#include #include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_module_context.h" #include "til_util.h" #include "v2f.h" /* Rudimentary Voronoi diagram module: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronoi_diagram * * When used as an overlay, the output fragment's contents are sampled for * coloring the cells producing a realtime mosaic style effect. */ /* Copyright (C) 2022 Vito Caputo */ typedef struct voronoi_setup_t { til_setup_t til_setup; size_t n_cells; unsigned randomize:1; } voronoi_setup_t; typedef struct voronoi_cell_t { v2f_t origin; uint32_t color; } voronoi_cell_t; typedef struct voronoi_distance_t { voronoi_cell_t *cell; float distance_sq; } voronoi_distance_t; typedef struct voronoi_distances_t { int width, height; size_t size; voronoi_distance_t *buf; unsigned recalc_needed:1; } voronoi_distances_t; typedef struct voronoi_context_t { til_module_context_t til_module_context; unsigned seed; voronoi_setup_t *setup; voronoi_distances_t distances; voronoi_cell_t cells[]; } voronoi_context_t; #define VORONOI_DEFAULT_N_CELLS 1024 #define VORONOI_DEFAULT_DIRTY 0 #define VORONOI_DEFAULT_RANDOMIZE 0 /* TODO: stuff like this makes me think there needs to be support for threaded prepare_frame(), * since this could just have per-cpu lists of cells and per-cpu rand_r seeds which could make * a significant difference for large numbers of cells. */ static void voronoi_randomize(voronoi_context_t *ctxt, int do_colors) { float inv_rand_max= 1.f / (float)RAND_MAX; if (!do_colors) { /* we can skip setting the colors when overlayed since they get sampled */ for (size_t i = 0; i < ctxt->setup->n_cells; i++) { voronoi_cell_t *p = &ctxt->cells[i]; p->origin.x = ((float)rand_r(&ctxt->seed) * inv_rand_max) * 2.f - 1.f; p->origin.y = ((float)rand_r(&ctxt->seed) * inv_rand_max) * 2.f - 1.f; } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < ctxt->setup->n_cells; i++) { voronoi_cell_t *p = &ctxt->cells[i]; p->origin.x = ((float)rand_r(&ctxt->seed) * inv_rand_max) * 2.f - 1.f; p->origin.y = ((float)rand_r(&ctxt->seed) * inv_rand_max) * 2.f - 1.f; p->color = ((uint32_t)(rand_r(&ctxt->seed) % 256)) << 16; p->color |= ((uint32_t)(rand_r(&ctxt->seed) % 256)) << 8; p->color |= ((uint32_t)(rand_r(&ctxt->seed) % 256)); } } ctxt->distances.recalc_needed = 1; } static til_module_context_t * voronoi_create_context(const til_module_t *module, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned seed, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_setup_t *setup) { voronoi_context_t *ctxt; ctxt = til_module_context_new(module, sizeof(voronoi_context_t) + ((voronoi_setup_t *)setup)->n_cells * sizeof(voronoi_cell_t), stream, seed, ticks, n_cpus, setup); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->setup = (voronoi_setup_t *)setup; ctxt->seed = seed; voronoi_randomize(ctxt, 1); return &ctxt->til_module_context; } static void voronoi_destroy_context(til_module_context_t *context) { voronoi_context_t *ctxt = (voronoi_context_t *)context; free(ctxt->distances.buf); free(ctxt); } static inline size_t voronoi_cell_origin_to_distance_idx(const voronoi_context_t *ctxt, const voronoi_cell_t *cell) { size_t x, y; x = (cell->origin.x * .5f + .5f) * (float)(ctxt->distances.width - 1); y = (cell->origin.y * .5f + .5f) * (float)(ctxt->distances.height - 1); return y * ctxt->distances.width + x; } static size_t voronoi_jumpfill_pass(voronoi_context_t *ctxt, const v2f_t *db, const v2f_t *ds, size_t step, const til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { size_t n_unassigned = 0; v2f_t dp = {}; dp.y = db->y; for (int y = 0; y < fragment->height; y++, dp.y += ds->y) { voronoi_distance_t *d = &ctxt->distances.buf[(fragment->y + y) * ctxt->distances.width + fragment->x]; dp.x = db->x; for (int x = 0; x < fragment->width; x++, dp.x += ds->x, d++) { voronoi_distance_t *dq; if (d->cell && d->distance_sq == 0) continue; /* FIXME TODO: this almost certainly needs to use some atomics or at least more care in dereferencing dq->cell and * writing to d->cell, since we perform jumpfill concurrently in render_fragment, and the step range deliberately * puts us outside the current fragment's boundaries. */ #define VORONOI_JUMPFILL \ if (dq->cell) { \ float dist_sq = v2f_distance_sq(&dq->cell->origin, &dp); \ \ if (!d->cell) { /* we're unassigned, just join dq's cell */ \ d->cell = dq->cell; \ d->distance_sq = dist_sq; \ } else if (dist_sq < d->distance_sq) { /* is dq's cell's origin closer than the present one? then join it */ \ d->cell = dq->cell; \ d->distance_sq = dist_sq; \ } \ } if (fragment->x + x >= step) { /* can sample to the left */ dq = d - step; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; if (fragment->y + y >= step) { /* can sample above and to the left */ dq = d - step * ctxt->distances.width - step; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; } if (fragment->frame_height - (fragment->y + y) > step) { /* can sample below and to the left */ dq = d + step * ctxt->distances.width - step; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; } } if (fragment->frame_width - (fragment->x + x) > step) { /* can sample to the right */ dq = d + step; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; if (fragment->y + y >= step) { /* can sample above and to the right */ dq = d - step * ctxt->distances.width + step; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; } if (fragment->frame_height - (fragment->y + y) > step) { /* can sample below */ dq = d + step * ctxt->distances.width + step; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; } } if (fragment->y + y >= step) { /* can sample above */ dq = d - step * ctxt->distances.width; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; } if (fragment->frame_height - (fragment->y + y) > step) { /* can sample below */ dq = d + step * ctxt->distances.width; VORONOI_JUMPFILL; } if (!d->cell) n_unassigned++; } } return n_unassigned; } /* distance calculating is split into two halves: * 1. a serialized global/cell-oriented part, where the distances are wholesale * reset then the "seeds" placed according to the cells. * 2. a concurrent distance-oriented part, where per-pixel distances are computed * within the bounds of the supplied fragment (tiled) * * These occur in prepare_pass/render_pass, respectively. */ static void voronoi_calculate_distances_prepare_pass(voronoi_context_t *ctxt) { memset(ctxt->distances.buf, 0, ctxt->distances.size * sizeof(*ctxt->distances.buf)); /* first assign the obvious zero-distance cell origins */ for (size_t i = 0; i < ctxt->setup->n_cells; i++) { voronoi_cell_t *c = &ctxt->cells[i]; size_t idx; voronoi_distance_t *d; idx = voronoi_cell_origin_to_distance_idx(ctxt, c); d = &ctxt->distances.buf[idx]; d->cell = c; d->distance_sq = 0.f; } } static void voronoi_calculate_distances_render_pass(voronoi_context_t *ctxt, const til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { v2f_t ds = (v2f_t){ .x = 2.f / fragment->frame_width, .y = 2.f / fragment->frame_height, }; v2f_t db = (v2f_t){ .x = fragment->x * ds.x - 1.f, .y = fragment->y * ds.y - 1.f, }; size_t n_unassigned; /* An attempt at implementing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_flooding_algorithm */ /* now for every distance sample neighbors */ /* The step range still has to access the entire frame to ensure we can still find "seed" cells * even when the current fragment/tile doesn't encompass any of them. * * i.e. if we strictly sampled within our fragment's bounds, we'd potentially not find a seed cell * at all - epsecially in scenarios having small numbers of cells relative to the number of fragments/tiles. * * But aside from the potentially-missed-seed-cell bug, staying strictly without our fragment's * boundaries for sampling also would result in clearly visible tile edges in the diagram. * * So no, we can't just treat every fragment as its own little isolated distances buf within the greater * one. This does make it more complicated since outside our fragment's bounds other threads may be * changing the cell pointers while we try dereference them. But all we really care about is finding * seeds reliably, and those should already be populated in the prepare phase. */ do { for (size_t step = MAX(fragment->frame_width, fragment->frame_height) >> 1; step > 0; step >>= 1) n_unassigned = voronoi_jumpfill_pass(ctxt, &db, &ds, step, fragment); } while (n_unassigned); /* FIXME: there seems to be bug/race potential with sparse voronois at high res, * especially w/randomize=on where jumpfill constantly recurs, it could leave a * spurious NULL cell resulting in a segfault. The simplest thing to do here is * just repeat the jumpfill for the fragment. It's inefficient, but rare, and doing * voronoi as-is that way on a high resolution is brutally slow anyways, this all needs * revisiting to make things scale better. So for now this prevents crashing, which is * all that matters. */ } static void voronoi_sample_colors(voronoi_context_t *ctxt, const til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ctxt->setup->n_cells; i++) { voronoi_cell_t *p = &ctxt->cells[i]; int x, y; x = (p->origin.x * .5f + .5f) * (fragment->frame_width - 1); y = (p->origin.y * .5f + .5f) * (fragment->frame_height - 1); p->color = fragment->buf[y * fragment->pitch + x]; } } static void voronoi_prepare_frame(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr, til_frame_plan_t *res_frame_plan) { voronoi_context_t *ctxt = (voronoi_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; *res_frame_plan = (til_frame_plan_t){ .fragmenter = til_fragmenter_tile64 }; if (!ctxt->distances.buf || ctxt->distances.width != fragment->frame_width || ctxt->distances.height != fragment->frame_height) { free(ctxt->distances.buf); ctxt->distances.width = fragment->frame_width; ctxt->distances.height = fragment->frame_height; ctxt->distances.size = fragment->frame_width * fragment->frame_height; ctxt->distances.buf = malloc(sizeof(voronoi_distance_t) * ctxt->distances.size); ctxt->distances.recalc_needed = 1; } if (ctxt->setup->randomize) voronoi_randomize(ctxt, !fragment->cleared); /* if the fragment comes in already cleared/initialized, use it for the colors, producing a mosaic */ if (fragment->cleared) voronoi_sample_colors(ctxt, fragment); if (ctxt->distances.recalc_needed) voronoi_calculate_distances_prepare_pass(ctxt); } static void voronoi_render_fragment(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, unsigned cpu, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr) { voronoi_context_t *ctxt = (voronoi_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; if (ctxt->distances.recalc_needed) voronoi_calculate_distances_render_pass(ctxt, fragment); for (int y = 0; y < fragment->height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < fragment->width; x++) { fragment->buf[y * fragment->pitch + x] = ctxt->distances.buf[(y + fragment->y) * ctxt->distances.width + (fragment->x + x)].cell->color; } } } static void voronoi_finish_frame(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr) { voronoi_context_t *ctxt = (voronoi_context_t *)context; ctxt->distances.recalc_needed = 0; } static int voronoi_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup); til_module_t voronoi_module = { .create_context = voronoi_create_context, .destroy_context = voronoi_destroy_context, .prepare_frame = voronoi_prepare_frame, .render_fragment = voronoi_render_fragment, .finish_frame = voronoi_finish_frame, .setup = voronoi_setup, .name = "voronoi", .description = "Voronoi diagram (threaded)", .author = "Vito Caputo ", .flags = TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE, }; static int voronoi_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { til_setting_t *n_cells; const char *n_cells_values[] = { "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", NULL }; til_setting_t *randomize; const char *bool_values[] = { "off", "on", NULL }; int r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_setting(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Voronoi cells quantity", .key = "cells", .regex = "^[0-9]+", .preferred = TIL_SETTINGS_STR(VORONOI_DEFAULT_N_CELLS), .values = n_cells_values, .annotations = NULL }, &n_cells, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_setting(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Constantly randomize cell placement", .key = "randomize", .regex = "^(on|off)", .preferred = bool_values[VORONOI_DEFAULT_RANDOMIZE], .values = bool_values, .annotations = NULL }, &randomize, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; if (res_setup) { voronoi_setup_t *setup; setup = til_setup_new(settings, sizeof(*setup), NULL, &voronoi_module); if (!setup) return -ENOMEM; if (sscanf(n_cells->value, "%zu", &setup->n_cells) != 1) return til_setup_free_with_failed_setting_ret_err(&setup->til_setup, n_cells, res_setting, -EINVAL); if (!strcasecmp(randomize->value, "on")) setup->randomize = 1; *res_setup = &setup->til_setup; } return 0; }