AC_PREREQ(2.59) AC_INIT(src/ AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(qt-recordmydesktop, 0.3.7-cvs) AS_AC_EXPAND(LIBDIR, $libdir) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Storing library files in $LIBDIR) AC_SUBST(PYQT4_REQ, 4.1) AC_SUBST(QT4_REQ, 4.2) #The following test is needed for the expansion bellow if test "x$prefix" == "xNONE"; then export prefix="/usr/local/" else echo "prefix set to $prefix" fi AS_AC_EXPAND(PREFIX,$prefix) AS_AC_EXPAND(DATADIR, "$datadir") AC_MSG_NOTICE(Storing data files in $DATADIR) AS_AC_EXPAND(SYSCONFDIR, $sysconfdir) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Storing configuration files in $SYSCONFDIR) AS_AC_EXPAND(LOCALSTATEDIR, $localstatedir) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using localstatedir $LOCALSTATEDIR) dnl check for python AM_PATH_PYTHON(2.3) AS_AC_EXPAND(PYTHONDIR, $pythondir) AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using pythondir $PYTHONDIR) GETTEXT_PACKAGE=qt-recordMyDesktop AC_SUBST(GETTEXT_PACKAGE) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,"$GETTEXT_PACKAGE", [The gettext package name]) AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT dnl check for pyqt PKG_CHECK_MODULES(QtCore, [QtCore >= $QT4_REQ],,AC_MSG_ERROR(You need libQt4 >=4.2 and the appropriate development headers to proceed)) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(QtGui, [QtGui >= $QT4_REQ],,AC_MSG_ERROR(You need libQt4 >=4.2 and the appropriate development headers to proceed)) export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH export PYQT4_VERSION=`python -c 'import PyQt4; from PyQt4 import QtCore; print QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR' 2>>/dev/null ` if test x$PYQT4_VERSION == x; then AC_MSG_ERROR(You need PyQt4>=4.1 installed to procceed); fi b=$(echo "$PYQT4_VERSION" | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="." } { print $1 "\n" $2 "\n" $3 }') c=($b) export PYQT4_MAJOR=${c[[0]]} export PYQT4_MINOR=${c[[1]]} if test $PYQT4_MAJOR != 4; then AC_MSG_ERROR(PyQt4 Major version number not 4!!!); fi if test $PYQT4_MINOR -lt 1; then AC_MSG_ERROR(You need PyQt4>=4.1 installed to procceed (earlier version found installed)); fi AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile src/ src/qt-recordMyDesktop po/ m4/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT