/* * Copyright (C) 2021 - Vito Caputo - * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* this implements a very simplified "boids" inspired particles swarm * http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boids * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swarm_intelligence */ #include #include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" typedef struct v3f_t { float x, y, z; } v3f_t; typedef struct v2f_t { float x, y; } v2f_t; typedef struct boid_t { v3f_t position; v3f_t direction; float velocity; } boid_t; typedef enum swarm_draw_style_t { SWARM_DRAW_STYLE_POINTS, /* simple opaque pixel per particle */ SWARM_DRAW_STYLE_LINES, /* simple opaque lines per particle, oriented and sized by direction and velocity */ } swarm_draw_style_t; typedef struct swarm_setup_t { til_setup_t til_setup; swarm_draw_style_t draw_style; } swarm_setup_t; typedef struct swarm_context_t { v3f_t color; float ztweak; swarm_setup_t setup; boid_t boids[]; } swarm_context_t; #define SWARM_SIZE (32 * 1024) #define SWARM_ZCONST 4.f #define SWARM_DEFAULT_STYLE SWARM_DRAW_STYLE_LINES static swarm_setup_t swarm_default_setup = { .draw_style = SWARM_DEFAULT_STYLE, }; static inline float randf(float min, float max) { return ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * (max - min) + min; } static inline void v3f_rand(v3f_t *v, float min, float max) { v->x = randf(min, max); v->y = randf(min, max); v->z = randf(min, max); } static inline v3f_t v3f_add(v3f_t a, v3f_t b) { return (v3f_t){ .x = a.x + b.x, .y = a.y + b.y, .z = a.z + b.z, }; } static inline v3f_t v3f_sub(v3f_t a, v3f_t b) { return (v3f_t){ .x = a.x - b.x, .y = a.y - b.y, .z = a.z - b.z, }; } static inline v3f_t v3f_mult_scalar(v3f_t v, float scalar) { return (v3f_t){ .x = v.x * scalar, .y = v.y * scalar, .z = v.z * scalar, }; } static inline float v3f_len(v3f_t v) { return sqrtf(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z); } static inline void v3f_normalize(v3f_t *v) { float l = 1.f / v3f_len(*v); v->x *= l; v->y *= l; v->z *= l; } static inline v3f_t v3f_invert(v3f_t v) { return (v3f_t){ .x = -v.x, .y = -v.y, .z = -v.z, }; } static v3f_t v3f_lerp(v3f_t a, v3f_t b, float t) { return (v3f_t){ .x = (b.x - a.x) * t + a.x, .y = (b.y - a.y) * t + a.y, .z = (b.z - a.z) * t + a.z, }; } static void boid_randomize(boid_t *boid) { v3f_rand(&boid->position, -1.f, 1.f); v3f_rand(&boid->direction, -1.f, 1.f); v3f_normalize(&boid->direction); boid->velocity = randf(.05f, .2f); } /* convert a color into a packed, 32-bit rgb pixel value (taken from libs/ray/ray_color.h) */ static inline uint32_t color_to_uint32(v3f_t color) { uint32_t pixel; if (color.x > 1.0f) color.x = 1.0f; if (color.y > 1.0f) color.y = 1.0f; if (color.z > 1.0f) color.z = 1.0f; if (color.x < .0f) color.x = .0f; if (color.y < .0f) color.y = .0f; if (color.z < .0f) color.z = .0f; pixel = (uint32_t)(color.x * 255.0f); pixel <<= 8; pixel |= (uint32_t)(color.y * 255.0f); pixel <<= 8; pixel |= (uint32_t)(color.z * 255.0f); return pixel; } static void * swarm_create_context(unsigned ticks, unsigned num_cpus, til_setup_t *setup) { swarm_context_t *ctxt; if (!setup) setup = &swarm_default_setup.til_setup; ctxt = calloc(1, sizeof(swarm_context_t) + sizeof(*(ctxt->boids)) * SWARM_SIZE); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->setup = *(swarm_setup_t *)setup; for (unsigned i = 0; i < SWARM_SIZE; i++) boid_randomize(&ctxt->boids[i]); return ctxt; } static void swarm_destroy_context(void *context) { swarm_context_t *ctxt = context; free(ctxt); } static void swarm_update(swarm_context_t *ctxt, unsigned ticks) { v3f_t avg_direction = {}; float avg_velocity = 0.f; v3f_t avg_center = {}; float wleader, wcenter, wdirection; { /* [0] = leader */ float r = M_PI * 2 * ((cosf((float)ticks * .001f) * .5f + .5f)); v3f_t newpos = { .x = cosf(r), .y = sinf(r), .z = cosf(r * 2.f), }; boid_t *b = &ctxt->boids[0]; if (newpos.x != b->position.x || newpos.y != b->position.y || newpos.z != b->position.z) { /* XXX: this must be conditional on position changing otherwise * it could produce a zero direction vector, making normalize * spit out NaN, and things fall apart. */ b->direction = v3f_sub(b->position, newpos); b->velocity = v3f_len(b->direction); v3f_normalize(&b->direction); b->position = newpos; } #if 0 printf("pos={%f,%f,%f},dir={%f,%f,%f},v=%f\n", b->position.x, b->position.y, b->position.z, b->direction.x, b->direction.y, b->direction.z, b->velocity); #endif } /* characterize the current swarm */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < SWARM_SIZE; i++) { boid_t *b = &ctxt->boids[i]; avg_center = v3f_add(avg_center, b->position); avg_direction = v3f_add(avg_direction, b->direction); avg_velocity += b->velocity; } avg_velocity *= (1.f / (float)SWARM_SIZE); avg_center = v3f_mult_scalar(avg_center, (1.f / (float)SWARM_SIZE)); avg_direction = v3f_mult_scalar(avg_direction, (1.f / (float)SWARM_SIZE)); v3f_normalize(&avg_direction); /* vary weights */ wleader = cosf((float)ticks * .001f) * .5f + .5f; wcenter = cosf((float)ticks * .0005f) * .5f + .5f; wdirection = sinf((float)ticks * .003f) * .5f + .5f; /* update the followers in relation to leader and swarm itself */ for (unsigned i = 1; i < SWARM_SIZE; i++) { boid_t *b = &ctxt->boids[i]; v3f_t to_leader = v3f_sub(ctxt->boids[0].position, b->position); v3f_t to_center = v3f_sub(avg_center, b->position); v3f_normalize(&to_leader); b->direction = v3f_lerp(b->direction, to_leader, wleader * .1f); v3f_normalize(&b->direction); b->direction = v3f_lerp(b->direction, to_center, wcenter * .1f); v3f_normalize(&b->direction); b->direction = v3f_lerp(b->direction, avg_direction, wdirection * .05f); v3f_normalize(&b->direction); b->position = v3f_add(b->position, v3f_mult_scalar(b->direction, b->velocity)); } /* color the swarm according to the current weights */ ctxt->color.x = wleader; ctxt->color.y = wcenter; ctxt->color.z = wdirection; /* this zooms out a bit when the swarm loosens up, gauged by low weights */ ctxt->ztweak = (1.8f - v3f_len(ctxt->color)) * 4.f; } static inline v2f_t swarm_project_point(swarm_context_t *ctxt, v3f_t *point) { return (v2f_t) { .x = point->x / (point->z + SWARM_ZCONST + ctxt->ztweak), .y = point->y / (point->z + SWARM_ZCONST + ctxt->ztweak), }; } static inline v2f_t swarm_scale(v2f_t normcoord, v2f_t scale) { return (v2f_t) { .x = normcoord.x * scale.x + scale.x, .y = normcoord.y * scale.y + scale.y, }; } static inline v2f_t swarm_clip(v2f_t coord, til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { // printf("coord={%f,%f}\n", coord.x, coord.y); return (v2f_t) { .x = coord.x < 0.f ? 0.f : (coord.x > (fragment->frame_width - 1) ? (fragment->frame_width - 1) : coord.x), .y = coord.y < 0.f ? 0.f : (coord.y > (fragment->frame_height - 1) ? (fragment->frame_height - 1) : coord.y), }; } static void swarm_draw_as_points(swarm_context_t *ctxt, til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { v2f_t scale = (v2f_t){ .x = fragment->frame_width * .5f, .y = fragment->frame_height * .5f, }; uint32_t color = color_to_uint32(ctxt->color); for (unsigned i = 0; i < SWARM_SIZE; i++) { boid_t *b = &ctxt->boids[i]; v2f_t nc = swarm_scale(swarm_project_point(ctxt, &b->position), scale); til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, nc.x, nc.y, color); } } static void draw_line_unchecked(til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color) { int x_delta = x2 - x1; int y_delta = y2 - y1; int sdx = x_delta < 0 ? -1 : 1; int sdy = y_delta < 0 ? -1 : 1; x_delta = abs(x_delta); y_delta = abs(y_delta); if (x_delta >= y_delta) { /* X-major */ for (int minor = 0, x = 0; x <= x_delta; x++, x1 += sdx, minor += y_delta) { if (minor >= x_delta) { y1 += sdy; minor -= x_delta; } til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_unchecked(fragment, x1, y1, color); } } else { /* Y-major */ for (int minor = 0, y = 0; y <= y_delta; y++, y1 += sdy, minor += x_delta) { if (minor >= y_delta) { x1 += sdx; minor -= y_delta; } til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_unchecked(fragment, x1, y1, color); } } } static void swarm_draw_as_lines(swarm_context_t *ctxt, til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { v2f_t scale = (v2f_t){ .x = fragment->frame_width * .5f, .y = fragment->frame_height * .5f, }; uint32_t color = color_to_uint32(ctxt->color); /* this is similar to draw_as_points(), but derives two 3D points per boid, * connecting them with a line in 2D. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < SWARM_SIZE; i++) { boid_t *b = &ctxt->boids[i]; v3f_t p1, p2; v2f_t nc1, nc2; p1 = v3f_add(b->position, v3f_mult_scalar(b->direction, b->velocity)); p2 = v3f_add(b->position, v3f_mult_scalar(v3f_invert(b->direction), b->velocity)); /* don't bother drawing anything too close/behind the viewer, it * just produces diagonal lines across the entire frame. */ if (p1.z < -SWARM_ZCONST && p2.z < -SWARM_ZCONST) continue; nc1 = swarm_clip(swarm_scale(swarm_project_point(ctxt, &p1), scale), fragment); nc2 = swarm_clip(swarm_scale(swarm_project_point(ctxt, &p2), scale), fragment); draw_line_unchecked(fragment, nc1.x, nc1.y, nc2.x, nc2.y, color); } } static void swarm_render_fragment(void *context, unsigned ticks, unsigned cpu, til_fb_fragment_t *fragment) { swarm_context_t *ctxt = context; swarm_update(ctxt, ticks); til_fb_fragment_clear(fragment); switch (ctxt->setup.draw_style) { case SWARM_DRAW_STYLE_POINTS: return swarm_draw_as_points(ctxt, fragment); case SWARM_DRAW_STYLE_LINES: return swarm_draw_as_lines(ctxt, fragment); } } static int swarm_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { const char *styles[] = { "points", "lines", NULL, }; const char *style; int r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_desc_t){ .name = "Particle drawing style", .key = "style", .values = styles, .preferred = styles[SWARM_DEFAULT_STYLE], .annotations = NULL }, &style, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; if (res_setup) { swarm_setup_t *setup; setup = til_setup_new(sizeof(*setup), (void(*)(til_setup_t *))free); if (!setup) return -ENOMEM; for (int i = 0; styles[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(styles[i], style)) setup->draw_style = i; } *res_setup = &setup->til_setup; } return 0; } til_module_t swarm_module = { .create_context = swarm_create_context, .destroy_context = swarm_destroy_context, .render_fragment = swarm_render_fragment, .name = "swarm", .description = "\"Boids\"-inspired particle swarm in 3D", .author = "Vito Caputo ", .setup = swarm_setup, };