/* * Copyright (C) 2023 - Vito Caputo - * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TIL_STREAM_H #define _TIL_STREAM_H #include #include #include #include "til_module_context.h" #include "til_setup.h" typedef struct til_stream_t til_stream_t; typedef struct til_stream_module_context_t til_stream_module_context_t; typedef struct til_stream_pipe_t til_stream_pipe_t; typedef struct til_tap_t til_tap_t; /* since pipe is opaque, pass all the member values too. pipe is still given so * things can be done to it (like changing the ownership?) * return 0 to stop iterating, 1 to continue, -errno on error */ typedef int (til_stream_pipe_iter_func_t)(void *context, til_stream_pipe_t *pipe, const void *owner, const void *owner_foo, const til_tap_t *driving_tap); /* this provides a way to intercept pipe creations/deletions when they occur, * allowing another module to snipe ownership when they appear and cleanup * its resources when they disappear. */ typedef struct til_stream_hooks_t { int (*pipe_ctor)(void *context, til_stream_t *stream, const void *owner, const void *owner_foo, const char *parent_path, uint32_t parent_hash, const til_tap_t *tap, const void **res_owner, const void **res_owner_foo, const til_tap_t **res_tap); /* called immediately *before* pipe would be created by tap using these parameters, return <0 on error, 0 on unhandled by hook, 1 on handled with desired owner/owner_foo/tap stored in res_* */ void (*pipe_dtor)(void *context, til_stream_t *stream, const void *owner, const void *owner_foo, const char *parent_path, const til_tap_t *tap); /* called immediately *after* pipe "destroyed" (withdrawn from stream) */ } til_stream_hooks_t; til_stream_t * til_stream_new(void); til_stream_t * til_stream_free(til_stream_t *stream); void til_stream_end(til_stream_t *stream); int til_stream_active(til_stream_t *stream); void til_stream_start_frame(til_stream_t *stream); int til_stream_set_hooks(til_stream_t *stream, const til_stream_hooks_t *hooks, void *context); int til_stream_unset_hooks(til_stream_t *stream, const til_stream_hooks_t *hooks); /* bare interface for non-module-context owned taps */ int til_stream_tap(til_stream_t *stream, const void *owner, const void *owner_foo, const char *parent_path, uint32_t parent_hash, const til_tap_t *tap); /* convenience helper for use within modules */ static inline int til_stream_tap_context(til_stream_t *stream, const til_module_context_t *module_context, const void *owner_foo, const til_tap_t *tap) { return til_stream_tap(stream, module_context, owner_foo, module_context->setup->path, module_context->setup->path_hash, tap); } void til_stream_untap_owner(til_stream_t *stream, const void *owner); void til_stream_fprint_pipes(til_stream_t *stream, FILE *out); int til_stream_for_each_pipe(til_stream_t *stream, til_stream_pipe_iter_func_t pipe_cb, void *cb_arg); void til_stream_pipe_set_owner(til_stream_pipe_t *pipe, const void *owner, const void *owner_foo); void til_stream_pipe_set_driving_tap(til_stream_t *stream, til_stream_pipe_t *pipe, const til_tap_t *driving_tap); typedef int (til_stream_module_context_iter_func_t)(void *context, til_stream_module_context_t *module_context, size_t n_module_contexts, const til_module_context_t **contexts); int til_stream_for_each_module_context(til_stream_t *stream, til_stream_module_context_iter_func_t module_context_cb, void *cb_arg); int til_stream_register_module_contexts(til_stream_t *stream, size_t n_contexts, til_module_context_t **contexts); int til_stream_find_module_contexts(til_stream_t *stream, const char *path, size_t n_contexts, til_module_context_t **res_contexts); unsigned til_stream_gc_module_contexts(til_stream_t *stream); void til_stream_fprint_module_contexts(til_stream_t *stream, FILE *out); #endif