
- unsigned long b=(color)?'w':'b',
- w=(color)?'b':'w';
- char pmask[1][16][16]={{
- {w,w,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o},
- {w,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,w,o,o,o},
- {w,w,w,w,w,b,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,o,o,o},
- {w,w,w,w,w,w,b,b,b,b,w,w,w,o,o,o},
- {o,o,o,o,o,w,w,b,b,b,w,w,w,o,o,o},
- {o,o,o,o,o,o,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,o,o,o}}
- };
- unsigned char *ret=malloc(size*sizeof(char[size*4]));
- unsigned char wp[4]={
- ((specs->wpixel^0xff000000)>>24),
- ((specs->wpixel^0x00ff0000)>>16),
- ((specs->wpixel^0x0000ff00)>>8),
- ((specs->wpixel^0x000000ff))
- };
- unsigned char bp[4]={
- ((specs->bpixel^0xff000000)>>24),
- ((specs->bpixel^0x00ff0000)>>16),
- ((specs->bpixel^0x0000ff00)>>8),
- ((specs->bpixel^0x000000ff))
- };
- *npxl=((wp[0]-1)!=bp[0])?wp[0]-100:wp[0]-102;
- for(i=0;i<size;i++){
- for(k=0;k<size;k++){
- ret[(i*size+k)*4+__ABYTE]=(pmask[type][i][k]=='w')?wp[0]:(pmask[type][i][k]=='b')?bp[0]:*npxl;
- ret[(i*size+k)*4+__RBYTE]=(pmask[type][i][k]=='w')?wp[1]:(pmask[type][i][k]=='b')?bp[1]:*npxl;
- ret[(i*size+k)*4+__GBYTE]=(pmask[type][i][k]=='w')?wp[2]:(pmask[type][i][k]=='b')?bp[2]:*npxl;
- ret[(i*size+k)*4+__BBYTE]=(pmask[type][i][k]=='w')?wp[3]:(pmask[type][i][k]=='b')?bp[3]:*npxl;
- }
- }
- return ret;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/opendev.c b/rMD-exp/src/opendev.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb5d2b..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/opendev.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-snd_pcm_t *OpenDev(const char *pcm_dev,unsigned int *channels,unsigned int *frequency,snd_pcm_uframes_t *periodsize,unsigned int *periodtime,int *hard_pause){
- snd_pcm_t *mhandle;
- snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hwparams;
- unsigned int periods=2;
- unsigned int exactrate = *frequency;
- snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(&hwparams);
- snd_pcm_uframes_t buffsize=4096;
- if (snd_pcm_open(&mhandle, pcm_dev, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, SND_PCM_ASYNC)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open PCM device %s\n", pcm_dev);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_any(mhandle, hwparams)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't configure PCM device.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(mhandle, hwparams, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED)<0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set access.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(mhandle, hwparams, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set format.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(mhandle, hwparams, &exactrate, 0)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set frequency.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (*frequency != exactrate){
- fprintf(stderr, "Playback frequency %dHz is not available...\nUsing %dHz instead.\n",*frequency,exactrate);
- *frequency=exactrate;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels_near(mhandle, hwparams, channels)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set channels number.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if(*channels>2){
- fprintf(stderr,"Channels number should be 1(mono) or 2(stereo).\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near(mhandle, hwparams, &periods,0)<0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set periods.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- buffsize=(exactrate*(*channels))/2;
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(mhandle, hwparams,&buffsize)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set buffer size.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (snd_pcm_hw_params(mhandle, hwparams)<0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set hardware parameters.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if(hard_pause!=NULL)
- if(!snd_pcm_hw_params_can_pause(hwparams)){
-// fprintf(stderr, "Current sound device doesn't seem to support pausing!\nI will attempt to close/reopen device in case you opt to pause during recording.\n");
- *hard_pause=1;
- }
- if(periodsize!=NULL)
- snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(hwparams,periodsize,0);
- if(periodtime!=NULL)
- snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_time(hwparams,periodtime,0);
- fprintf(stderr,"Recording on device %s is set to:\n%d channels at %dHz\n",pcm_dev,*channels,*frequency);
- snd_pcm_prepare(mhandle);
- return mhandle;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/parseargs.c b/rMD-exp/src/parseargs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d20fd..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/parseargs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-int ParseArgs(int argc,char **argv,ProgArgs *arg_return){
- int i;
- char *usage="\nUsage:\n"
- "\trecordmydesktop [-h| --help| --version| -delay n[H|h|M|m]| -windowid id_of_window|\n"
- "\t-display DISPLAY| -x X| -y Y|-width N| -height N| -fps N(number>0)| --on-the-fly-encoding|\n"
- "\t -v_quality n| -s_quality n| -v_bitrate n| --no-framedrop| -dummy-cursor color|\n"
- "\t --no-cursor| -freq N(number>0)| -channels N(number>0)| -device SOUND_DEVICE|\n"
- "\t --no-sound| --with-shared| --no-cond-shared| -shared-threshold n| --full-shots|\n"
- "\t --quick-subsampling| -workdir DIR| --zero-compression| --no-wm-check| --overwite| -o filename]^filename\n\n\n"
- "General Options:\n"
- "\t-h or --help\t\tPrint this help and exit.\n"
- "\t--version\t\tPrint program version and exit.\n\n"
- "Image Options:\n"
- "\t-windowid id_of_window\tid of window to be recorded.\n"
- "\t-display DISPLAY\tDisplay to connect to.\n"
- "\t-x X\t\t\tOffset in x direction.\n"
- "\t-y Y\t\t\tOffset in y direction.\n"
- "\t-width N\t\tWidth of recorded window.\n"
- "\t-height N\t\tHeight of recorded window.\n\n"
- "\t-dummy-cursor color\tColor of the dummy cursor [black|white]\n"
- "\t--no-cursor\t\tDisable drawing of the cursor.\n"
- "\t--with-shared\t\tEnable usage of MIT-shared memory extension at all times.\n"
- "\t--no-cond-shared\tDo not use the MIT-shared memory extension when aquiring large areas.\n"
- "\t-shared-threshold n\tThreshold over which shared memory is used(default 75).\n"
- "\t--full-shots\t\tTake full screenshot at every frame(Not recomended!).\n"
- "\t--quick-subsampling\tDo subsampling of the chroma planes by discarding,not averaging.\n"
- "\t-fps N(number>0.0)\tA positive number denoting desired framerate.\n\n"
- "Sound Options:\n"
- "\t-channels N(number>0)\tA positive number denoting desired sound channels in recording.\n"
- "\t-freq N(number>0)\tA positive number denoting desired sound frequency.\n"
- "\t-device SOUND_DEVICE\tSound device(default hw0:0).\n"
- "\t--no-sound\t\tDo not record sound.\n\n"
- "Encoding Options\n"
- "\t--on-the-fly-encoding\tEncode the audio-video data, while recording.\n"
- "\t-v_quality n\t\tA number from 0 to 63 for desired encoded video quality(default 63).\n"
- "\t-v_bitrate n\t\tA number from 45000 to 2000000 for desired encoded video bitrate(default 45000).\n"
- "\t--drop-frames\t\tAllow theora encoder to drop frames.\n"
- "\t-s_quality n\t\tDesired audio quality(-1 to 10).\n\n"
- "Misc Options:\n"
- "\t--no-wm-check\tDo not try to detect the window manager(and set options according to it)\n"
- "\t--zero-compression\tImage data are always cached uncompressed.\n"
- "\t-workdir DIR\t\tLocation where a temporary directory will be created to hold project files(default $HOME).\n"
- "\t-delay n[H|h|M|m]\tNumber of secs(default),minutes or hours before capture starts(number can be float)\n"
- "\t--overwrite\t\tIf there is already a file with the same name, delete it\n"
- "\t\t\t\t(default is to add a number postfix to the new one).\n"
- "\t-o filename\t\tName of recorded video(default out.ogg).\n"
- "\n\tIf no other options are specified, filename can be given without the -o switch.\n\n\n";
- if(argc==2){
- if(argv[1][0]!='-'){
- free(arg_return->filename);
- arg_return->filename=malloc(strlen(argv[1])+1);
- strcpy(arg_return->filename,argv[1]);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- for(i=1;i<argc;i++){
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-delay")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- float num=atof(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0.0){
- int k;
- for(k=0;k<strlen(argv[i+1]);k++){
- if((argv[i+1][k]=='M')||(argv[i+1][k]=='m')){
- num*=60.0;
- break;
- }
- else if((argv[i+1][k]=='H')||(argv[i+1][k]=='h')){
- num*=3600.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- arg_return->delay=(int)num;
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -delay n[H|h|M|m]\nwhere n is a float number\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -delay n[H|h|M|m]\nwhere n is a float number\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-windowid")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- Window num=strtod(argv[i+1],NULL);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->windowid=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -windowid id_of_window(number)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -windowid id_of_window(number)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-display")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- if(arg_return->display!=NULL)
- free(arg_return->display);
- arg_return->display=malloc(strlen(argv[i+1])+1);
- strcpy(arg_return->display,argv[i+1]);
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -display DISPLAY\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-x")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->x=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -x X(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -x X(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-y")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->y=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -y Y(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -y Y(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-width")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->width=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -width N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -width N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-height")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->height=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -height N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -height N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-o")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- free(arg_return->filename);
- arg_return->filename=malloc(strlen(argv[i+1])+1);
- strcpy(arg_return->filename,argv[i+1]);
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -o filename\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-fps")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- float num=atof(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0.0)
- arg_return->fps=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -fps N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -fps N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-v_quality")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if((num>=0)&&(num<64))
- arg_return->v_quality=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -v_quality n(number 0-63)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -v_quality n(number 0-63)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-v_bitrate")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if((num>=45000)&&(num<=2000000))
- arg_return->v_bitrate=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -v_bitrate n(number 45000-2000000)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -v_bitrate n(number 45000-2000000)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-dummy-cursor")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"white"))
- arg_return->cursor_color=0;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i+1],"black"))
- arg_return->cursor_color=1;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -dummy-cursor [black|white]\n");
- return 1;
- }
- arg_return->have_dummy_cursor=1;
- arg_return->xfixes_cursor=0;
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -dummy-cursor [black|white]\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--no-cursor"))
- arg_return->xfixes_cursor=0;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-freq")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->frequency=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -freq N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -freq N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-channels")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if(num>0)
- arg_return->channels=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -channels N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -channels N(number>0)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-s_quality")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if((num>=-1)&&(num<=10))
- arg_return->s_quality=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -s_quality n(number -1 to 10)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -s_quality n(number -1 to 10)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-shared-threshold")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- int num=atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if((num>0)&&(num<100))
- arg_return->shared_thres=num;
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -shared-threshold N(0<number<100)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -shared-threshold N(0<number<100)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-device")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- free(arg_return->device);
- arg_return->device=malloc(strlen(argv[i+1])+1);
- strcpy(arg_return->device,argv[i+1]);
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -device SOUND_DEVICE\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-workdir")){
- if(i+1<argc){
- free(arg_return->workdir);
- arg_return->workdir=malloc(strlen(argv[i+1])+1);
- strcpy(arg_return->workdir,argv[i+1]);
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Argument Usage: -workdir DIR\n");
- return 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--no-sound"))
- arg_return->nosound=1;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--drop-frames"))
- arg_return->dropframes=1;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--with-shared")){
- arg_return->noshared=0;
- arg_return->nocondshared=1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--no-cond-shared"))
- arg_return->nocondshared=1;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--full-shots")){
- arg_return->full_shots=1;
- arg_return->nocondshared=1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--quick-subsampling")){
- arg_return->no_quick_subsample=0;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--on-the-fly-encoding")){
- arg_return->encOnTheFly=1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--overwrite"))
- arg_return->overwrite=1;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--no-wm-check"))
- arg_return->nowmcheck=1;
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--zero-compression")){
- arg_return->zerocompression=1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--help")||!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s",usage);
- return 1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--version")){
- fprintf(stderr,"recordMyDesktop v%s\n\n",VERSION);
- return 1;
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\tError parsing arguments.\n\tType --help or -h for usage.\n\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/poll_damage.c b/rMD-exp/src/poll_damage.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf7ee2..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/poll_damage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void *PollDamage(void *pdata){
- Window root_return,
- parent_return,
- *children;
- unsigned int i,
- nchildren,
- inserts=0;
- XEvent event;
- XSelectInput (((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.root, SubstructureNotifyMask);
- XQueryTree (((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,
- ((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.root,
- &root_return,
- &parent_return,
- &children,
- &nchildren);
- for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++){
- XWindowAttributes attribs;
- if (XGetWindowAttributes (((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,children[i],&attribs)){
- if (!attribs.override_redirect && attribs.depth==((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.depth)
- XDamageCreate (((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy, children[i],XDamageReportRawRectangles);
- }
- }
- XDamageCreate( ((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy, ((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin.windowid, XDamageReportRawRectangles);
- while(((ProgData *)pdata)->running){
- //damage polling doesn't stop,eventually full image may be needed
- //30/10/2006 : when and why did I write the above line? what did I mean?
- XNextEvent(((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,&event);
- if (event.type == MapNotify ){
- XWindowAttributes attribs;
- if (!((XMapEvent *)(&event))->override_redirect && XGetWindowAttributes (((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,
- event.xcreatewindow.window,
- &attribs)){
- if (!attribs.override_redirect && attribs.depth==((ProgData *)pdata)->specs.depth)
- XDamageCreate (((ProgData *)pdata)->dpy,event.xcreatewindow.window,XDamageReportRawRectangles);
- }
- }
- else if(event.type == ((ProgData *)pdata)->damage_event + XDamageNotify ){
- XDamageNotifyEvent *e =(XDamageNotifyEvent *)( &event );
- WGeometry wgeom;
- CLIP_EVENT_AREA(e,&(((ProgData *)pdata)->brwin),&wgeom);
- if((wgeom.x>=0)&&(wgeom.y>=0)&&(wgeom.width>0)&&(wgeom.height>0))
- {
- int tlist_sel=((ProgData *)pdata)->list_selector;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->list_mutex[tlist_sel]);
- inserts+=RectInsert(&((ProgData *)pdata)->rect_root[tlist_sel],&wgeom);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&((ProgData *)pdata)->list_mutex[tlist_sel]);
- }
- }
- }
- pthread_exit(&errno);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/queryextensions.c b/rMD-exp/src/queryextensions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b311b9..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/queryextensions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void QueryExtensions(Display *dpy,ProgArgs *args,int *damage_event,int *damage_error){
- int xf_event_basep,
- xf_error_basep;
- if(!XDamageQueryExtension( dpy, damage_event, damage_error)){
- fprintf(stderr,"XDamage extension not found!!!\n");
- exit(4);
- }
- if((!args->noshared)&&(XShmQueryExtension(dpy)==False)){
- args->noshared=1;
- fprintf(stderr,"Shared Memory extension not present!\nTry again removing the --with-shared option(if you used it)\nand add the --no-cond-shared option.\n");
- exit(5);
- }
- if((args->xfixes_cursor)&&(XFixesQueryExtension(dpy,&xf_event_basep,&xf_error_basep)==False)){
- args->xfixes_cursor=0;
- fprintf(stderr,"Xfixes extension not present!\nPlease run with the -dummy-cursor or --no-cursor option.\n");
- exit(6);
- }
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/recordmydesktop.c b/rMD-exp/src/recordmydesktop.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 77c08ce..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/recordmydesktop.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-int main(int argc,char **argv){
- ProgData pdata;
- int exit_status=0;
- if(XInitThreads ()==0){
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't initialize thread support!\n");
- exit(7);
- }
- DEFAULT_ARGS(&pdata.args);
- if(ParseArgs(argc,argv,&pdata.args)){
- exit(1);
- }
- if(pdata.args.display!=NULL)
- pdata.dpy = XOpenDisplay(pdata.args.display);
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"No display specified for connection!\n");
- exit(8);
- }
- if (pdata.dpy == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to X server %s\n",pdata.args.display);
- exit(9);
- }
- else{
- EncData enc_data;
- CacheData cache_data;
- pthread_t poll_damage_t,
- image_capture_t,
- image_encode_t,
- image_cache_t,
- sound_capture_t,
- sound_encode_t,
- sound_cache_t,
- flush_to_ogg_t,
- load_cache_t;
- XShmSegmentInfo shminfo;
- int i;
- QUERY_DISPLAY_SPECS(pdata.dpy,&pdata.specs);
- if(pdata.specs.depth!=24){
- fprintf(stderr,"Only 24bpp color depth mode is currently supported.\n");
- exit(10);
- }
- if(SetBRWindow(pdata.dpy,&pdata.brwin,&pdata.specs,&pdata.args))
- exit(11);
- //check if we are under compiz or beryl,in which case we must enable full-shots
- //and with it use of shared memory.User can override this
- pdata.window_manager=((pdata.args.nowmcheck)?NULL:rmdWMCheck(pdata.dpy,pdata.specs.root));
- if(pdata.window_manager==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Not taking window manager into account.\n");
- }
- //Right now only wm's that I know of performing 3d compositing are beryl and compiz.
- //No, the blue screen in metacity doesn't count :)
- //names can be compiz for compiz and beryl/beryl-co/beryl-core for beryl(so it's strncmp )
- else if(!strcmp(pdata.window_manager,"compiz") || !strncmp(pdata.window_manager,"beryl",5)){
- fprintf(stderr,"\nDetected 3d compositing window manager.\n"
- "Reverting to full screen capture at every frame.\n"
- "To disable this check run with --no-wm-check\n"
- "(though that is not advised, since it will probably produce faulty results).\n\n");
- pdata.args.full_shots=1;
- pdata.args.noshared=0;
- pdata.args.nocondshared=1;
- }
- QueryExtensions(pdata.dpy,&pdata.args,&pdata.damage_event, &pdata.damage_error);
- //init data
- //these are globals, look for them at the header
- frames_total=frames_lost=encoder_busy=capture_busy=0;
- fprintf(stderr,"Initializing...\n");
- MakeMatrices();
- if(pdata.args.have_dummy_cursor){
- pdata.dummy_pointer=MakeDummyPointer(&pdata.specs,16,pdata.args.cursor_color,0,&pdata.npxl);
- pdata.dummy_p_size=16;
- }
- if((pdata.args.noshared))
- pdata.datamain=(char *)malloc(pdata.brwin.nbytes);
- if(pdata.args.noshared)
- pdata.datatemp=(char *)malloc(pdata.brwin.nbytes);
- pdata.rect_root[0]=pdata.rect_root[1]=NULL;
- pthread_mutex_init(&pdata.list_mutex[0],NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&pdata.list_mutex[1],NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&pdata.sound_buffer_mutex,NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&pdata.libogg_mutex,NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init(&pdata.yuv_mutex,NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&pdata.time_cond,NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&pdata.pause_cond,NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&pdata.image_buffer_ready,NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&pdata.sound_buffer_ready,NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&pdata.sound_data_read,NULL);
- pdata.list_selector=Paused=Aborted=pdata.avd=0;
- pdata.running=1;
- time_cond=&pdata.time_cond;
- pause_cond=&pdata.pause_cond;
- Running=&pdata.running;
- if((pdata.args.noshared)){
- pdata.image=XCreateImage(pdata.dpy, pdata.specs.visual, pdata.specs.depth, ZPixmap, 0,pdata.datamain,pdata.brwin.rgeom.width,
- pdata.brwin.rgeom.height, 8, 0);
- XInitImage(pdata.image);
- GetZPixmap(pdata.dpy,pdata.specs.root,pdata.image->data,pdata.brwin.rgeom.x,pdata.brwin.rgeom.y,
- pdata.brwin.rgeom.width,pdata.brwin.rgeom.height);
- }
- if((!pdata.args.noshared)||(!pdata.args.nocondshared)){
- pdata.shimage=XShmCreateImage (pdata.dpy,pdata.specs.visual,pdata.specs.depth,ZPixmap,pdata.datash,
- &shminfo, pdata.brwin.rgeom.width,pdata.brwin.rgeom.height);
- shminfo.shmid = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE,
- pdata.shimage->bytes_per_line * pdata.shimage->height,
- IPC_CREAT|0777);
- shminfo.shmaddr = pdata.shimage->data = shmat (shminfo.shmid, 0, 0);
- shminfo.readOnly = False;
- if(!XShmAttach(pdata.dpy,&shminfo)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Failed to attach shared memory to proccess.\n");
- exit(12);
- }
- XShmGetImage(pdata.dpy,pdata.specs.root,pdata.shimage,pdata.brwin.rgeom.x,pdata.brwin.rgeom.y,AllPlanes);
- }
- if(!pdata.args.nosound){
- pdata.sound_handle=OpenDev(pdata.args.device,&pdata.args.channels,&pdata.args.frequency,&pdata.periodsize, &pdata.periodtime,&pdata.hard_pause);
- if(pdata.sound_handle==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error while opening/configuring soundcard %s\nTry running with the --no-sound or specify a correct device.\n",pdata.args.device);
- exit(3);
- }
- }
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly)
- InitEncoder(&pdata,&enc_data,0);
- else
- InitCacheData(&pdata,&enc_data,&cache_data);
- for(i=0;i<(pdata.enc_data->yuv.y_width*pdata.enc_data->yuv.y_height);i++)
- pdata.enc_data->yuv.y[i]=0;
- for(i=0;i<(pdata.enc_data->yuv.uv_width*pdata.enc_data->yuv.uv_height);i++){
- pdata.enc_data->yuv.v[i]=pdata.enc_data->yuv.u[i]=127;
- }
- if((pdata.args.nocondshared)&&(!pdata.args.noshared)){
- if(pdata.args.no_quick_subsample){
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM_AVG((&pdata.enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)pdata.shimage->data),
- (pdata.enc_data->x_offset),(pdata.enc_data->y_offset),
- (pdata.brwin.rgeom.width),(pdata.brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- else{
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM((&pdata.enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)pdata.shimage->data),
- (pdata.enc_data->x_offset),(pdata.enc_data->y_offset),
- (pdata.brwin.rgeom.width),(pdata.brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- }
- else{
- if(pdata.args.no_quick_subsample){
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM_AVG((&pdata.enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)pdata.image->data),
- (pdata.enc_data->x_offset),(pdata.enc_data->y_offset),
- (pdata.brwin.rgeom.width),(pdata.brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- else{
- UPDATE_YUV_BUFFER_IM((&pdata.enc_data->yuv),((unsigned char*)pdata.image->data),
- (pdata.enc_data->x_offset),(pdata.enc_data->y_offset),
- (pdata.brwin.rgeom.width),(pdata.brwin.rgeom.height));
- }
- }
- pdata.frametime=(1000000)/pdata.args.fps;
- if(pdata.args.delay>0){
- fprintf(stderr,"Will sleep for %d seconds now.\n",pdata.args.delay);
- sleep(pdata.args.delay);
- }
- /*start threads*/
- if(!pdata.args.full_shots)
- pthread_create(&poll_damage_t,NULL,PollDamage,(void *)&pdata);
- pthread_create(&image_capture_t,NULL,GetFrame,(void *)&pdata);
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly)
- pthread_create(&image_encode_t,NULL,EncodeImageBuffer,(void *)&pdata);
- else
- pthread_create(&image_cache_t,NULL,CacheImageBuffer,(void *)&pdata);
- if(!pdata.args.nosound){
- pthread_create(&sound_capture_t,NULL,CaptureSound,(void *)&pdata);
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly)
- pthread_create(&sound_encode_t,NULL,EncodeSoundBuffer,(void *)&pdata);
- else
- pthread_create(&sound_cache_t,NULL,CacheSoundBuffer,(void *)&pdata);
- }
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly)
- pthread_create(&flush_to_ogg_t,NULL,FlushToOgg,(void *)&pdata);
- RegisterCallbacks(&pdata.args);
- fprintf(stderr,"Capturing!\n");
- //wait all threads to finish
- pthread_join(image_capture_t,NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,"Shutting down.");
- //if no damage events have been received the thread will get stuck
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&pdata.image_buffer_ready);
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly)
- pthread_join(image_encode_t,NULL);
- else
- pthread_join(image_cache_t,NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,".");
- if(!pdata.args.nosound){
- int *snd_exit;
- pthread_join(sound_capture_t,(void *)(&snd_exit));
- fprintf(stderr,".");
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly){
- if(!(*snd_exit))
- pthread_join(sound_encode_t,NULL);
- else{
- pthread_cancel(sound_encode_t);
- exit_status=*snd_exit;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!(*snd_exit))
- pthread_join(sound_cache_t,NULL);
- else{
- pthread_cancel(sound_cache_t);
- exit_status=*snd_exit;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"..");
- if(pdata.args.encOnTheFly)
- pthread_join(flush_to_ogg_t,NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,".");
- if(!pdata.args.full_shots)
- pthread_join(poll_damage_t,NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,".");
- if((!pdata.args.noshared)||(!pdata.args.nocondshared)){
- XShmDetach (pdata.dpy, &shminfo);
- shmdt (&shminfo.shmaddr);
- shmctl (shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- //Now that we are done with recording we cancel the timer
- CancelTimer();
-/** Encoding */
- if(!pdata.args.encOnTheFly){
- if(!Aborted){
- fprintf(stderr,"Encoding started!\nThis may take several minutes.\n"
- "Pressing Ctrl-C will cancel the procedure (resuming will not be possible, but\n"
- "any portion of the video, which is already encoded won't be deleted).\n"
- "Please wait...\n");
- pdata.running=1;
- InitEncoder(&pdata,&enc_data,1);
- //load encoding and flushing threads
- if(!pdata.args.nosound){
- //before we start loading again
- //we need to free any left-overs
- while(pdata.sound_buffer!=NULL){
- free(pdata.sound_buffer->data);
- pdata.sound_buffer=pdata.sound_buffer->next;
- }
- }
- pthread_create(&flush_to_ogg_t,NULL,FlushToOgg,(void *)&pdata);
- //start loading image and audio
- pthread_create(&load_cache_t,NULL,LoadCache,(void *)&pdata);
- //join and finish
- pthread_join(load_cache_t,NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,"Encoding finished!\nWait a moment please...\n");
- pthread_join(flush_to_ogg_t,NULL);
- fprintf(stderr,"Done!!!\n");
- }
- }
- //This can happen earlier, but in some cases it might get stuck.
- //So we must make sure the recording is not wasted.
- XCloseDisplay(pdata.dpy);
- if(Aborted){
- if(remove(pdata.args.filename)){
- perror("Error while removing file:\n");
- return 1;
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"SIGABRT received,file %s removed\n",pdata.args.filename);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"Goodbye!\n");
- }
- return exit_status;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/rectinsert.c b/rMD-exp/src/rectinsert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aefeb1e..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/rectinsert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-//return 1 and null if geom1 in geom2 ,2 and null if geom2 in geom1,0 if they don't collide
-//-1 and two geoms if they collide and geom1 is broken.//-2 and one or two geoms if they collide and geom2 is broken.
-//-10 if group and replace is possible
-int CollideRects(WGeometry *wgeom1,WGeometry *wgeom2,WGeometry **wgeom_return,int *ngeoms){
- //1 fits in 2
- if((wgeom1->x>=wgeom2->x)&&
- (wgeom1->x+wgeom1->width<=wgeom2->x+wgeom2->width)&&
- (wgeom1->y>=wgeom2->y)&&
- (wgeom1->y+wgeom1->height<=wgeom2->y+wgeom2->height)){
- *ngeoms=0;
- return 1;
- }
- //2 fits in 1
- else if((wgeom2->x>=wgeom1->x)&&
- (wgeom2->x+wgeom2->width<=wgeom1->x+wgeom1->width)&&
- (wgeom2->y>=wgeom1->y)&&
- (wgeom2->y+wgeom2->height<=wgeom1->y+wgeom1->height)){
- *ngeoms=0;
- return 2;
- }
- //no collision
- else if((wgeom1->x+wgeom1->width<wgeom2->x)||
- (wgeom2->x+wgeom2->width<wgeom1->x)||
- (wgeom1->y+wgeom1->height<wgeom2->y)||
- (wgeom2->y+wgeom2->height<wgeom1->y)){
- *ngeoms=0;
- return 0;
- }
- else{
-//overlapping points are considered enclosed
-//this happens because libxdamage may generate many events for one change
-//and some of them may be in the the exact same region
-//so identical rects would be considered not colliding
-//in order though to avoid endless recursion on the RectInsert
-//function should always start at the next element(which is logical since
-//if any rect makes it to a points none of it's part collides with previous
-//nodes on the list, too)
- int x1[2]={wgeom1->x,wgeom1->x+wgeom1->width};
- int y1[2]={wgeom1->y,wgeom1->y+wgeom1->height};
- int x2[2]={wgeom2->x,wgeom2->x+wgeom2->width};
- int y2[2]={wgeom2->y,wgeom2->y+wgeom2->height};
- int enclosed[2][4],tot1,tot2;
- enclosed[0][0]=(((x1[0]>=x2[0])&&(x1[0]<=x2[1])&&
- (y1[0]>=y2[0])&&(y1[0]<=y2[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[0][1]=(((x1[1]>=x2[0])&&(x1[1]<=x2[1])&&
- (y1[0]>=y2[0])&&(y1[0]<=y2[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[0][2]=(((x1[0]>=x2[0])&&(x1[0]<=x2[1])&&
- (y1[1]>=y2[0])&&(y1[1]<=y2[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[0][3]=(((x1[1]>=x2[0])&&(x1[1]<=x2[1])&&
- (y1[1]>=y2[0])&&(y1[1]<=y2[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[1][0]=(((x2[0]>=x1[0])&&(x2[0]<=x1[1])&&
- (y2[0]>=y1[0])&&(y2[0]<=y1[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[1][1]=(((x2[1]>=x1[0])&&(x2[1]<=x1[1])&&
- (y2[0]>=y1[0])&&(y2[0]<=y1[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[1][2]=(((x2[0]>=x1[0])&&(x2[0]<=x1[1])&&
- (y2[1]>=y1[0])&&(y2[1]<=y1[1]))?1:0);
- enclosed[1][3]=(((x2[1]>=x1[0])&&(x2[1]<=x1[1])&&
- (y2[1]>=y1[0])&&(y2[1]<=y1[1]))?1:0);
- tot1=enclosed[0][0]+enclosed[0][1]+enclosed[0][2]+enclosed[0][3];
- tot2=enclosed[1][0]+enclosed[1][1]+enclosed[1][2]+enclosed[1][3];
- if((tot1==2)&&(tot2==2)){//same width or height, which is the best case
- //group
- if((enclosed[1][0]&&enclosed[1][1])&&(wgeom1->width==wgeom2->width)){
- wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- *ngeoms=1;
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom1->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom1->y;
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom1->width;
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height+wgeom2->y-wgeom1->y;
- return -10;
- }
- else if((enclosed[1][0]&&enclosed[1][2])&&(wgeom1->height==wgeom2->height)){
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- *ngeoms=1;
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom1->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom1->y;
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width+wgeom2->x-wgeom1->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom1->height;
- return -10;
- }
- else if((enclosed[1][3]&&enclosed[1][1])&&(wgeom1->height==wgeom2->height)){
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- *ngeoms=1;
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom2->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom2->y;
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom1->width+wgeom1->x-wgeom2->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height;
- return -10;
- }
- else if((enclosed[1][3]&&enclosed[1][2])&&(wgeom1->width==wgeom2->width)){
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- *ngeoms=1;
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom2->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom2->y;
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width;
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom1->height+wgeom1->y-wgeom2->y;
- return -10;
- }
- //if control reaches here therewasn't a group and we go on
- }
- if(tot2==2){
- //break geom2
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom2->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom2->y;
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width;
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height;
- *ngeoms=1;
- if(enclosed[1][0]&&enclosed[1][1]){
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y1[1];
- wgeom_return[0]->height-=y1[1]-y2[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[1][0]&&enclosed[1][2]){
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x1[1];
- wgeom_return[0]->width-=x1[1]-x2[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[1][3]&&enclosed[1][1])
- wgeom_return[0]->width-=x2[1]-x1[0];
- else if(enclosed[1][3]&&enclosed[1][2])
- wgeom_return[0]->height-=y2[1]-y1[0];
- return -2;
- }
- else if(tot1==2){
- //if the first one breaks(which is already inserted)
- //then we reenter the part that was left and the one
- //that was to be inserted
-// wgeom_return[1]=wgeom2;
- wgeom_return[1]->x=wgeom2->x;
- wgeom_return[1]->y=wgeom2->y;
- wgeom_return[1]->width=wgeom2->width;
- wgeom_return[1]->height=wgeom2->height;
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom1->x;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom1->y;
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom1->width;
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom1->height;
- *ngeoms=1;
- if(enclosed[0][0]&&enclosed[0][1]){
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y2[1];
- wgeom_return[0]->height-=y2[1]-y1[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[0][0]&&enclosed[0][2]){
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x2[1];
- wgeom_return[0]->width-=x2[1]-x1[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[0][3]&&enclosed[0][1])
- wgeom_return[0]->width-=x1[1]-x2[0];
- else if(enclosed[0][3]&&enclosed[0][2])
- wgeom_return[0]->height-=y1[1]-y2[0];
- return -1;
- }
- else if(tot2==1){//in which case there is also tot1==1 but we rather not break that
- //break geom2 in two
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
-// wgeom_return[1]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- *ngeoms=2;
- if(enclosed[1][0]){
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x1[1];
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width-x1[1]+x2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height;
- wgeom_return[1]->x=x2[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->y=y1[1];
- wgeom_return[1]->width=x1[1]-x2[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->height=wgeom2->height-y1[1]+y2[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[1][1]){
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width-x2[1]+x1[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height;
- wgeom_return[1]->x=x1[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->y=y1[1];
- wgeom_return[1]->width=x2[1]-x1[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->height=wgeom2->height-y1[1]+y2[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[1][2]){
-//first(same as [1][0])
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x1[1];
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width-x1[1]+x2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height;
- wgeom_return[1]->x=x2[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->width=x1[1]-x2[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->height=wgeom2->height-y2[1]+y1[0];
- }
- else if(enclosed[1][3]){
-//first(same as [1][1])
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width-x2[1]+x1[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height;
- wgeom_return[1]->x=x1[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->width=x2[1]-x1[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->height=wgeom2->height-y2[1]+y1[0];
- }
- return -2;
- }
- else{//polygons collide but no point of one is in the other
- //so we just keep the two parts of geom2 that are outside geom1
- //break geom2 in two
- //two cases:
- //geom2 crossing vertically geom1
- //and geom2 crossing horizontally geom1
- //The proper one can be found by simply checking x,y positions
-// wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
-// wgeom_return[1]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- *ngeoms=2;
- if(wgeom2->y<wgeom1->y){
- //common
- wgeom_return[0]->x=wgeom_return[1]->x=x2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom_return[1]->width=wgeom2->width;
- wgeom_return[0]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom2->height-y2[1]+y1[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->y=y1[1];
- wgeom_return[1]->height=y2[1]-y1[1];
- }
- else{
- //common
- wgeom_return[0]->y=wgeom_return[1]->y=y2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->height=wgeom_return[1]->height=wgeom2->height;
- wgeom_return[0]->x=x2[0];
- wgeom_return[0]->width=wgeom2->width-x2[1]+x1[0];
- wgeom_return[1]->x=x1[1];
- wgeom_return[1]->width=x2[1]-x1[1];
- }
- return -2;
- }
- }
-int RectInsert(RectArea **root,WGeometry *wgeom){
- int total_insertions=0;
- RectArea *temp=NULL,*newnode=(RectArea *)malloc(sizeof(RectArea));
- //align
- //we do need to know boundaries
- wgeom->width+=(wgeom->width%2)|(wgeom->x%2);
- wgeom->height+=(wgeom->height%2)|(wgeom->y%2);
- wgeom->width+=(wgeom->width%2);
- wgeom->height+=(wgeom->height%2);
- wgeom->x-=wgeom->x%2;
- wgeom->y-=wgeom->y%2;
-// fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d\n",wgeom->x,
- newnode->geom.x=wgeom->x;
- newnode->geom.y=wgeom->y;
- newnode->geom.width=wgeom->width;
- newnode->geom.height=wgeom->height;
- newnode->prev=newnode->next=NULL;
- if(*root==NULL){
- *root=newnode;
- total_insertions=1;
- }
- else{
- WGeometry *wgeom_return[2];
- wgeom_return[0]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- wgeom_return[1]=(WGeometry *)malloc(sizeof(WGeometry));
- int ngeoms=0,insert_ok=1,i=0;
- temp=*root;
- while(insert_ok){//if something is broken list does not procceed(except on -1 collres case)
- int collres/*=0;//*/=CollideRects(&(temp->geom),wgeom,wgeom_return,&ngeoms);
- if((!collres))
- insert_ok=1;
- else{
- for(i=0;i<ngeoms;i++){
- wgeom_return[i]->width+=(wgeom_return[i]->width%2)|(wgeom_return[i]->x%2);
- wgeom_return[i]->height+=(wgeom_return[i]->height%2)|(wgeom_return[i]->y%2);
- wgeom_return[i]->width+=(wgeom_return[i]->width%2);
- wgeom_return[i]->height+=(wgeom_return[i]->height%2);
- wgeom_return[i]->x-=wgeom_return[i]->x%2;
- wgeom_return[i]->y-=wgeom_return[i]->y%2;
- }
- insert_ok=0;
- switch(collres){
- case 1://remove current node,reinsert new one
- total_insertions--;
- if(temp->prev!=NULL){//no root
- if(temp->next!=NULL){//
- RectArea *temp1=temp->next;
- temp->prev->next=temp->next;
- temp->next->prev=temp->prev;
- free(temp);
- if((wgeom->width>0)&&(wgeom->height>0))
- total_insertions+=RectInsert(&temp1,wgeom);
- }
- else{
- temp->prev->next=newnode;
- newnode->prev=temp->prev;
- total_insertions++;
- free(temp);
- }
- }
- else{//root
- if((*root)->next!=NULL){
- (*root)=(*root)->next;
- (*root)->prev=NULL;
- if((wgeom->width>0)&&(wgeom->height>0))
- total_insertions+=RectInsert(root,wgeom);
- }
- else if((wgeom->width>0)&&(wgeom->height>0)){
- *root=newnode;
- total_insertions++;
- }
- else{
- *root=NULL;
- total_insertions++;
- }
- free(temp);
- }
- break;
- case 2://done,area is already covered
- free(newnode);
- break;
- case -1://current node is broken and reinserted(in same pos)
- //newnode is also reinserted
- if((wgeom_return[0]->width>0)&&(wgeom_return[0]->height>0)){
- temp->geom.x=wgeom_return[0]->x;
- temp->geom.y=wgeom_return[0]->y;
- temp->geom.width=wgeom_return[0]->width;
- temp->geom.height=wgeom_return[0]->height;
- if(temp->next==NULL){
- temp->next=newnode;
- newnode->prev=temp;
- total_insertions++;
- }
- else{
- insert_ok=1;
- }
- }
- else{//it might happen that the old and now broken node
- //is of zero width or height(so it isn't reinserted)
- /*TODO this may cause lines to be left not updated
- so maybe it is needed to increase the size by one
- pixel(zero width or height cause BadValue*/
- if((temp->prev==NULL)&&(temp->next!=NULL)){
- *root=(*root)->next;
- (*root)->prev=NULL;
- }
- else if((temp->next==NULL)&&(temp->prev!=NULL)){
- temp->prev->next=newnode;
- newnode->prev=temp->prev;
- }
- else if((temp->next==NULL)&&(temp->prev==NULL))
- (*root)=newnode;
- else{
- total_insertions--;
- temp->next->prev=temp->prev;
- temp->prev->next=temp->next;
- total_insertions+=RectInsert(&temp->next,wgeom);
- }
- free(temp);
- }
- break;
- case -2://new is broken and reinserted
- if(temp->next==NULL){
- total_insertions+=ngeoms;
- newnode->geom.x=wgeom_return[0]->x;
- newnode->geom.y=wgeom_return[0]->y;
- newnode->geom.width=wgeom_return[0]->width;
- newnode->geom.height=wgeom_return[0]->height;
- temp->next=newnode;
- newnode->prev=temp;
- if(ngeoms>1){
- RectArea *newnode1=(RectArea *)malloc(sizeof(RectArea));
- newnode1->geom.x=wgeom_return[1]->x;
- newnode1->geom.y=wgeom_return[1]->y;
- newnode1->geom.width=wgeom_return[1]->width;
- newnode1->geom.height=wgeom_return[1]->height;
- newnode->next=newnode1;
- newnode1->prev=newnode;
- newnode1->next=NULL;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(i=0;i<ngeoms;i++){
- if((wgeom_return[i]->width>0)&&(wgeom_return[i]->height>0))
- total_insertions+=RectInsert(&temp->next,wgeom_return[i]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case -10://grouped
- if(temp->prev==NULL){
- if(temp->next==NULL){//empty list
- newnode->geom.x=wgeom_return[0]->x;
- newnode->geom.y=wgeom_return[0]->y;
- newnode->geom.width=wgeom_return[0]->width;
- newnode->geom.height=wgeom_return[0]->height;
- *root=newnode;
- free(temp);
- }
- else{
- total_insertions--;
- *root=temp->next;
- (*root)->prev=NULL;
- free(temp);
- if((wgeom_return[0]->width>0)&&(wgeom_return[0]->height>0))
- total_insertions+=RectInsert(root,wgeom_return[0]);
- }
- }
- else if(temp->next==NULL){//last, enter anyway
- newnode->geom.x=wgeom_return[0]->x;
- newnode->geom.y=wgeom_return[0]->y;
- newnode->geom.width=wgeom_return[0]->width;
- newnode->geom.height=wgeom_return[0]->height;
- temp->prev->next=newnode;
- newnode->prev=temp->prev;
- free(temp);
- }
- else{//remove node and reinsert, starting where we were
- total_insertions--;
- RectArea *temp1=temp->next;
- temp->prev->next=temp->next;
- temp->next->prev=temp->prev;
- free(temp);
- if((wgeom_return[0]->width>0)&&(wgeom_return[0]->height>0))
- total_insertions+=RectInsert(&temp1,wgeom_return[0]);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(insert_ok){
- if(temp->next==NULL){
- temp->next=newnode;
- newnode->prev=temp;
- total_insertions++;
- break;
- }
- else{
- temp=temp->next;
- }
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- };
- free(wgeom_return[0]);
- free(wgeom_return[1]);
- }
- return total_insertions;
-void ClearList(RectArea **root){
- RectArea *temp;
- temp=*root;
- if(temp!=NULL){
- while(temp->next!=NULL){
- temp=temp->next;
- free(temp->prev);
- }
- free(temp);
- *root=NULL;
- }
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/register_callbacks.c b/rMD-exp/src/register_callbacks.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c528f..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/register_callbacks.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void SetExpired(int signum){
- frames_total++;
- if(capture_busy){
- frames_lost++;
- }
- pthread_cond_broadcast(time_cond);//sig handlers should not call this func
- //could be a set_expired and main thread
- //doing a while(running) if set_expired broadcast else usleep(n)
-void SetPaused(int signum){
- if(!Paused)
- Paused=1;
- else{
-// pthread_cond_broadcast(pause_cond);//thsi should work, but it doesn't
- int i;//this is a bug
- Paused=0;//normally with the broadcast all the threads should restart, but sound capture thread
- for(i=0;i<15;i++)//remains dead. If a bunch of signals, restarts all threads, why can't a broadcast do the same?
- pthread_cond_signal(pause_cond);//if you have any idea please contact me.
- //(misses the signal?)
- }
-void SetRunning(int signum){
- *Running=0;
- if(signum==SIGABRT)
- Aborted=1;
-void CancelTimer(void){
- struct itimerval value;
- value.it_interval.tv_sec=
- value.it_value.tv_sec=
- value.it_interval.tv_usec=
- value.it_value.tv_usec=0;
- setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&value,NULL);
-void RegisterCallbacks(ProgArgs *args){
- struct itimerval value;
- struct sigaction time_act,pause_act,end_act;
- value.it_interval.tv_sec=value.it_value.tv_sec=0;
- value.it_interval.tv_usec=value.it_value.tv_usec=(1000000)/args->fps;
- setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&value,NULL);
- time_act.sa_handler=SetExpired;
- pause_act.sa_handler=SetPaused;
- end_act.sa_handler=SetRunning;
- sigfillset(&(time_act.sa_mask));
- sigfillset(&(pause_act.sa_mask));
- sigfillset(&(end_act.sa_mask));
- time_act.sa_flags=pause_act.sa_flags=end_act.sa_flags=0;
- sigaction(SIGALRM,&time_act,NULL);
- sigaction(SIGUSR1,&pause_act,NULL);
- sigaction(SIGINT,&end_act,NULL);
- sigaction(SIGTERM,&end_act,NULL);
- sigaction(SIGABRT,&end_act,NULL);
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/rmd_cache.c b/rMD-exp/src/rmd_cache.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb76d5..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/rmd_cache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void InitCacheData(ProgData *pdata,EncData *enc_data_t,CacheData *cache_data_t){
- int width,height,offset_x,offset_y,pid;
- char pidbuf[8];
- //we set the buffer only since there's
- //no need to initialize the encoder from now.
- width=((pdata->brwin.rgeom.width + 15) >>4)<<4;
- height=((pdata->brwin.rgeom.height + 15) >>4)<<4;
- offset_x=((width-pdata->brwin.rgeom.width)/2)&~1;
- offset_y=((height-pdata->brwin.rgeom.height)/2)&~1;
- (pdata)->enc_data=enc_data_t;
- enc_data_t->yuv.y=(unsigned char *)malloc(height*width);
- enc_data_t->yuv.u=(unsigned char *)malloc(height*width/4);
- enc_data_t->yuv.v=(unsigned char *)malloc(height*width/4);
- enc_data_t->yuv.y_width=width;
- enc_data_t->yuv.y_height=height;
- enc_data_t->yuv.y_stride=width;
- enc_data_t->yuv.uv_width=width/2;
- enc_data_t->yuv.uv_height=height/2;
- enc_data_t->yuv.uv_stride=width/2;
- enc_data_t->x_offset=offset_x;
- enc_data_t->y_offset=offset_y;
- //now we set the cache files
- (pdata)->cache_data=cache_data_t;
- cache_data_t->workdir=(pdata->args).workdir;
- pid=getpid();
- I16TOA(pid,pidbuf)
- //names are stored relatively to current dir(i.e. no chdir)
- cache_data_t->projname=malloc(strlen(cache_data_t->workdir)+12+strlen(pidbuf)+3);
- //projname
- strcpy(cache_data_t->projname,cache_data_t->workdir);
- strcat(cache_data_t->projname,"/");
- strcat(cache_data_t->projname,"rMD-session-");
- strcat(cache_data_t->projname,pidbuf);
- strcat(cache_data_t->projname,"/");
- //image data
- cache_data_t->imgdata=malloc(strlen(cache_data_t->projname)+11);
- strcpy(cache_data_t->imgdata,cache_data_t->projname);
- strcat(cache_data_t->imgdata,"img.out.gz");
- //audio data
- cache_data_t->audiodata=malloc(strlen(cache_data_t->projname)+10);
- strcpy(cache_data_t->audiodata,cache_data_t->projname);
- strcat(cache_data_t->audiodata,"audio.pcm");
- //now that've got out buffers and our filenames we start
- //creating the needed files
- if(mkdir(cache_data_t->projname,0777)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not create temporary directory %s !!!\n",cache_data_t->projname);
- exit(13);
- }
- cache_data_t->ifp=gzopen(cache_data_t->imgdata,"wb0f");
- if(cache_data_t->ifp==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not create temporary file %s !!!\n",cache_data_t->imgdata);
- exit(13);
- }
- if(!pdata->args.nosound){
- cache_data_t->afp=fopen(cache_data_t->audiodata,"wb");
- if(cache_data_t->afp==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not create temporary file %s !!!\n",cache_data_t->audiodata);
- exit(13);
- }
- }
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/setbrwindow.c b/rMD-exp/src/setbrwindow.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 58dc34c..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/setbrwindow.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void SizePack2_8_16(int *start,int *size,int limit){
- int octoffset,hexoffset;
- //align in two
- //an odd x can always go down and still be in recording area.
- //Resolutions come in even numbers
- //so if x is an odd numer, width max is an odd number, too
- //thus since x will go down one then width can go up one too and still
- //be inbounds
- (*size)+=((*size)%2)|((*start)%2);
- //but if x goes down 1 and width is already even,it becomes odd so:
- (*size)+=((*size)%2);
- (*start)-=(*start)%2;
- //32 bit pack align
- //we already have disible by two width,so
- //it's 2, 4 or 6
- octoffset=((*size)%8);
- if(octoffset==2){
- (*size)-=2;
- }
- else if(octoffset==6){
- if((*size)+(*start)+2<=limit)
- (*size)+=2;
- else if((*start)>=2){
- (*start)-=2;
- (*size)+=2;
- }
- else{
- (*start)+=2;
- (*size)-=4;
- }
- }
- else if(octoffset==4){
- if(((*size)+(*start)+2<=limit)&&((*start)>=2)){
- (*start)-=2;
- (*size)+=4;
- }
- else if((*size)+(*start)+4<=limit){
- (*size)+=4;
- }
- else if((*start)>=4){
- (*start)-=4;
- (*size)+=4;
- }
- else{
- (*start)+=2;
- (*size)-=4;
- }
- }
- //16 divisble width(needed for shared memory only,but applied anyway since theora wants it, too)
- //we already have divisibility by 8 so module
- //by 16 is euther 8 or 0
- hexoffset=((*size)%16);
- if(hexoffset){
- if(((*size)+(*start)+4<=limit)&&((*start)>=4)){
- (*start)-=4;
- (*size)+=8;
- }
- else if((*size)+(*start)+8<=limit){
- (*size)+=8;
- }
- else if((*start)>=8){
- (*start)-=8;
- (*size)+=8;
- }
- else{
- (*start)+=4;
- (*size)-=8;
- }
- }
-int SetBRWindow(Display *dpy,BRWindow *brwin,DisplaySpecs *specs,ProgArgs *args){
- //before we start recording we have to make sure the ranges are valid
- if(args->windowid==0){//root window
- //first set it up
- brwin->windowid=specs->root;
- brwin->geom.x=brwin->geom.y=0;
- brwin->geom.width=specs->width;
- brwin->geom.height=specs->height;
- brwin->rgeom.x=args->x;
- brwin->rgeom.y=args->y;
- brwin->rgeom.width=((args->width)?args->width:specs->width-brwin->rgeom.x);
- brwin->rgeom.height=((args->height)?args->height:specs->height-brwin->rgeom.y);
- //and then check validity
- if((brwin->rgeom.x+brwin->rgeom.width>specs->width)||
- (brwin->rgeom.y+brwin->rgeom.height>specs->height)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Window size specification out of bounds!(current resolution:%dx%d)\n",specs->width,specs->height);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- Window wchid;
- int transl_x,transl_y;
- XWindowAttributes attribs;
- XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,args->windowid,&attribs);
- if((attribs.map_state==IsUnviewable)||(attribs.map_state==IsUnmapped)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Window must be mapped and visible!\n");
- return 1;
- }
- XTranslateCoordinates(dpy,specs->root,args->windowid,attribs.x,attribs.y,&transl_x,&transl_y,&wchid);
- brwin->windowid=specs->root;
- brwin->geom.x=attribs.x-transl_x;
- brwin->geom.y=attribs.y-transl_y;
- brwin->geom.width=attribs.width;
- brwin->geom.height=attribs.height;
- if((brwin->geom.x+brwin->geom.width>specs->width)||
- (brwin->geom.y+brwin->geom.height>specs->height)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Window must be on visible screen area!\n");
- return 1;
- }
- brwin->rgeom.x=brwin->geom.x+args->x;
- brwin->rgeom.y=brwin->geom.y+args->y;
- brwin->rgeom.width=((args->width)?args->width:brwin->geom.width-args->x);
- brwin->rgeom.height=((args->height)?args->height:brwin->geom.height-args->y);
- if((args->x+brwin->rgeom.width>brwin->geom.width)||
- (args->y+brwin->rgeom.height>brwin->geom.height)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Specified Area is larger than window!\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "Initial recording window is set to:\n"
- "X:%d Y:%d Width:%d Height:%d\n"
- ,brwin->rgeom.x,brwin->rgeom.y,brwin->rgeom.width,brwin->rgeom.height);
- SizePack2_8_16(&brwin->rgeom.x,&brwin->rgeom.width,specs->width);
- SizePack2_8_16(&brwin->rgeom.y,&brwin->rgeom.height,specs->height);
- fprintf(stderr, "Adjusted recording window is set to:\n"
- "X:%d Y:%d Width:%d Height:%d\n"
- ,brwin->rgeom.x,brwin->rgeom.y,brwin->rgeom.width,brwin->rgeom.height);
- brwin->nbytes=(((brwin->rgeom.width+15)>>4)<<4)*(((brwin->rgeom.height+15)>>4)<<4)*4;
- return 0;
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/update_image.c b/rMD-exp/src/update_image.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2725011..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/update_image.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-void UpdateImage(Display * dpy,
- yuv_buffer *yuv,
- pthread_mutex_t *yuv_mutex,
- DisplaySpecs *specs,
- RectArea **root,
- BRWindow *brwin,
- EncData *enc,
- char *datatemp,
- int noshmem,
- int no_quick_subsample){
- RectArea *temp;
- unsigned char *dtap=(unsigned char*)datatemp;
- temp=*root;
- if(temp!=NULL){
- do{
- if(noshmem){
- GetZPixmap( dpy,
- specs->root,
- datatemp,
- temp->geom.x,
- temp->geom.y,
- temp->geom.width,
- temp->geom.height);
- pthread_mutex_lock(yuv_mutex);
- if(no_quick_subsample){
- (temp->geom.x-brwin->rgeom.x+enc->x_offset),(temp->geom.y-brwin->rgeom.y+enc->y_offset),
- (temp->geom.width),(temp->geom.height));
- }
- else{
- (temp->geom.x-brwin->rgeom.x+enc->x_offset),(temp->geom.y-brwin->rgeom.y+enc->y_offset),
- (temp->geom.width),(temp->geom.height));
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(yuv_mutex);
- }
- else{
- if(no_quick_subsample){
- (temp->geom.x-brwin->rgeom.x+enc->x_offset),(temp->geom.y-brwin->rgeom.y+enc->y_offset),
- (temp->geom.width),(temp->geom.height));
- }
- else{
- (temp->geom.x-brwin->rgeom.x+enc->x_offset),(temp->geom.y-brwin->rgeom.y+enc->y_offset),
- (temp->geom.width),(temp->geom.height));
- }
- }
- temp=temp->next;
- }while(temp!=NULL);
- }
diff --git a/rMD-exp/src/wm_check.c b/rMD-exp/src/wm_check.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6b0ba..0000000
--- a/rMD-exp/src/wm_check.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-* recordMyDesktop *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2006 John Varouhakis *
-* *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
-* (at your option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-* *
-* *
-* *
-* For further information contact me at *
-#include <recordmydesktop.h>
-char *rmdWMCheck(Display *dpy,Window root){
- Window *wm_child;
- Atom nwm_atom,
- utf8_string,
- wm_name_atom,
- rt;
- unsigned long nbytes,
- nitems;
- char *wm_name_str=NULL;
- int fmt;
- utf8_string = XInternAtom(dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False);
- nwm_atom =XInternAtom(dpy,"_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK",True);
- wm_name_atom =XInternAtom(dpy,"_NET_WM_NAME",True);
- if(nwm_atom!=None && wm_name_atom!=None){
- if(!((XGetWindowProperty( dpy,root,nwm_atom,0,100,
- False,XA_WINDOW,
- &rt,&fmt,&nitems, &nbytes,
- (unsigned char **)((void*)&wm_child))
- ==Success ) &&
- (XGetWindowProperty( dpy,*wm_child,wm_name_atom,0,100,
- False,utf8_string,&rt,
- &fmt,&nitems, &nbytes,
- (unsigned char **)((void*)&wm_name_str))
- ==Success ))){
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning!!!\nYour window manager appears to be non-compliant!\n");
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Your window manager appears to be %s\n\n",
- ((wm_name_str!=NULL)?wm_name_str:"Uknown"));
- return wm_name_str;
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