#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_module_context.h" #include "til_settings.h" #include "til_stream.h" #include "til_tap.h" #include "draw.h" /* Copyright (C) 2017-20 Philip J. Freeman */ #define DEFAULT_ROT_ADJ .00003 struct points { float x, y, z; struct points *next; }; typedef struct stars_context_t { til_module_context_t til_module_context; struct points* points; struct { til_tap_t rot_rate; til_tap_t rot_angle; til_tap_t offset_x; til_tap_t offset_y; til_tap_t offset_angle; } taps; struct { float rot_rate; float rot_angle; float offset_x; float offset_y; float offset_angle; } vars; float rot_adj; float *rot_rate; float *rot_angle; float *offset_x; float *offset_y; float *offset_angle; unsigned seed; } stars_context_t; typedef struct stars_setup_t { til_setup_t til_setup; float rot_adj; } stars_setup_t; static stars_setup_t stars_default_setup = { .rot_adj = DEFAULT_ROT_ADJ, }; float get_random_unit_coord(unsigned *seed) { return (((float)rand_r(seed)/(float)RAND_MAX)*2.0)-1.0; } static til_module_context_t * stars_create_context(til_stream_t *stream, unsigned seed, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, char *path, til_setup_t *setup) { stars_context_t *ctxt; float z; struct points* p_ptr = NULL; if (!setup) setup = &stars_default_setup.til_setup; ctxt = til_module_context_new(stream, sizeof(stars_context_t), seed, ticks, n_cpus, path); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->points = NULL; ctxt->seed = seed; ctxt->rot_adj = ((stars_setup_t *)setup)->rot_adj; ctxt->vars.offset_x = 0.5; ctxt->vars.offset_angle = 0.01; ctxt->taps.rot_rate = til_tap_init_float(&ctxt->rot_rate, 1, &ctxt->vars.rot_rate, "rot_rate"); ctxt->taps.rot_angle = til_tap_init_float(&ctxt->rot_angle, 1, &ctxt->vars.rot_angle, "rot_angle"); ctxt->taps.offset_x = til_tap_init_float(&ctxt->offset_x, 1, &ctxt->vars.offset_x, "offset_x"); ctxt->taps.offset_y = til_tap_init_float(&ctxt->offset_y, 1, &ctxt->vars.offset_y, "offset_y"); ctxt->taps.offset_angle = til_tap_init_float(&ctxt->offset_angle, 1, &ctxt->vars.offset_angle, "offset_angle"); //add a bunch of points for(z=0.01; z<1; z=z+0.01) { for(int i=0; iseed)%16; i++){ p_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct points)); if (!p_ptr) return NULL; p_ptr->x = get_random_unit_coord(&ctxt->seed); p_ptr->y = get_random_unit_coord(&ctxt->seed); p_ptr->z = z; p_ptr->next = ctxt->points; ctxt->points = p_ptr; } } return &ctxt->til_module_context; } static void stars_destroy_context(til_module_context_t *context) { stars_context_t *ctxt = (stars_context_t *)context; struct points* p_ptr; struct points* last_ptr=NULL; for ( p_ptr=ctxt->points; p_ptr != NULL; p_ptr = p_ptr->next) { if (last_ptr!=NULL) free(last_ptr); last_ptr=p_ptr; } free(last_ptr); free(context); } static void stars_render_fragment(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, unsigned cpu, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr) { stars_context_t *ctxt = (stars_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; struct points* iterator; struct points* tmp_ptr; struct points* last_ptr=NULL; float x, y, pos_x, pos_y, rot_x, rot_y, opacity, x_mult, y_mult, max_radius; int width = fragment->frame_width, height = fragment->frame_height; if(width>height) { x_mult=1.f; y_mult=(float)width/(float)height; } else { x_mult=(float)height/(float)width; y_mult=1.f; } max_radius=1.f+((width+height)*.001f); til_fb_fragment_clear(fragment); iterator=ctxt->points; for(;;) { if(iterator == NULL) break; if(iterator->z >= 1) { if(last_ptr == NULL) ctxt->points = iterator->next; else last_ptr->next = iterator->next; tmp_ptr = iterator; iterator = iterator->next; free(tmp_ptr); continue; } x = (iterator->x / (1.f - iterator->z))*x_mult; y = (iterator->y / (1.f - iterator->z))*y_mult; rot_x = (x*cosf(*ctxt->rot_angle))-(y*sinf(*ctxt->rot_angle)); rot_y = (x*sinf(*ctxt->rot_angle))+(y*cosf(*ctxt->rot_angle)); pos_x = ((rot_x+*ctxt->offset_x+1.f)*.5f)*(float)width; pos_y = ((rot_y+*ctxt->offset_y+1.f)*.5f)*(float)height; if(iterator->z<0.1) opacity = iterator->z*10; else opacity = 1; if (pos_x>0 && pos_x0 && pos_y0 && my_x0 && my_y powf((iterator->z*max_radius), 2)) continue; til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, TIL_FB_DRAW_FLAG_TEXTURABLE, my_x, my_y, makergb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, opacity)); } iterator->z += 0.01; last_ptr=iterator; iterator=iterator->next; } // add stars at horizon for(int i=0; iseed)%16; i++){ tmp_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct points)); if (!tmp_ptr) break; tmp_ptr->x = get_random_unit_coord(&ctxt->seed); tmp_ptr->y = get_random_unit_coord(&ctxt->seed); tmp_ptr->z = 0.01; tmp_ptr->next = ctxt->points; ctxt->points = tmp_ptr; } if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, context, &ctxt->taps.rot_angle)) *ctxt->rot_angle+=*ctxt->rot_rate; if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, context, &ctxt->taps.rot_rate)) { // handle rotation parameters if(*ctxt->rot_angle>M_PI_4) *ctxt->rot_rate=*ctxt->rot_rate-ctxt->rot_adj; else *ctxt->rot_rate=*ctxt->rot_rate+ctxt->rot_adj; } /* there's no automation of offset_angle */ (void) til_stream_tap_context(stream, context, &ctxt->taps.offset_angle); // handle offset parameters if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, context, &ctxt->taps.offset_x)) { float tmp_x = (*ctxt->offset_x*cosf(*ctxt->offset_angle))- (*ctxt->offset_y*sinf(*ctxt->offset_angle)); *ctxt->offset_x = tmp_x; } if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, context, &ctxt->taps.offset_y)) { float tmp_y = (*ctxt->offset_x*sinf(*ctxt->offset_angle))+ (*ctxt->offset_y*cosf(*ctxt->offset_angle)); *ctxt->offset_y = tmp_y; } } int stars_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { const char *rot_adj; const char *rot_adj_values[] = { ".0", ".00001", ".00003", ".0001", ".0003", ".001", NULL }; int r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_desc_t){ .name = "Rotation rate", .key = "rot_adj", .regex = "\\.[0-9]+", .preferred = TIL_SETTINGS_STR(DEFAULT_ROT_ADJ), .values = rot_adj_values, .annotations = NULL }, &rot_adj, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; if (res_setup) { stars_setup_t *setup; setup = til_setup_new(sizeof(*setup), (void(*)(til_setup_t *))free); if (!setup) return -ENOMEM; sscanf(rot_adj, "%f", &setup->rot_adj); *res_setup = &setup->til_setup; } return 0; } til_module_t stars_module = { .create_context = stars_create_context, .destroy_context = stars_destroy_context, .render_fragment = stars_render_fragment, .setup = stars_setup, .name = "stars", .description = "Basic starfield", .author = "Philip J Freeman ", .flags = TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE, };