#include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_settings.h" #include "til_util.h" #include "txt/txt.h" /* Copyright (C) 2020 - Vito Caputo */ /* This implements a rudimentary compositing module for layering * the output from other modules into a single frame. */ /* some TODOs: * - support randomizing settings and context resets, configurable * - maybe add a way for the user to supply the settings on the cli * for the composed layers. That might actually need to be a more * general solution in the top-level rototiller code, since the * other meta modules like montage and rtv could probably benefit * from the ability to feed in settings to the underlying modules. */ typedef struct compose_layer_t { const til_module_t *module; void *module_ctxt; char *settings; } compose_layer_t; typedef struct compose_context_t { unsigned n_cpus; til_fb_fragment_t texture_fb; compose_layer_t texture; size_t n_layers; compose_layer_t layers[]; } compose_context_t; typedef struct compose_setup_t { til_setup_t til_setup; char *texture; size_t n_layers; char *layers[]; } compose_setup_t; static void * compose_create_context(unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_setup_t *setup); static void compose_destroy_context(void *context); static void compose_prepare_frame(void *context, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, til_fragmenter_t *res_fragmenter); static int compose_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup); static compose_setup_t compose_default_setup = { .layers = { "drizzle", "stars", "spiro", "plato", NULL }, }; til_module_t compose_module = { .create_context = compose_create_context, .destroy_context = compose_destroy_context, .prepare_frame = compose_prepare_frame, .name = "compose", .description = "Layered modules compositor", .setup = compose_setup, }; static void * compose_create_context(unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_setup_t *setup) { compose_context_t *ctxt; size_t n; if (!setup) setup = &compose_default_setup.til_setup; for (n = 0; ((compose_setup_t *)setup)->layers[n]; n++); ctxt = calloc(1, sizeof(compose_context_t) + n * sizeof(compose_layer_t)); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->n_cpus = n_cpus; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const til_module_t *layer_module; til_setup_t *layer_setup = NULL; layer_module = til_lookup_module(((compose_setup_t *)setup)->layers[i]); (void) til_module_randomize_setup(layer_module, &layer_setup, NULL); ctxt->layers[i].module = layer_module; (void) til_module_create_context(layer_module, ticks, layer_setup, &ctxt->layers[i].module_ctxt); til_setup_free(layer_setup); ctxt->n_layers++; } if (((compose_setup_t *)setup)->texture) { til_setup_t *texture_setup = NULL; ctxt->texture.module = til_lookup_module(((compose_setup_t *)setup)->texture); (void) til_module_randomize_setup(ctxt->texture.module, &texture_setup, NULL); (void) til_module_create_context(ctxt->texture.module, ticks, texture_setup, &ctxt->texture.module_ctxt); til_setup_free(texture_setup); } return ctxt; } static void compose_destroy_context(void *context) { compose_context_t *ctxt = context; for (int i = 0; i < ctxt->n_layers; i++) til_module_destroy_context(ctxt->layers[i].module, ctxt->layers[i].module_ctxt); if (ctxt->texture.module) til_module_destroy_context(ctxt->texture.module, ctxt->texture.module_ctxt); free(ctxt->texture_fb.buf); free(context); } static void compose_prepare_frame(void *context, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, til_fragmenter_t *res_fragmenter) { compose_context_t *ctxt = context; til_fb_fragment_clear(fragment); if (ctxt->texture.module) { if (!ctxt->texture_fb.buf || ctxt->texture_fb.frame_width != fragment->frame_width || ctxt->texture_fb.frame_height != fragment->frame_height) { ctxt->texture_fb = (til_fb_fragment_t){ .buf = realloc(ctxt->texture_fb.buf, fragment->frame_height * fragment->frame_width * sizeof(uint32_t)), .frame_width = fragment->frame_width, .frame_height = fragment->frame_height, .width = fragment->frame_width, .height = fragment->frame_height, .pitch = fragment->frame_width, }; } ctxt->texture_fb.cleared = 0; til_module_render(ctxt->texture.module, ctxt->texture.module_ctxt, ticks, &ctxt->texture_fb); til_module_render(ctxt->layers[0].module, ctxt->layers[0].module_ctxt, ticks, fragment); for (size_t i = 1; i < ctxt->n_layers; i++) { til_fb_fragment_t textured = *fragment; textured.texture = &ctxt->texture_fb; til_module_render(ctxt->layers[i].module, ctxt->layers[i].module_ctxt, ticks, &textured); } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < ctxt->n_layers; i++) til_module_render(ctxt->layers[i].module, ctxt->layers[i].module_ctxt, ticks, fragment); } } /* return a randomized valid layers= setting */ static char * compose_random_layers_setting(void) { size_t n_modules, n_rand_overlays, n_overlayable = 0, base_idx; char *layers = NULL; const til_module_t **modules; til_get_modules(&modules, &n_modules); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_modules; i++) { if (modules[i]->flags & TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE) n_overlayable++; } base_idx = rand() % (n_modules - n_overlayable); for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; !layers && i < n_modules; i++) { if (modules[i]->flags & TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE) continue; if (j++ == base_idx) layers = strdup(modules[i]->name); } /* TODO FIXME: this doesn't prevent duplicate overlays in the random set, * which generally is undesirable - but actually watching the results, is * sometimes interesting. Maybe another module flag is necessary for indicating * manifold-appropriate overlays. */ n_rand_overlays = 1 + (rand() % (n_overlayable - 1)); for (size_t n = 0; n < n_rand_overlays; n++) { size_t rand_idx = rand() % n_overlayable; for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < n_modules; i++) { if (!(modules[i]->flags & TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE)) continue; if (j++ == rand_idx) { char *new; new = realloc(layers, strlen(layers) + 1 + strlen(modules[i]->name) + 1); if (!new) { free(layers); return NULL; } strcat(new, ":"); strcat(new, modules[i]->name); layers = new; break; } } } return layers; } static int compose_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { const char *layers; const char *texture; const char *texture_values[] = { "none", "blinds", "checkers", "drizzle", "julia", "plasma", "roto", "stars", "submit", "swab", "voronoi", NULL }; int r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_desc_t){ .name = "Colon-separated list of module layers, in draw-order", .key = "layers", .preferred = "drizzle:stars:spiro:plato", .annotations = NULL, .random = compose_random_layers_setting, }, &layers, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_desc_t){ .name = "Module to use for source texture, \"none\" to disable", .key = "texture", .preferred = texture_values[0], .annotations = NULL, .values = texture_values, }, &texture, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; /* turn layers colon-separated list into a null-terminated array of strings */ if (res_setup) { compose_setup_t *setup; const til_module_t **modules; size_t n_modules; char *toklayers, *layer; int n = 2; til_get_modules(&modules, &n_modules); toklayers = strdup(layers); if (!toklayers) return -ENOMEM; layer = strtok(toklayers, ":"); if (!layer) return -EINVAL; setup = til_setup_new(sizeof(*setup), (void(*)(til_setup_t *))free); if (!setup) return -ENOMEM; do { compose_setup_t *new; size_t i; /* other meta-modules like montage and rtv may need to * have some consideration here, but for now I'm just * going to let the user potentially compose with montage * or rtv as one of the layers. */ if (!strcmp(layer, "compose")) { /* XXX: prevent infinite recursion */ til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < n_modules; i++) { if (!strcmp(layer, modules[i]->name)) break; } if (i >= n_modules) { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } new = realloc(setup, sizeof(*setup) + n * sizeof(*setup->layers)); if (!new) { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -ENOMEM; } new->layers[n - 2] = layer; new->layers[n - 1] = NULL; n++; setup = new; } while (layer = strtok(NULL, ":")); if (strcasecmp(texture, "none")) { const til_module_t *texture_module; texture_module = til_lookup_module(texture); if (!texture_module) { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } setup->texture = strdup(texture); if (!setup->texture) { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -ENOMEM; } } *res_setup = &setup->til_setup; } return 0; }