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This module cycles through a set of modules referred to as pages.
Settings include:
rate=float page flipping rate
direction=float page flipping direction
taps are exposed for controlling rate and direction real-time,
with the addition of an explicit page index tap for overriding
the automatic flipping normally influenced by rate and direction.
Note that when using rkt with these taps, it immediately becomes
limiting that there's no ability to specify NaN as a track value
for temporarily relinquishing control of the page idx. It'd be
very useful to let the automatic flipping run the show at
whatever rate the rkt tracks specify, until the page idx was
asserted to a specific page, then holding it on that page until a
NaN row for the page track was encountered, restoring automatic
flipping. This needs to get added in both the Rocket library and
RocketEditor to be supported, as well as getting wired up to the
rkt integration.
This is primarily intended for overlay use, but when not an
overlay uses a little builtin seed-derived tile as a fallback.
Currently the only settings are {x,y}=-1..1 for the direction
vector. Speed is currently fixed to 1, the vector is always
Nothing terribly exciting.
Rudimentary .IT file music playback via libplayit.
When seekable=on, the file is 100% pre-rendered at context
create, then simply copied into the audio queue @ render_audio.
When seekable=off, the file is mixed incrementally per-frame @
render_audio in max of bufsize=N_frames increments. The bufsize
here basically just determines the maximum time spent rendering
audio in a single go, and how much tolerance of frame delays due
to slow rendering there will be before dropouts occur.
Been ignoring this mess for too long, just whitespace changes -
nothing functionally different.
This makes diffs far easier to read when libs or modules get
added/removed etc.
Some of the other files could use similar tidying,
but these are the most commonly messed with in the course of
rototiller development.
Intended as a bootstrap for new module creation, particularly
aimed at new contributors. No module context, fragmenting, taps,
or settings are implemented, to keep things as simple as
This just binds the simple libs/txt/txt.c stuff to a rendering
module, exposing the minimal options as settings.
It's handy for testing libs/txt/txt.c, and introduces a module
requiring free-form strings potentially including newlines be
handled properly as settings values. This latter aspect is
important for improving settings syntax, any improvements must
handle these more complicated scenarios and now there's a good
test case for exercising those nuances.
I suppose there might also be use in the creative process if you
want a text element but haven't got around to hacking up a
prettier module for it yet. Just use this one temporarily.
See commit for some remaining TODO items.
This is kind of a particle system, where the particles are pushed
around through a 3D vector space treated as a flow field.
No physics are being simulated here, it's just treating the flow
field as direction vectors that are trilinearly interpolated when
sampled to produce a single direction vector. That direction
vector gets applied to particles near it.
To keep things interesting the flow field evolves by having two
distinct flow fields which the simulation progressively
alternates sampling from. For every frame, both flow fields are
sampled for every particle, but how much weight is given to the
influence of one vs. the other varies by a triangle wave over
time. When the weight is biased enough to one of the flow fields
near a peak/valley in the triangle wave, the other gets
re-populated while its influence is negligible, also
interpolating its new values with 25% influence from the active
The current flow field population routine is completely random.
Yet there's a surprising amount of emergent order despite being
totally randomized direction vectors.
Currently supported settings include:
size= the width of the 3D flow field cube in direction vectors
(the number of vectors is size*size*size)
count= the number of particles/elements
speed= how far a particle is moved along the current sample's
direction vector
This was first implemented in 2017, but sat unfinished in a topic
branch for myriad reasons. Now that rototiller has much more
robust settings infrastructure, among other things, it seemed
worth finishing this up and merging.
Playing with libs/sig in 2D, this isn't really an interesting
module by itself in terms of visual output. But it might have
utility as a diagnostic thing if libs/sig becomes a more used
At the very least, for now, it's useful for observing affects of
and iterating on libs/sig development. So I'm merging this, just
gated behind TIL_MODULE_EXPERIMENTAL so it's not in rtv rotation
or presented as something in the usual modules list.
this is very early/unfinished, hence experimental flag
Finishes build/fs part of modules/rocket->modules/rkt rename
started in previous commit.
This just stubs out a rocket meta module that renders with
another module.
Future commits will integrate GNU Rocket here.
When recursive settings formally lands you'll be able to nest as
much settings content as necessary for the underlying module
used, as part of the rocket settings. That should enable
describing stuff like complex compose scenarios for rocket to
After reading about the Dreamachine[0], I wanted to experience
this phenomenon. The javascript-based web implementations
struggled to hold a steady 10Hz rate and would flicker like
crazy, so here we are.
Only setting right now is period=float_seconds, defaults to .1
for 10Hz.
One limitation in the current implementation is when the frame
rate can't keep up with the period the strobe will just stick on
without ever going off, because the period will always be
expired. There should probably be a setting to force turning off
for at least one frame when it can't keep up.
This introduces a very naive unoptimized moire interference
pattern module, it's rather slow complete with a sqrtf() per
pixel per center.
Mostly for compositing purposes, here will be a corpus of 2D
shapes, parameterized/procedurally generated and able to rotate
and perhaps have other dynamics added.
What shapes are there presently I had started implementing in
checkers as "styles", before realizing they really should just be
a separate module checkers can call into.
Not terribly interesting by itself, but as blinds and checkers
demonstrated, these things deliver a lot of value in
compositional situations. They're creating the palette to draw
This adds a voronoi diagram module, which when used as an overlay
produces a mosaic effect.
Some settings:
cells=N number of voronoi cells
randomize={on,off} randomizes the cell locations every frame
dirty={on,off} uses a faster sloppy/dithery-looking method
Some TODO items:
- use a more space efficient representation of the distance
buffer, maybe use uint16_t relative offsets into the cells
rather than pointers - capping their quantity to 64KiB
- anti-alias edges between cells
This adds a checkers style overlay module, it's not terribly
interesting but may be made more useful if modules start
differentiating themselves as substantial vs. overlay effects.
It'd be nice if rtv/compose could automagically apply and
randomize overlay modules atop others, which would make use of
this type of thing as well as encourage more small modules like
these be written.
This isn't super interesting but I might just start adding
simplistic overlay style modules for compositing/transition use.
Just a fun little swarm based loosely on 80s-era boids
It would be interesting to make stuff like the # of particles
and the weights runtime configurable, or exposed as knobs.
Using a Z-buffer for occlusions and perhaps shading by depth might
make a significant improvement on the visual quality. It might also
be interesting to draw the particles as lines connecting their current
position with their previous, instead as pixels. Or fat pixels like
plato implements very simple software-rendered 3D models of
the five convex regular polyhedra / Platonic solids
Some TODO items:
- procedurally generate vertices at runtime
- add hidden surface removal setting (Z-buffer?)
- add flat shaded rendering setting
- add gouraud shading, maybe phong too?
- show dual polyhedra
This was more about slapping together a minimal 3D wireframe
software renderer than anything to do with polyhedra, convex
regular polyhedra just seemed like an excellent substrate since
they're so simple to model.
this draws the named modules in the order listed, overdrawing the
output of the previous layers in a cumulative fashion.
Using the new puddle lib throw some raindrops on the framebuffer
This commit adds a module that emulates a spirograph
This is somewhat unfinished as it uses the generic tiled fragmenter
that's not interested in appearances but prioritizes total coverage
and simplicity.
Montage should have its own tiler that can produce non-square and even
non-uniform tile dimensions, prioritizing filling the screen with
mostly-uniform tiles.
But that's a TODO item, this is good enough for now and exercises some
fragment details previously irrelevant and often ignored/broken in
The pixbounce module in particular seems completely broken with small
fragment sizes.
This maps a different Z-slice through the noise field to each color
channel. The slices are moved up and down through the field over
time, and the size of the area each color samples is tweaked a bit
to make them less coherent with the noise field cells.
It could be improved, but I think the output is already neat enough
to be worth sharing.
I wanted to add some noise to the rtv module and figured why not
just add a snow module and make rtv pass through it briefly when
switching modules.
It's not interesting by itself, but as more composite/meta modules
like rtv get made it might be handy beyond rtv.
This is sort of a meta renderer, as it simply renders other
modules in its prepare_frame() stage. They're still threaded
as the newly public rototiller_module_render() utilizes the
threading machinery, it just needs to be called from the serial
phase @ prepare_frame().
I'm pretty sure this module will leak memory every time it changes
modules, since the existing cleanup paths for the modules hasn't
needed to be thorough in the least. So that's something to fix
in a later commit, go through all the modules and make sure their
destroy_context() entrypoints actually cleans everything up.
See the source for some rtv-specific TODOs.
This implements near verbatim the code found in the paper titled:
Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games
By Jos Stam
It sometimes has the filename GDC03.PDF, or Stam_fluids_GDC03.pdf
The density field is rendered using simple linear interpolation of
the samples, in a grayscale palette. No gamma correction is being
There are three configurable defines of interest:
This module is only threaded in the drawing stage, so basically the
linear interpolation uses multiple cores. The simulation itself is
not threaded, the implementation from the paper made no such
It would be nice to reimplement this in a threaded fashion with a
good generalized API, then move it into libs. Something where a unit
square can be sampled for interpolated densities would be nice.
Then extend it into 3 dimensions for volumetric effects...
This module displays realtime battle for domination simulated
as 2D cellular automata.
This is just a test of the backend piece for a work-in-progress
multiplayer game idea. The visuals were kind of interesting to
watch so I figured may as well merge it as a module to share.
PS: the results can vary a lot by tweaking the defines in submit.c
This is unoptimized, with a palette slapped together in vim, but still
pretty neat!
Restoring some organizational sanity since adopting autotools.