*                            recordMyDesktop                                  *
*                                                                             *
*            Copyright (C) 2006,2007 John Varouhakis                          *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
*   (at your option) any later version.                                       *
*                                                                             *
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
*   GNU General Public License for more details.                              *
*                                                                             *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         *
*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               *
*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA  *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*   For further information contact me at johnvarouhakis@gmail.com            *

#ifndef RMDFUNC_H
#define RMDFUNC_H 1

    #include <config.h>

#include "rmdtypes.h"

/**Function prototypes*/

* Loop calling XNextEvent.Retrieve and place on
* list damage events that arive, create damage for new windows.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *PollDamage(ProgData *pdata);

* Retrieve frame form xserver, and transform to a yuv buffer,
* either directly(full shots) or by calling UpdateImage.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *GetFrame(ProgData *pdata);

* feed a yuv buffer to the theora encoder and submit outcome to
* the ogg stream.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *EncodeImageBuffer(ProgData *pdata);

* Query theora and vorbis streams for ready packages and
* flush them on the disk
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *FlushToOgg(ProgData *pdata);

* Clean up a list of areas marked for update.
* \param root Root entry of the list
void ClearList(RectArea **root);

* Insert a new rectangle on the list, making sure it doesn't overlap
* with the existing ones
* \param root Root entry of the list
* \param wgeom New area to be inserted
* \returns Number of insertions during operation
* \note This function is reentrant and recursive. The number
* of insertions takes this into account.
int RectInsert(RectArea **root,WGeometry *wgeom);

* Collide two rectangles and dictate most sane action for insertion,
* as well as provide the updated rectangle(s)
* \param wgeom1 resident rectangle
* \param wgeom2 New rectangle
* \param wgeom_return Pointer to rectangles to be inserted
* \param ngeoms number of entries in wgeom_return
* \retval 0 No collision
* \retval 1 wgeom1 is covered by wgeom2
* \retval 2 wgeom2 is covered by wgeom1
* \retval -1 wgeom1 was broken (new is picked up in wgeom_return)
* \retval -2 wgeom2 was broken (new is picked up in wgeom_return)
* \retval -10 Grouping the two geoms is possible
int CollideRects(WGeometry *wgeom1,
                 WGeometry *wgeom2,
                 WGeometry **wgeom_return,
                 int *ngeoms);

* Broadcast time condition variable, increment frame count.
* \param signum Number of signal received(unused, always SIGALRM)
void SetExpired(int signum);

* Set up all callbacks and signal handlers
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void RegisterCallbacks(ProgArgs *args);

* Retrieve and apply all changes, if xdamage is used.
* \param dpy Connection to the server
* \param yuv yuv_buffer that is to be modified
* \param specs DisplaySpecs struct with
*              information about the display to be recorded
* \param root Root entry of the list with damaged areas
* \param brwin BRWindow struct contaning the recording window specs
* \param enc Encoding options
* \param datatemp Buffer for pixel data to be
*                 retrieved before placed on the yuv buffer
* \param noshmem don't use MIT_Shm extension
* \param no_quick_subsample Don't do quick subsampling
void UpdateImage(Display * dpy,
                yuv_buffer *yuv,
                DisplaySpecs *specs,
                RectArea **root,
                BRWindow *brwin,
                EncData *enc,
                char *datatemp,
                int noshmem,
                XShmSegmentInfo *shminfo,
                int shm_opcode,
                int no_quick_subsample);

* Rerieve pixmap data from xserver
* \param dpy Connection to the server
* \param root root window of the display
* \param data (preallocated)buffer to place the data
* \param x x position of the screenshot
* \param y y position of the screenshot
* \param x x position of the screenshot
* \param width width of the screenshot
* \param height height position of the screenshot
* \returns 0 on Success 1 on Failure
int GetZPixmap(Display *dpy,
               Window root,
               char *data,
               int x,
               int y,
               int width,
               int height);

* Rerieve pixmap data from xserver through the MIT-Shm extension
* \param dpy Connection to the server
* \param root root window of the display
* \param shminfo Info for the shared memory segment
* \param shm_opcode Opcode of Shm extension
* \param data (preallocated)buffer to place the data
* \param x x position of the screenshot
* \param y y position of the screenshot
* \param x x position of the screenshot
* \param width width of the screenshot
* \param height height position of the screenshot
* \returns 0 on Success 1 on Failure
int GetZPixmapSHM(Display *dpy,
                  Window root,
                  XShmSegmentInfo *shminfo,
                  int shm_opcode,
                  char *data,
                  int x,
                  int y,
                  int width,
                  int height);

* Fill ProgArgs struct with arguments entered at execution
* \param argc argc as entered  from main
* \param argv argv as entered  from main
* \param arg_return ProgArgs struct to be filled with the options
* \returns 0 on Success 1 on Failure
int ParseArgs(int argc,char **argv,ProgArgs *arg_return);

* Check if needed extensions are present
* \param dpy Connection to the server
* \param args ProgArgs struct containing the user-set options
* \param damage_event gets filled with damage event number
* \param damage_error gets filled with damage error number
* \note Can be an exit point if extensions are not found
void QueryExtensions(Display *dpy,
                     ProgArgs *args,
                     int *damage_event,
                     int *damage_error,
                     int *shm_opcode);

* Check and align window size
* \param dpy Connection to the server
* \param brwin BRWindow struct contaning the initial and final window
* \param specs DisplaySpecs struct with
*              information about the display to be recorded
* \param args ProgArgs struct containing the user-set options
* \returns 0 on Success 1 on Failure
int SetBRWindow(Display *dpy,
                BRWindow *brwin,
                DisplaySpecs *specs,
                ProgArgs *args);

* Create an array containing the data for the dummy pointer
* \param specs DisplaySpecs struct with
*              information about the display to be recorded
* \param size  Pointer size, always square, always 16.(exists only
*              for the possibility to create more dummy cursors)
* \param color 0 white, 1 black
* \param type Always 0.(exists only for the possibility to create
*               more dummy cursors)
* \param npxl Return of pixel value that denotes non-drawing, while
*             applying the cursor on the target image
* \returns Pointer to pixel data of the cursor
unsigned char *MakeDummyPointer(DisplaySpecs *specs,
                                int size,
                                int color,
                                int type,
                                unsigned char *npxl);

* Sound capturing thread. Data are placed on a
* list to be picked up by other threads.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *CaptureSound(ProgData *pdata);

* Sound encoding thread. Picks up data from the buffer queue ,
* encodes and places them on the vorbis stream.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *EncodeSoundBuffer(ProgData *pdata);
* Try to open (alsa) sound device, with the desired parameters,
* and place the obtained ones on their place
* \param pcm_dev name of the device
* \param channels desired number of channels
*                 (gets modified with the acieved value)
* \param frequency desired frequency(gets modified with the acieved value)
* \param buffsize Size of buffer
* \param periodsize Size of a period(can be NULL)
* \param periodtime Duration of a period(can be NULL)
* \param hardpause Set to 1 when the device has to be stopped during pause
*                  and to 0 when it supports pausing
*                  (can be NULL)
* \returns snd_pcm_t handle on success, NULL on failure
snd_pcm_t *OpenDev( const char *pcm_dev,
                    unsigned int *channels,
                    unsigned int *frequency,
                    snd_pcm_uframes_t *buffsize,
                    snd_pcm_uframes_t *periodsize,
                    unsigned int *periodtime,
                    int *hardpause);
* Try to open (OSS) sound device, with the desired parameters.
* \param pcm_dev name of the device
* \param channels desired number of channels
* \param frequency desired frequency
* \returns file descriptor of open device,-1 on failure
int OpenDev( const char *pcm_dev,
             unsigned int channels,
             unsigned int frequency);
* Initialize theora,vorbis encoders, and their respective ogg streams.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
* \param enc_data_t Encoding options
* \param buffer_ready when 1, the yuv buffer must be preallocated
*                     when 0 InitEncoder will alocate a new one
void InitEncoder(ProgData *pdata,EncData *enc_data_t,int buffer_ready);

* Fill Yr,Yg,Yb,Ur,Ug.Ub,Vr,Vg,Vb arrays(globals) with values.
void MakeMatrices();
*Align the recording window to a divisible by 2 pixel start and
*and a size divisible by 16.
* \param start x or y of the recording window
* \param size  width or height of the recording window
* \param limit  width or height of the Display
* \note This is called separately for width and height.
void SizePack2_8_16(int *start,int *size,int limit);

* Image caching thread. Copies the yuv buffer, compares with the last one and
* caches the result.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *CacheImageBuffer(ProgData *pdata);

* Initializes paths and everything else needed to start caching
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
* \param enc_data_t Encoding options
* \param cache_data_t Caching options
void InitCacheData(ProgData *pdata,
                   EncData *enc_data_t,
                   CacheData *cache_data_t);

* Sound caching thread. Simply writes the pcm buffers on disk
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *CacheSoundBuffer(ProgData *pdata);

* Cache loading and processing thread
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void *LoadCache(ProgData *pdata);

* As EncodeImageBuffer, only with the assumption that
* this is not a thread on it's own
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void SyncEncodeImageBuffer(ProgData *pdata);

* Stop the timer
void CancelTimer(void);

* As EncodeSoundBuffer, only with the assumption that
* this is not a thread on it's own
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void SyncEncodeSoundBuffer(ProgData *pdata,signed char *buff);

*Check current running window manager.
* \param dpy Connection to the server
* \param root root window of the display
* \returns Window manager name
char *rmdWMCheck(Display *dpy,Window root);

*Construct an number postfixed name
* \param name base name
* \param newname modified name
* \n number to be used as a postfix
void CacheFileN(char *name,char **newname,int n);

* Change file pointer to a new file while writting
* (file name is incremented with CacheFileN)
* \param name base file name
* \param n number to be used as a postfix
* \param fp File pointer if compression is used(must be NULL otherwise)
* \param ucfp File pointer if compression is NOT used(must be NULL otherwise)
* \returns 0 on Success 1 on Failure
int SwapCacheFilesWrite(char *name,int n,gzFile **fp,FILE **ucfp);

* Change file pointer to a new file while reading
* (file name is incremented with CacheFileN)
* \param name base file name
* \param n number to be used as a postfix
* \param fp File pointer if compression is used(must be NULL otherwise)
* \param ucfp File pointer if compression is NOT used(must be NULL otherwise)
* \returns 0 on Success 1 on Failure
int SwapCacheFilesRead(char *name,int n,gzFile **fp,FILE **ucfp);

* Delete all cache files
* \param cache_data_t Caching options(file names etc.)
* \returns 0 if all files and folders where deleted, 1 otherwise
int PurgeCache(CacheData *cache_data_t,int sound);

* Encode cache into an
* ogg stream.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void EncodeCache(ProgData *pdata);

* Launch and wait capture threads.
* Also creates and waits the encoding threads when
* encode-on-the-fly is enabled.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
void rmdThreads(ProgData *pdata);

* initialize lists,mutexes,image buffers, take first screenshot,
* and anything else needed before launching the capture threads.
* \param pdata ProgData struct containing all program data
* \param enc_data reference to enc_data structure
* \param cache_data reference to cache_data structure
* \returns 0 on success, other values must cause the program to exit
int InitializeData(ProgData *pdata,
                   EncData *enc_data,
                   CacheData *cache_data);

#ifdef HAVE_JACK_H
*   Global Fuction Pointers To Jack API Calls
jack_client_t *(*jack_client_new_p)(const char *client_name);
jack_nframes_t (*jack_get_sample_rate_p)(jack_client_t * client);
int (*jack_set_buffer_size_p)(jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t nframes);
jack_nframes_t (*jack_get_buffer_size_p)(jack_client_t *client);
int (*jack_set_process_callback_p)(jack_client_t *client,
                                   JackProcessCallback process_callback,
                                   void *arg);
void (*jack_on_shutdown_p)(jack_client_t *client,
                           void(*function)(void *arg),
                           void *arg);
int (*jack_activate_p)(jack_client_t *client);
int (*jack_client_close_p)(jack_client_t *client);
void *(*jack_port_get_buffer_p)(jack_port_t *port,jack_nframes_t);
jack_port_t *(*jack_port_register_p)(jack_client_t *client,
                                     const char *port_name,
                                     const char *port_type,
                                     unsigned long flags,
                                     unsigned long buffer_size);
int (*jack_connect_p)(jack_client_t *client,
                      const char *source_port,
                      const char *destination_port);
const char *(*jack_port_name_p)(const jack_port_t *port);
int (*jack_port_name_size_p)(void);
jack_ringbuffer_t *(*jack_ringbuffer_create_p)(size_t sz);
void (*jack_ringbuffer_free_p)(jack_ringbuffer_t *rb);
size_t (*jack_ringbuffer_read_p)(jack_ringbuffer_t *rb,
                                 char *dest, size_t cnt);
size_t (*jack_ringbuffer_read_space_p)(const jack_ringbuffer_t *rb);
size_t (*jack_ringbuffer_write_p)(jack_ringbuffer_t *rb,
                                  const char *src,
                                  size_t cnt);
*   End Of Function Pointers

*   Callback for capture through jack
*   \param  nframes Number of frames captured
*   \param jdata_t  Pointer to JackData struct containing port
*                   and client information
*   \returns Zero always
int JackCapture(jack_nframes_t nframes,void *jdata_t);

*   Callback for jack server shutdown
*   \param jdata_t  Pointer to JackData struct containing port
*                   and client information
void JackShutdown(void *jdata_t);

*   Register and Activate specified ports
*   \param jdata_t  Pointer to JackData struct containing port
*                   and client information
*   \returns 0 on Success, 1 on failure
int SetupPorts(JackData *jdata);

*   dlopen libjack and dlsym all needed functions
*   \param jack_lib_handle  Pointer to handle for jack library
*   \returns 0 on Success, 1 on failure
int LoadJackLib(void *jack_lib_handle);

*   Load libjack, create and activate client,register ports
*   \param jdata_t  Pointer to JackData struct containing port
*                   and client information
*   \returns 0 on Success, error code on failure
*            (depending on where the error occured)
int StartJackClient(JackData *jdata);

*   Close Jack Client
*   \param jdata_t  Pointer to JackData struct containing port
*                   and client information
*   \returns 0 on Success, 1 on failure
int StopJackClient(JackData *jdata);


*   Extract cache blocks from damage list
* \param root Root entry of the list with damaged areas
* \param blocknum_x Width of image in blocks
* \param blocknum_y Height of image in blocks
void BlocksFromList(RectArea **root,
                    unsigned int blocknum_x,
                    unsigned int blocknum_y);
