To compile the program you have to go through the regular drill: ~$ gzip -d recordmydesktop-x.y.z.tar.gz ~$ tar -x recordmydesktop-x.y.z.tar ~$ cd recordmydesktop-x.y.z ~$ ./configure ~$ make ~$ sudo make install You will need the development headers for the following: alsa (libasound) X libXext libXdamage libXfixes libogg libvorbis libtheora As well the regular headers, plus the ones for pthreads (both of which you should have if you have compiled anything else before). Of the above, the most likely to be missing are probably those of libXdamage and libtheora but any recent linux distribution should offer an easy way to get them. Compiling on *BSD or other *nix flavors is not going to work(because of the alsa dependency) but it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to change that(at least by disabling sound capture). Future versions might include support for OSS-based sound capture.