path: root/src/modules/ray/ray_scene.c
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authorVito Caputo <>2017-12-10 12:32:19 -0800
committerVito Caputo <>2017-12-10 12:38:29 -0800
commit5c287c99a3fa8f137dc279b2253c628e83786afe (patch)
tree6c9922849280552c97fa3961425dd63c4153db64 /src/modules/ray/ray_scene.c
parent1d73823602297ab490dc4222f63c1845f84a9e98 (diff)
ray: split scene data from render state
This introduces ray_render_t, and ray_render.[ch]. The _prepared member of ray_scene_t has been moved to ray_render_t, and the other _prepared members (e.g. objects) will follow. Up until now I've just been sticking the precomputed state under _prepared members of their associated structures, and simply using convention to enforce anything resembling an api boundary. It's been convenient without being inefficient, but I'd like to move the ray code into more of a reusable library and this wart needs to be addressed. The render state is also where any spatial indexes will be built and maintained, another thing I've been experimenting with. Note most of the churn here is just renaming ray_scene.c to ray_render.c. A nearly global s/ray_scene/ray_render/ has occurred, now that ray_scene_t really only serves as glue to bind objects, lights, and scene-global properties into a cohesive unit.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/ray/ray_scene.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/ray/ray_scene.c b/src/modules/ray/ray_scene.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a3bfa..0000000
--- a/src/modules/ray/ray_scene.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "fb.h"
-#include "ray_camera.h"
-#include "ray_color.h"
-#include "ray_object.h"
-#include "ray_ray.h"
-#include "ray_scene.h"
-#define MIN_RELEVANCE 0.05f
-/* Determine if the ray is obstructed by an object within the supplied distance, for shadows */
-static inline int ray_is_obstructed(ray_scene_t *scene, unsigned depth, ray_ray_t *ray, float distance)
- ray_object_t *object;
- for (object = scene->objects; object->type; object++) {
- float ood;
- if (ray_object_intersects_ray(object, depth, ray, &ood) &&
- ood < distance) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* shadow test */
-static inline int point_is_shadowed(ray_scene_t *scene, unsigned depth, ray_3f_t *light_direction, float distance, ray_3f_t *point)
- ray_ray_t shadow_ray;
- shadow_ray.direction = *light_direction;
- shadow_ray.origin = *point;
- if (ray_is_obstructed(scene, depth + 1, &shadow_ray, distance))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-/* a faster powf() that's good enough for our purposes.
- * XXX: note there's a faster technique which exploits the IEEE floating point format:
- *
- */
-static inline float approx_powf(float x, float y)
- return expf(y * logf(x));
-/* Determine the color @ distance on ray on object viewed from origin */
-static inline ray_color_t shade_intersection(ray_scene_t *scene, ray_object_t *object, ray_ray_t *ray, ray_3f_t *intersection, ray_3f_t *normal, unsigned depth, float *res_reflectivity)
- ray_surface_t surface = ray_object_surface(object, intersection);
- ray_color_t color = ray_3f_mult(&surface.color, &scene->_prepared.ambient_light);
- ray_object_t *light;
- /* visit lights for shadows and illumination */
- for (light = scene->lights; light->type; light++) {
- ray_3f_t lvec = ray_3f_sub(&light->, intersection);
- float ldist = ray_3f_length(&lvec);
- float lvec_normal_dot;
- lvec = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&lvec, (1.0f / ldist)); /* normalize lvec */
-#if 1
- if (point_is_shadowed(scene, depth, &lvec, ldist, intersection))
- continue;
- lvec_normal_dot = ray_3f_dot(normal, &lvec);
- if (lvec_normal_dot > 0) {
-#if 1
- float rvec_lvec_dot = ray_3f_dot(&ray->direction, &lvec);
- ray_color_t diffuse;
- diffuse = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&surface.color, lvec_normal_dot);
- diffuse = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&diffuse, surface.diffuse);
- color = ray_3f_add(&color, &diffuse);
- if (rvec_lvec_dot > 0) {
- ray_color_t specular;
- /* FIXME: assumes light is a point for its color */
- specular = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&light->light.emitter.point.surface.color, approx_powf(rvec_lvec_dot, surface.highlight_exponent));
- specular = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&specular, surface.specular);
- color = ray_3f_add(&color, &specular);
- }
- ray_color_t diffuse;
- diffuse = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&surface.color, lvec_normal_dot);
- color = ray_3f_add(&color, &diffuse);
- }
- }
- /* for now just treat specular as the reflectivity */
- *res_reflectivity = surface.specular;
- return color;
-static inline ray_object_t * find_nearest_intersection(ray_scene_t *scene, ray_object_t *reflector, ray_ray_t *ray, unsigned depth, float *res_distance)
- ray_object_t *nearest_object = NULL;
- float nearest_object_distance = INFINITY;
- ray_object_t *object;
- for (object = scene->objects; object->type; object++) {
- float distance;
- /* Don't bother checking if a reflected ray intersects the object reflecting it,
- * reflector = NULL for primary rays, which will never compare as true here. */
- if (object == reflector)
- continue;
- /* Does this ray intersect object? */
- if (ray_object_intersects_ray(object, depth, ray, &distance)) {
- /* Is it the nearest intersection? */
- if (distance < nearest_object_distance) {
- nearest_object = object;
- nearest_object_distance = distance;
- }
- }
- }
- if (nearest_object)
- *res_distance = nearest_object_distance;
- return nearest_object;
-static inline ray_color_t trace_ray(ray_scene_t *scene, ray_ray_t *primary_ray)
- ray_color_t color = { .x = 0.0f, .y = 0.0f, .z = 0.0f };
- ray_3f_t intersection, normal;
- ray_object_t *reflector = NULL;
- float relevance = 1.0f, reflectivity;
- unsigned depth = 0;
- ray_ray_t reflected_ray, *ray = primary_ray;
- do {
- ray_object_t *nearest_object;
- float nearest_distance;
- if (reflector) {
- float dot = ray_3f_dot(&ray->direction, &normal);
- ray_3f_t new_direction = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&normal, dot * 2.0f);
- new_direction = ray_3f_sub(&ray->direction, &new_direction);
- reflected_ray.origin = intersection;
- reflected_ray.direction = new_direction;
- ray = &reflected_ray;
- }
- nearest_object = find_nearest_intersection(scene, reflector, ray, depth, &nearest_distance);
- if (nearest_object) {
- ray_3f_t more_color;
- ray_3f_t rvec;
- rvec = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&ray->direction, nearest_distance);
- intersection = ray_3f_add(&ray->origin, &rvec);
- normal = ray_object_normal(nearest_object, &intersection);
- more_color = shade_intersection(scene, nearest_object, ray, &intersection, &normal, depth, &reflectivity);
- more_color = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&more_color, relevance);
- color = ray_3f_add(&color, &more_color);
- }
- reflector = nearest_object;
- } while (reflector && (++depth < MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH) && (relevance *= reflectivity) >= MIN_RELEVANCE);
- return color;
-void ray_scene_render_fragment(ray_scene_t *scene, fb_fragment_t *fb_fragment)
- uint32_t *buf = fb_fragment->buf;
- ray_camera_fragment_t fragment;
- ray_ray_t ray;
- ray_camera_fragment_begin(&scene->_prepared.frame, fb_fragment, &ray, &fragment);
- do {
- do {
- *buf = ray_color_to_uint32_rgb(trace_ray(scene, &ray));
- buf++;
- } while (ray_camera_fragment_x_step(&fragment));
- buf = ((void *)buf) + fb_fragment->stride;
- } while (ray_camera_fragment_y_step(&fragment));
-/* prepare the scene for rendering with camera, must be called whenever anything in the scene+camera pair has been changed. */
-/* this is basically a time for the raytracer to precompute whatever it can which otherwise ends up occurring per-ray */
-/* the camera is included so primary rays which all have a common origin may be optimized for */
-void ray_scene_prepare(ray_scene_t *scene, ray_camera_t *camera)
- ray_object_t *object;
- scene->_prepared.ambient_light = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&scene->ambient_color, scene->ambient_brightness);
- ray_camera_frame_prepare(camera, &scene->_prepared.frame);
- for (object = scene->objects; object->type; object++)
- ray_object_prepare(object, camera);
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