#ifndef _RAY_RENDER_OBJECT_SPHERE_H #define _RAY_RENDER_OBJECT_SPHERE_H #include #include "ray_3f.h" #include "ray_camera.h" #include "ray_color.h" #include "ray_object_sphere.h" #include "ray_object_type.h" #include "ray_ray.h" #include "ray_surface.h" typedef struct ray_render_object_sphere_t { ray_object_sphere_t object; ray_3f_t primary_v; float primary_dot_vv; float r2; float r_inv; } ray_render_object_sphere_t; static ray_render_object_sphere_t ray_render_object_sphere_prepare(ray_object_sphere_t *sphere, ray_camera_t *camera) { ray_render_object_sphere_t prepared = { .object = *sphere }; prepared.primary_v = ray_3f_sub(&sphere->center, &camera->position); prepared.primary_dot_vv = ray_3f_dot(&prepared.primary_v, &prepared.primary_v); prepared.r2 = sphere->radius * sphere->radius; /* to divide by radius via multiplication in ray_object_sphere_normal() */ prepared.r_inv = 1.0f / sphere->radius; return prepared; } static inline int ray_render_object_sphere_intersects_ray(ray_render_object_sphere_t *sphere, unsigned depth, ray_ray_t *ray, float *res_distance) { ray_3f_t v = sphere->primary_v; float dot_vv = sphere->primary_dot_vv; float b, disc; if (depth) { v = ray_3f_sub(&sphere->object.center, &ray->origin); dot_vv = ray_3f_dot(&v, &v); } b = ray_3f_dot(&v, &ray->direction); disc = sphere->r2 - (dot_vv - (b * b)); if (disc > 0) { float i1, i2; disc = sqrtf(disc); i1 = b - disc; i2 = b + disc; if (i2 > 0 && i1 > 0) { *res_distance = i1; return 1; } } return 0; } /* return the normal of the surface at the specified point */ static inline ray_3f_t ray_render_object_sphere_normal(ray_render_object_sphere_t *sphere, ray_3f_t *point) { ray_3f_t normal; normal = ray_3f_sub(point, &sphere->object.center); normal = ray_3f_mult_scalar(&normal, sphere->r_inv); /* normalize without the sqrt() */ return normal; } /* return the surface of the sphere @ point */ static inline ray_surface_t ray_render_object_sphere_surface(ray_render_object_sphere_t *sphere, ray_3f_t *point) { /* uniform solids for now... */ return sphere->object.surface; } #endif