/* * Copyright (C) 2022 - Vito Caputo - * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_module_context.h" #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_SIZE 32 #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_PATTERN CHECKERS_PATTERN_CHECKERED #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_DYNAMICS CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ODD #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_DYNAMICS_RATE 1.0 #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_FILL CHECKERS_FILL_COLOR #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_COLOR 0xffffff #define CHECKERS_DEFAULT_FILL_MODULE "none" typedef enum checkers_pattern_t { CHECKERS_PATTERN_CHECKERED, CHECKERS_PATTERN_RANDOM, } checkers_pattern_t; typedef enum checkers_dynamics_t { CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ODD, CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_EVEN, CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ALTERNATING, CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_RANDOM, } checkers_dynamics_t; typedef enum checkers_fill_t { CHECKERS_FILL_COLOR, CHECKERS_FILL_SAMPLED, CHECKERS_FILL_TEXTURED, CHECKERS_FILL_RANDOM, CHECKERS_FILL_MIXED, } checkers_fill_t; typedef struct checkers_setup_t { til_setup_t til_setup; unsigned size; checkers_pattern_t pattern; checkers_dynamics_t dynamics; float rate; checkers_fill_t fill; uint32_t fill_color; const til_module_t *fill_module; til_setup_t *fill_module_setup; } checkers_setup_t; typedef struct checkers_context_t { til_module_context_t til_module_context; checkers_setup_t *setup; til_module_context_t *fill_module_contexts[]; } checkers_context_t; static til_module_context_t * checkers_create_context(const til_module_t *module, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned seed, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_setup_t *setup) { size_t size = sizeof(checkers_context_t); checkers_context_t *ctxt; if (((checkers_setup_t *)setup)->fill_module) size += sizeof(til_module_context_t *) * n_cpus; ctxt = til_module_context_new(module, size, stream, seed, ticks, n_cpus, setup); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->setup = (checkers_setup_t *)setup; if (ctxt->setup->fill_module) { const til_module_t *module = ctxt->setup->fill_module; /* since checkers is already threaded, create an n_cpus=1 context per-cpu */ if (til_module_create_contexts(module, stream, seed, ticks, 1, ctxt->setup->fill_module_setup, n_cpus, ctxt->fill_module_contexts) < 0) return til_module_context_free(&ctxt->til_module_context); } return &ctxt->til_module_context; } static void checkers_destroy_context(til_module_context_t *context) { checkers_context_t *ctxt = (checkers_context_t *)context; if (ctxt->setup->fill_module) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < context->n_cpus; i++) til_module_context_free(ctxt->fill_module_contexts[i]); } free(ctxt); } /* This is derived from til_fb_fragment_tile_single() with two variations: * 1. when the size doesn't align with frame size, the start tiles are offset * to center the checkers letting the edge checkers all clip as needed * 2. the incoming frame width isn't propagated down to the tiled fragments, * though for the potentially clipped boundary tiles the frame_{width,height} * won't match the incoming width,height. * * XXX note this fragmenter in particular really exercises fill_modules' correct handling * of frame vs. fragment dimensions and clipping semantics */ int checkers_fragment_tile_single(const til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, unsigned tile_size, unsigned number, til_fb_fragment_t *res_fragment) { unsigned w = fragment->width / tile_size, h = fragment->height / tile_size; unsigned tiled_w = w * tile_size, tiled_h = h * tile_size; unsigned x, y, xoff, yoff, xshift = 0, yshift = 0; assert(fragment); assert(res_fragment); /* Detect the need for fractional tiles on both axis and shift the fragments * to keep the overall checkered output centered. This complicates res_fragment.{x,y,width,height} * calculations for the peripheral checker tiles as those must clip when shifted. */ if (tiled_w < fragment->width) { tiled_w += tile_size; xshift = (tiled_w - fragment->width) >> 1; w++; } if (tiled_h < fragment->height) { tiled_h += tile_size; yshift = (tiled_h - fragment->height) >> 1; h++; } y = number / w; if (y >= h) return 0; x = number - (y * w); xoff = x * tile_size; yoff = y * tile_size; if (fragment->texture) { assert(res_fragment->texture); assert(fragment->frame_width == fragment->texture->frame_width); assert(fragment->frame_height == fragment->texture->frame_height); assert(fragment->width == fragment->texture->width); assert(fragment->height == fragment->texture->height); assert(fragment->x == fragment->texture->x); assert(fragment->y == fragment->texture->y); *(res_fragment->texture) = (til_fb_fragment_t){ .buf = fragment->texture->buf + (yoff * fragment->texture->pitch) - (y ? (yshift * fragment->texture->pitch) : 0) + (xoff - (x ? xshift : 0)), .width = MIN(fragment->width - (xoff - xshift), x ? tile_size : (tile_size - xshift)), .height = MIN(fragment->height - (yoff - yshift), y ? tile_size : (tile_size - yshift)), .x = x ? 0 : xshift, .y = y ? 0 : yshift, .frame_width = tile_size, .frame_height = tile_size, .stride = fragment->texture->stride + (fragment->width - MIN(fragment->width - (xoff - xshift), x ? tile_size : (tile_size - xshift))), .pitch = fragment->texture->pitch, .cleared = fragment->texture->cleared, }; } *res_fragment = (til_fb_fragment_t){ .texture = fragment->texture ? res_fragment->texture : NULL, /* TODO: copy pasta! */ .buf = fragment->buf + (yoff * fragment->pitch) - (y ? (yshift * fragment->pitch) : 0) + (xoff - (x ? xshift : 0)), .width = MIN(fragment->width - (xoff - xshift), x ? tile_size : (tile_size - xshift)), .height = MIN(fragment->height - (yoff - yshift), y ? tile_size : (tile_size - yshift)), .x = x ? 0 : xshift, .y = y ? 0 : yshift, // this is a little janky but leave frame_width to be set by render_fragment // so it can use the old frame_width for determining checkered state .frame_width = fragment->width, // becomes tile_size .frame_height = fragment->height, // becomes tile_size .stride = fragment->stride + (fragment->width - MIN(fragment->width - (xoff - xshift), x ? tile_size : (tile_size - xshift))), .pitch = fragment->pitch, .number = number, .cleared = fragment->cleared, }; return 1; } static int checkers_fragmenter(til_module_context_t *context, const til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, unsigned number, til_fb_fragment_t *res_fragment) { checkers_context_t *ctxt = (checkers_context_t *)context; return checkers_fragment_tile_single(fragment, ctxt->setup->size, number, res_fragment); } static void checkers_prepare_frame(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr, til_frame_plan_t *res_frame_plan) { checkers_context_t *ctxt = (checkers_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; /* XXX: note cpu_affinity is required when fill_module is used, to ensure module_contexts * have a stable relationship to fragnum. Otherwise the output would be unstable because the * module contexts would be randomly distributed across the filled checkers frame-to-frame. * This is unfortunate since cpu_affinity is likely to be slower than just letting the render * threads render fragments in whatever order (the preferred default). fill_module here * is actually *the* reason til_frame_plan_t.cpu_affinity got implemented, before this there * wasn't even a til_frame_plan_t container; a bare til_fragmenter_t was returned. */ *res_frame_plan = (til_frame_plan_t){ .fragmenter = checkers_fragmenter, .cpu_affinity = !!ctxt->setup->fill_module }; } static inline unsigned hash(unsigned x) { x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x61C88647; x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x61C88647; x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x61C88647; x = (x >> 16) ^ x; return x; } static void checkers_render_fragment(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, unsigned cpu, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr) { checkers_context_t *ctxt = (checkers_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; uint32_t fill_color = ctxt->setup->fill_color, fill_flags = 0; checkers_fill_t fill = ctxt->setup->fill; int state; switch (ctxt->setup->pattern) { case CHECKERS_PATTERN_CHECKERED: { unsigned tiles_per_row, row, col; tiles_per_row = fragment->frame_width / ctxt->setup->size; if (tiles_per_row * ctxt->setup->size < fragment->frame_width) tiles_per_row++; row = fragment->number / tiles_per_row; col = fragment->number % tiles_per_row; state = (row ^ col) & 0x1; break; } case CHECKERS_PATTERN_RANDOM: state = hash((context->seed + fragment->number) * 0x61C88647) & 0x1; break; } /* now that state has been determined, set the frame size */ fragment->frame_width = ctxt->setup->size; fragment->frame_height = ctxt->setup->size; if (fragment->texture) { fragment->texture->frame_width = ctxt->setup->size; fragment->texture->frame_height = ctxt->setup->size; } switch (ctxt->setup->dynamics) { case CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ODD: break; case CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_EVEN: state = ~state & 0x1; break; case CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ALTERNATING: state ^= ((unsigned)((float)ticks * ctxt->setup->rate) & 0x1); break; case CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_RANDOM: /* note: the big multiply here is just to get up out of the low bits */ state &= hash((context->seed + fragment->number) * 0x61C88647 + (unsigned)((float)ticks * ctxt->setup->rate)) & 0x1; break; } if (fill == CHECKERS_FILL_RANDOM || fill == CHECKERS_FILL_MIXED) fill = rand_r(&ctxt->til_module_context.seed) % CHECKERS_FILL_RANDOM; /* TODO: mixed should have a setting for controlling the ratios */ switch (ctxt->setup->fill) { case CHECKERS_FILL_SAMPLED: if (fragment->cleared) fill_color = til_fb_fragment_get_pixel_unchecked(fragment, fragment->x + (fragment->width >> 1), fragment->y + (fragment->height >> 1)); break; case CHECKERS_FILL_TEXTURED: fill_flags = TIL_FB_DRAW_FLAG_TEXTURABLE; break; case CHECKERS_FILL_COLOR: default: break; } if (!state) til_fb_fragment_clear(fragment); else { if (!ctxt->setup->fill_module) til_fb_fragment_fill(fragment, fill_flags, fill_color); else { /* TODO: we need a way to send down color and flags, and use the module render as a brush of sorts */ til_module_render(ctxt->fill_module_contexts[cpu], stream, ticks, fragment_ptr); } } } /* TODO: migrate to libtil */ static char * checkers_random_color(unsigned seed) { /* til should probably have a common randomize color helper for this with a large collection of * reasonable colors, and maybe even have themed palettes one can choose from... */ static const char * colors[] = { "#ffffff", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#ffff00", "#00ffff", "#ff00ff", }; return strdup(colors[seed % nelems(colors)]); } /* TODO: migrate to libtil */ static int checkers_rgb_to_uint32(const char *in, uint32_t *out) { uint32_t color = 0; /* this isn't html, but accept #rrggbb syntax */ if (*in == '#') in++; else if (in[0] == '0' && in[1] == 'x') /* and 0xrrggbb */ in += 2; if (strlen(in) != 6) return -EINVAL; for (int i = 0; i < 6;) { uint8_t c = 0; color <<= 8; for (int j = 0; j < 2; in++, j++, i++) { c <<= 4; switch (*in) { case '0'...'9': c |= (*in) - '0'; break; case 'a'...'f': c |= (*in) - 'a' + 10; break; case 'A'...'F': c |= (*in) - 'A' + 10; break; default: return -EINVAL; } } color |= c; } *out = color; return 0; } static void checkers_setup_free(til_setup_t *setup) { checkers_setup_t *s = (checkers_setup_t *)setup; if (s) { til_setup_free(s->fill_module_setup); free(setup); } } static int checkers_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { const char *size; const char *pattern; const char *fill_module; const til_settings_t *fill_module_settings; til_setting_t *fill_module_setting; const char *dynamics; const char *dynamics_rate; const char *fill; const char *fill_color; const char *size_values[] = { "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", NULL }; const char *pattern_values[] = { "checkered", "random", NULL }; const char *fill_module_values[] = { "none", "blinds", "moire", "pixbounce", "plato", "roto", "shapes", "snow", "spiro", "stars", NULL }; const char *dynamics_values[] = { "odd", "even", "alternating", "random", NULL }; const char *dynamics_rate_values[] = { "1.0", ".75", ".5", ".25", ".1", ".01", ".001", ".0001", NULL }; const char *fill_values[] = { "color", "sampled", "textured", "random", "mixed", NULL }; int r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Checker size", .key = "size", .regex = "\\.[0-9]+", .preferred = TIL_SETTINGS_STR(CHECKERS_DEFAULT_SIZE), .values = size_values, .annotations = NULL }, &size, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Checkers pattern", .key = "pattern", .preferred = pattern_values[0], .values = pattern_values, .annotations = NULL }, &pattern, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Filled cell module (\"none\" for plain checkers)", .key = "fill_module", .preferred = fill_module_values[0], .values = fill_module_values, .annotations = NULL, .as_nested_settings = 1, }, &fill_module, /* XXX: this isn't really of direct use now that it's a potentially full-blown settings string, see fill_module_settings */ res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; /* hmm, we're about to assume this is always valid, so let's assert that's actually the case... * looking at til_settings_get_and_describe_value() it looks to be optional there. * TODO: since _we_ require the res_setting, we should provide a temporary place for it * here if it's not guaranteed, then copy it into *res_setting if wanted. */ assert(res_setting && *res_setting); assert((*res_setting)->value_as_nested_settings); fill_module_settings = (*res_setting)->value_as_nested_settings; fill_module = til_settings_get_value_by_idx(fill_module_settings, 0, &fill_module_setting); if (!fill_module) return -EINVAL; if (!fill_module_setting->desc) { r = til_setting_desc_new(fill_module_settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Filled cell module name", .preferred = "none", .as_label = 1, }, res_desc); if (r < 0) return r; *res_setting = fill_module_setting; return 1; } if (strcasecmp(fill_module, "none")) { const til_module_t *mod = til_lookup_module(fill_module); if (!mod) return -EINVAL; if (mod->setup) { r = mod->setup(fill_module_settings, res_setting, res_desc, NULL); if (r) return r; /* XXX: note no res_setup was provided, so while yes the fill_module_settings are * fully populated according to the setup's return value, we don't yet have the baked * setup. That occurs below while baking the checkers res_setup. */ } } /* TODO: here we would do nested setup for fill_module via (*res_setting)->settings until that returned 0. * It seems like we would just leave res_setup NULL for nested setup at this phase, then in our if (res_setup) * branch down below the nested setup would have to recur with res_setup supplied but pointing at a nested * setup pointer hosted within this setup. */ /* XXX but this is a little more complicated than simply performing exhaustive setup of the fill_module here. * it's kind of like how in scripting languages you have two forms of interpolation while initializing variables; * there's the immediate interpolation at the time of intialization, and there's the delayed interpolation at * time of variable use. i.e. foo="$a $b" vs. foo:="$a $b", the latter may expand $a and $b once and store the * result in foo, whereas the former may just store the literal "$a $b" in foo and (re)perform the expansion of * $a and $b every time $foo is evaluated. * * should every module have its own separate setting or snowflake syntax to control exhaustive setup up-front * vs. just taking what settings have been provided and randomizing what's not provided at context create time? * in the case of checkers::fill_module it's arguably less relevant (though the current frontends don't have a * randomize settings feature, so if exhaustive setup of fill_module were forced up-front using the existing frontends * would mean loss of fill_module randomized setup) But that might be O.K. for something like checkers::fill_module * * where it becomes more relevant is something like rtv::channels, where the single rtv instance will repeatedly * create+destroy channel contexts using the supplied (or omitted) settings. We may want to have the settings * exhaustively applied once when rtv was intantiated, giving the frontend setup opportunity to explicitly configure * the channels exhaustively. Or we may want to just partially specify some settings for the channels, and for * the settings non-specified use the defaults OR for those unsepcified have them be randomized. Then there's the * question of should the randomizing recur for every channel switch or just occur once at time of rtv instantiation? * * it feels like the module settings syntax should probably control this behavior in a general way so the modules don't * start inventing their own approaches. Perhaps the module name at the start of the settings string could simply have * an optional leading modifier character from a reserved set module names can't start with. Someting like %modulename * for randomizing unspecified settings, : for evaluating settings just once up-front then reusing them, @modulename for * accepting defaults for anything unspecified, and !modulename to fail if any settings aren't specified. Maybe also * something like * for making the current qualifiers apply recursively. */ r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Checkers dynamics", .key = "dynamics", .preferred = dynamics_values[0], .values = dynamics_values, .annotations = NULL }, &dynamics, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; if (strcasecmp(dynamics, "odd") && strcasecmp(dynamics, "even")) { r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Checkers dynamics rate", .key = "dynamics_rate", .preferred = dynamics_rate_values[0], .values = dynamics_rate_values, .annotations = NULL }, &dynamics_rate, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; } r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Fill mode", .key = "fill", .preferred = fill_values[CHECKERS_DEFAULT_FILL], .values = fill_values, .annotations = NULL }, &fill, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; /* Even though sampled and textured fills don't neceesarily use the color, * if there's no texture or no underlay to sample, we should have a color to fallback on. */ r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Fill color", .key = "fill_color", .preferred = TIL_SETTINGS_STR(CHECKERS_DEFAULT_COLOR), .random = checkers_random_color, .values = NULL, .annotations = NULL }, &fill_color, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; if (res_setup) { checkers_setup_t *setup; setup = til_setup_new(settings, sizeof(*setup), checkers_setup_free); if (!setup) return -ENOMEM; sscanf(size, "%u", &setup->size); if (!strcasecmp(pattern, "checkered")) setup->pattern = CHECKERS_PATTERN_CHECKERED; else if (!strcasecmp(pattern, "random")) setup->pattern = CHECKERS_PATTERN_RANDOM; else { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } if (strcasecmp(fill_module, "none")) { setup->fill_module = til_lookup_module(fill_module); if (!setup->fill_module) { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -ENOMEM; } r = til_module_setup_finalize(setup->fill_module, fill_module_settings, &setup->fill_module_setup); if (r < 0) { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return r; } } if (!strcasecmp(dynamics, "odd")) setup->dynamics = CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ODD; else if (!strcasecmp(dynamics, "even")) setup->dynamics = CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_EVEN; else if (!strcasecmp(dynamics, "alternating")) setup->dynamics = CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ALTERNATING; else if (!strcasecmp(dynamics, "random")) setup->dynamics = CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_RANDOM; else { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } if (setup->dynamics != CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_ODD && setup->dynamics != CHECKERS_DYNAMICS_EVEN) sscanf(dynamics_rate, "%f", &setup->rate); if (!strcasecmp(fill, "color")) setup->fill = CHECKERS_FILL_COLOR; else if (!strcasecmp(fill, "sampled")) setup->fill = CHECKERS_FILL_SAMPLED; else if (!strcasecmp(fill, "textured")) setup->fill = CHECKERS_FILL_TEXTURED; else if (!strcasecmp(fill, "random")) setup->fill = CHECKERS_FILL_RANDOM; else if (!strcasecmp(fill, "mixed")) setup->fill = CHECKERS_FILL_MIXED; else { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } r = checkers_rgb_to_uint32(fill_color, &setup->fill_color); if (r < 0) return r; *res_setup = &setup->til_setup; } return 0; } til_module_t checkers_module = { .create_context = checkers_create_context, .destroy_context = checkers_destroy_context, .prepare_frame = checkers_prepare_frame, .render_fragment = checkers_render_fragment, .setup = checkers_setup, .name = "checkers", .description = "Checker-patterned overlay (threaded)", .author = "Vito Caputo ", .flags = TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE, };