path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-01-17plato: regular convex polyhedrons in 3DVito Caputo
plato implements very simple software-rendered 3D models of the five convex regular polyhedra / Platonic solids Some TODO items: - procedurally generate vertices at runtime - add hidden surface removal setting (Z-buffer?) - add flat shaded rendering setting - add gouraud shading, maybe phong too? - show dual polyhedra This was more about slapping together a minimal 3D wireframe software renderer than anything to do with polyhedra, convex regular polyhedra just seemed like an excellent substrate since they're so simple to model.
2020-09-25modules/compose: add a rudimentary compositing moduleVito Caputo
--module=compose,layers=first:second:third:... this draws the named modules in the order listed, overdrawing the output of the previous layers in a cumulative fashion.
2020-09-13build: lower minimum SDL_VERSION to 2.0Vito Caputo
I'm pretty sure the remaining SDL2 API usage is fulfilled by all SDL2 versions now that the SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat() call is gone.
2020-02-03libs/sig: introduce a signal generator abstractionVito Caputo
This adds a small framework of sorts for creating and composing signal generators. Two generators are implemented at this time; sig_ops_sin and sig_ops_mult sig_ops_sin accepts a hz variable and will produce a sine wave of that frequency. sig_ops_mult accepts two sig_t generators and multiplies their outputs Callers may construct their own sig_ops_t ops structs and supply them to sig_new(), but it's expected that libs/sig will grow a collection of commonly used generators which can then be used by simply passing their sig_ops_$foo to sig_new(). See the test code at the bottom of libs/sig/sig.c for some contrived sample usage. Note by composing multiple sig_ops_sin generators with a sig_ops_mult generator, one can already easily construct a synth-like LFO generator. Some obvious todos are to add triangle/sawtooth/square wave generators. More compositional generators may be interesting as well, like additive and subtractive for example. Those will need to implement clipping, as it's expected that the generators *always* stay within unity (0-1). No modules use this yet, but I expect to wire this up to rtv for driving knobs.
2020-01-08modules/drizzle: add a classic 2D raindrops visVito Caputo
Using the new puddle lib throw some raindrops on the framebuffer
2020-01-08libs/puddle: add a classic 2D raindrop sim libVito Caputo
These were commonish in the 90s demo days, done as a library to encourage use by different modules. You can simply render this directly onto a frame buffer like the old days, or sample it as a height map or density field for more complex compositions.
2020-01-06spiro: spirograph emulatorPhilip J Freeman
This commit adds a module that emulates a spirograph
2019-11-25meta2d: add a classic 2D metaballs moduleVito Caputo
2019-11-24montage: add montage moduleVito Caputo
This is somewhat unfinished as it uses the generic tiled fragmenter that's not interested in appearances but prioritizes total coverage and simplicity. Montage should have its own tiler that can produce non-square and even non-uniform tile dimensions, prioritizing filling the screen with mostly-uniform tiles. But that's a TODO item, this is good enough for now and exercises some fragment details previously irrelevant and often ignored/broken in modules. The pixbounce module in particular seems completely broken with small fragment sizes.
2019-11-18swab: add a perlin noise visualizationVito Caputo
This maps a different Z-slice through the noise field to each color channel. The slices are moved up and down through the field over time, and the size of the area each color samples is tweaked a bit to make them less coherent with the noise field cells. It could be improved, but I think the output is already neat enough to be worth sharing.
2019-11-18libs/din: add a perlin noise implementationVito Caputo
This is a 3D noise field addressed as a unit cube. The caller supplies the resolution of the noise field in three dimensions. I've just pulled in my v3f.h here, but it probably makes sense to later on move vector headers into libs/ and share them. Later. It's called din as in noise, because it's shorter than perlin and noise.
2019-11-16libs/txt: add minimal ascii text rendererVito Caputo
This is as basic as it gets, the only fanciness is it recognizes newlines and supports horizontal and vertical justification. As this is intended to be run from potentially threaded fragmenter renderers, it receives a fragment and *frame* coordinates for the text to be rendered. If the text doesn't land in the given fragment, nothing gets drawn. Currently this is not optimized at all. There's a stubbed out rect overlap test function which could be used to avoid entering the text rendering loop for fragments with zero overlap, that's an obvious low-hanging fruit optimization. After that, skipping characters that don't overlap would be another obvious thing. As-is the text render loop is always entered and the bounds-checked put pixel helper is used. So every fragment will incur the cost of rendering the full string, even when it's not visible. For the rtv captions this isn't a particularly huge deal, but stuff to improve upon in the future.
2019-11-16libs/ascii: add a basic mono bitmap ascii charsetVito Caputo
The rtv module needs to show some captions, so I'm adding a minimal bitmap ascii text renderer.
2019-11-14snow: add a simple tv snow / white noise moduleVito Caputo
I wanted to add some noise to the rtv module and figured why not just add a snow module and make rtv pass through it briefly when switching modules. It's not interesting by itself, but as more composite/meta modules like rtv get made it might be handy beyond rtv.
2019-11-14rtv: implement "Rototiller TV" rendererVito Caputo
This is sort of a meta renderer, as it simply renders other modules in its prepare_frame() stage. They're still threaded as the newly public rototiller_module_render() utilizes the threading machinery, it just needs to be called from the serial phase @ prepare_frame(). I'm pretty sure this module will leak memory every time it changes modules, since the existing cleanup paths for the modules hasn't needed to be thorough in the least. So that's something to fix in a later commit, go through all the modules and make sure their destroy_context() entrypoints actually cleans everything up. See the source for some rtv-specific TODOs.
2019-11-10build: build contributed pixbounce moduleVito Caputo
2019-10-14modules/flui2d: add 2D fluid dynamics simulationVito Caputo
This implements near verbatim the code found in the paper titled: Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games By Jos Stam It sometimes has the filename GDC03.PDF, or Stam_fluids_GDC03.pdf The density field is rendered using simple linear interpolation of the samples, in a grayscale palette. No gamma correction is being performed. There are three configurable defines of interest: VISCOSITY, DIFFUSION, and ROOT. This module is only threaded in the drawing stage, so basically the linear interpolation uses multiple cores. The simulation itself is not threaded, the implementation from the paper made no such considerations. It would be nice to reimplement this in a threaded fashion with a good generalized API, then move it into libs. Something where a unit square can be sampled for interpolated densities would be nice. Then extend it into 3 dimensions for volumetric effects...
2018-12-30modules/submit: add cellular automata game moduleVito Caputo
This module displays realtime battle for domination simulated as 2D cellular automata. This is just a test of the backend piece for a work-in-progress multiplayer game idea. The visuals were kind of interesting to watch so I figured may as well merge it as a module to share. Enjoy! PS: the results can vary a lot by tweaking the defines in submit.c
2018-12-30libs/grid: add grid cellular automata componentVito Caputo
Prep for adding a new module displaying a cellular automata based on the grid component from a multiplayer game I'm working on.
2018-03-19ray: libize raytracer core, introduces src/libsVito Caputo
This is the first step of breaking out all the core rendering stuffs into reusable libraries and making modules purely compositional, consumers of various included rendering/effects libraries. Expect multiple modules leveraging libray for a variety of scenes and such. Also expect compositions mixing the various libraries for more interesting visuals.
2018-02-27build: make drm optionalChristian Hergert
2018-02-27autotools: remove vestigial ROTOTILLER_* varsVito Caputo
Fixes silly cosmetic error in configure output for checking libdrm...
2018-02-22rototiller: wire up sdl video backendVito Caputo
2017-02-12julia: add a morphing Julia set rendererVito Caputo
This is unoptimized, with a palette slapped together in vim, but still pretty neat!
2017-02-07plasma: add a plasma rendererVito Caputo
2017-01-18*: move source into src/ subdirVito Caputo
Restoring some organizational sanity since adopting autotools.
2017-01-10*: preliminary autotools adoptionVito Caputo
Builds were getting too time consuming, autotools is a very simple way to get incremental builds without having to dick with Makefiles myself.
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