#include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_module_context.h" #include "draw.h" /* Copyright (C) 2020 Philip J. Freeman <elektron@halo.nu> */ /* Spirograph Emulator refs: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirograph#Mathematical_basis - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_circle#Trigonometric_functions_on_the_unit_circle */ typedef struct spiro_context_t { til_module_context_t til_module_context; float r; int r_dir; float p; int p_dir; } spiro_context_t; static til_module_context_t * spiro_create_context(const til_module_t *module, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned seed, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_setup_t *setup) { spiro_context_t *ctxt; ctxt = til_module_context_new(module, sizeof(spiro_context_t), stream, seed, ticks, n_cpus, setup); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->r=.25f+(rand_r(&seed)/(float)RAND_MAX)*.5f; if(ctxt->r>.5f) ctxt->r_dir=-1; else ctxt->r_dir=1; ctxt->p=(rand_r(&seed)/(float)RAND_MAX)*ctxt->r; ctxt->p_dir=ctxt->r_dir*-1; #ifdef DEBUG printf("spiro: initial context: r=%f, dir=%i, p=%f, dir=%i\n", ctxt->r, ctxt->r_dir, ctxt->p, ctxt->p_dir); #endif return &ctxt->til_module_context; } static void spiro_render_fragment(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, unsigned cpu, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr) { spiro_context_t *ctxt = (spiro_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; int width = fragment->frame_width, height = fragment->frame_height; int display_R, display_origin_x, display_origin_y; /* Based on the fragment's dimensions, calculate the origin and radius of the fixed outer circle, C0. */ if(width>=height) { // landscape or square aspect ratio display_R=(height-1)*0.5f; display_origin_x=((width-height)*.5f)+display_R; display_origin_y=display_R; } else { // portrait display_R=(width-1)*.5f; display_origin_x=display_R; display_origin_y=((height-width)*.5f)+display_R; } /* blank the fragment */ til_fb_fragment_clear(fragment); /* plot one spirograph run */ float l=ctxt->p/ctxt->r; float k=ctxt->r; for(float t=0.f; t<128*2*M_PI; t+= M_PI/display_R) { float my_x=((1.f-k)*cosf(t))+(l*k*cosf(((1.f-k)/k)*t)); float my_y=((1.f-k)*sinf(t))-(l*k*sinf(((1.f-k)/k)*t)); int pos_x=display_origin_x+(my_x*display_R); int pos_y=display_origin_y+(my_y*display_R); til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, TIL_FB_DRAW_FLAG_TEXTURABLE, pos_x, pos_y, fragment->texture ? 0xffffffff : makergb(sinf(M_1_PI*t)*127+128, sinf(M_1_PI*t+(2*M_PI*.333333333333f))*127+128, sinf(M_1_PI*t+(4*M_PI*.333333333333f))*127+128, 0.76)); } #ifdef DEBUG /* plot the origin point */ til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, 0, display_origin_x, display_origin_y, makergb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 1)); /* plot the fixed outer circle C0 */ for(float a=0.f; a<2*M_PI; a+= M_PI_2/display_R) { int pos_x=display_origin_x+(cosf(a)*display_R); int pos_y=display_origin_y+(sinf(a)*display_R); til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, 0, pos_x, pos_y, makergb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 1)); } /* plot inner circle Ci */ til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, 0, display_origin_x+display_R-(ctxt->r*display_R), display_origin_y, makergb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 1)); for(float a=0.f; a<2*M_PI; a+= M_PI_2/display_R) { int pos_x=display_origin_x+display_R-(ctxt->r*display_R)+ (cosf(a)*ctxt->r*display_R); int pos_y=display_origin_y+(sinf(a)*ctxt->r*display_R); til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, 0, pos_x, pos_y, makergb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 1)); } /* plot p */ til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_checked(fragment, 0, display_origin_x+display_R-(ctxt->r*display_R)+ (ctxt->p*display_R), display_origin_y, makergb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 1)); #endif if (context->last_ticks != ticks) { /* FIXME: these increments should be scaled by a delta-t, * but at least by filtering on same-tick things don't go * crazy in multi-drawn context scenarios like checkers::fill_module */ /* check bounds and increment r & p */ float next_r=ctxt->r+(.00001f*ctxt->r_dir); if(next_r >= 1.f || next_r <= 0.f || next_r <= ctxt->p) ctxt->r_dir=ctxt->r_dir*-1; else ctxt->r=ctxt->r+(.00001f*ctxt->r_dir); float next_p=ctxt->p+(.0003f*ctxt->p_dir); if(next_p >= ctxt->r || next_p <= 0) ctxt->p_dir=ctxt->p_dir*-1; else ctxt->p=ctxt->p+(.0003f*ctxt->p_dir); } } til_module_t spiro_module = { .create_context = spiro_create_context, .render_fragment = spiro_render_fragment, .name = "spiro", .description = "Spirograph emulator", .author = "Philip J Freeman <elektron@halo.nu>", .flags = TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE, };