#include #include "til_fb.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "particle.h" #include "particles.h" /* a "simple" particle type */ #define SIMPLE_MAX_DECAY_RATE 20 #define SIMPLE_MIN_DECAY_RATE 2 #define SIMPLE_MAX_LIFETIME 110 #define SIMPLE_MIN_LIFETIME 30 #define SIMPLE_MAX_SPAWN 15 #define SIMPLE_MIN_SPAWN 2 extern particle_ops_t rocket_ops; typedef struct _simple_ctxt_t { int decay_rate; int longevity; int lifetime; } simple_ctxt_t; static int simple_init(particles_t *particles, const particles_conf_t *conf, particle_t *p) { simple_ctxt_t *ctxt = p->ctxt; ctxt->decay_rate = rand_within_range(SIMPLE_MIN_DECAY_RATE, SIMPLE_MAX_DECAY_RATE); ctxt->lifetime = ctxt->longevity = rand_within_range(SIMPLE_MIN_LIFETIME, SIMPLE_MAX_LIFETIME); if (!p->props->of_use) { /* everything starts from the bottom center */ p->props->position.x = 0; p->props->position.y = 0; p->props->position.z = 0; /* TODO: direction random-ish within the range of a narrow upward facing cone */ p->props->direction.x = (float)(rand_within_range(0, 6) - 3) * .1f; p->props->direction.y = 1.0f + (float)(rand_within_range(0, 6) - 3) * .1f; p->props->direction.z = (float)(rand_within_range(0, 6) - 3) * .1f; p->props->direction = v3f_normalize(&p->props->direction); p->props->velocity = (float)rand_within_range(300, 800) / 100000.0; p->props->drag = 0.03; p->props->mass = 0.3; p->props->virtual = 0; p->props->of_use = 1; } /* else { we've been given properties, manipulate them or run with them? } */ return 1; } static particle_status_t simple_sim(particles_t *particles, const particles_conf_t *conf, particle_t *p, til_fb_fragment_t *f) { simple_ctxt_t *ctxt = p->ctxt; /* a particle is free to manipulate its children list when aging, but not itself or its siblings */ /* return PARTICLE_DEAD to remove kill yourself, do not age children here, the age pass will recurse * into children and age them independently _after_ their parents have been aged */ if (!ctxt->longevity || (ctxt->longevity -= ctxt->decay_rate) <= 0) { ctxt->longevity = 0; return PARTICLE_DEAD; } /* create particles inheriting our type based on some silly conditions, with some tweaks to their direction */ if (ctxt->longevity == 42 || (ctxt->longevity > 500 && !(ctxt->longevity % 50))) { int i, num = rand_within_range(SIMPLE_MIN_SPAWN, SIMPLE_MAX_SPAWN); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { particle_props_t props = *p->props; particle_ops_t *ops = INHERIT_OPS; if (i == (SIMPLE_MAX_SPAWN - 2)) { ops = &rocket_ops; props.velocity = (float)rand_within_range(60, 100) / 1000000.0; } else { props.velocity = (float)rand_within_range(30, 100) / 10000.0; } props.direction.x += (float)(rand_within_range(0, 315 * 2) - 315) / 100.0; props.direction.y += (float)(rand_within_range(0, 315 * 2) - 315) / 100.0; props.direction.z += (float)(rand_within_range(0, 315 * 2) - 315) / 100.0; props.direction = v3f_normalize(&props.direction); particles_spawn_particle(particles, p, &props, ops); // XXX } } return PARTICLE_ALIVE; } static void simple_draw(particles_t *particles, const particles_conf_t *conf, particle_t *p, int x, int y, til_fb_fragment_t *f) { simple_ctxt_t *ctxt = p->ctxt; if (!should_draw_expire_if_oob(particles, p, x, y, f, &ctxt->longevity)) /* immediately kill off stars that wander off screen */ return; til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_unchecked(f, x, y, makergb(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, ((float)ctxt->longevity / ctxt->lifetime))); } particle_ops_t simple_ops = { .context_size = sizeof(simple_ctxt_t), .sim = simple_sim, .init = simple_init, .draw = simple_draw, .cleanup = NULL, };