#include #include #include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_module_context.h" #include "til_stream.h" #include "til_tap.h" /* Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Vito Caputo */ #define BLINDS_DEFAULT_COUNT 16 #define BLINDS_DEFAULT_ORIENTATION BLINDS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL typedef enum blinds_orientation_t { BLINDS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, BLINDS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, } blinds_orientation_t; typedef struct blinds_setup_t { til_setup_t til_setup; unsigned count; blinds_orientation_t orientation; } blinds_setup_t; typedef struct blinds_context_t { til_module_context_t til_module_context; struct { til_tap_t t, step, count; } taps; struct { float t, step, count; } vars; float *t, *step, *count; blinds_setup_t *setup; } blinds_context_t; static void blinds_update_taps(blinds_context_t *ctxt, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks) { if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, &ctxt->til_module_context, NULL, &ctxt->taps.t)) *ctxt->t = til_ticks_to_rads(ticks); if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, &ctxt->til_module_context, NULL, &ctxt->taps.step)) *ctxt->step = .1f; if (!til_stream_tap_context(stream, &ctxt->til_module_context, NULL, &ctxt->taps.count)) *ctxt->count = ctxt->setup->count; } static til_module_context_t * blinds_create_context(const til_module_t *module, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned seed, unsigned ticks, unsigned n_cpus, til_setup_t *setup) { blinds_context_t *ctxt; ctxt = til_module_context_new(module, sizeof(blinds_context_t), stream, seed, ticks, n_cpus, setup); if (!ctxt) return NULL; ctxt->taps.t = til_tap_init_float(ctxt, &ctxt->t, 1, &ctxt->vars.t, "T"); ctxt->taps.step = til_tap_init_float(ctxt, &ctxt->step, 1, &ctxt->vars.step, "step"); ctxt->taps.count = til_tap_init_float(ctxt, &ctxt->count, 1, &ctxt->vars.count, "count"); ctxt->setup = (blinds_setup_t *)setup; blinds_update_taps(ctxt, stream, ticks); return &ctxt->til_module_context; } static void blinds_prepare_frame(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr, til_frame_plan_t *res_frame_plan) { *res_frame_plan = (til_frame_plan_t){ .fragmenter = til_fragmenter_tile64 }; } /* draw a horizontal blind over fragment */ static inline void draw_blind_horizontal(til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, unsigned row, unsigned count, float t) { float row_height = fragment->frame_height / (float)count; unsigned height = roundf(t * row_height); unsigned row_y = row * row_height; if (row_y >= fragment->y + fragment->height) return; if (row_y + height <= fragment->y) return; { unsigned ystart = MAX(row_y, fragment->y); unsigned yend = MIN(row_y + height, fragment->y + fragment->height); unsigned xstart = fragment->x; unsigned xend = fragment->x + fragment->width; for (unsigned y = ystart; y < yend; y++) { /* XXX FIXME: use faster block style fill/copy if til_fb gets that */ for (unsigned x = xstart; x < xend; x++) { til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_unchecked(fragment, TIL_FB_DRAW_FLAG_TEXTURABLE, x, y, 0xffffffff); } } } } /* draw a vertical blind over fragment */ static inline void draw_blind_vertical(til_fb_fragment_t *fragment, unsigned column, unsigned count, float t) { float column_width = fragment->frame_width / (float)count; unsigned width = roundf(t * column_width); unsigned column_x = column * column_width; if (column_x >= fragment->x + fragment->width) return; if (column_x + width <= fragment->x) return; { unsigned xstart = MAX(column_x, fragment->x); unsigned xend = MIN(column_x + width, fragment->x + fragment->width); unsigned ystart = fragment->y; unsigned yend = fragment->y + fragment->height; for (unsigned y = ystart; y < yend; y++) { /* XXX FIXME: use faster block style fill/copy if/when til_fb gets that */ for (unsigned x = xstart; x < xend; x++) { til_fb_fragment_put_pixel_unchecked(fragment, TIL_FB_DRAW_FLAG_TEXTURABLE, x, y, 0xffffffff); } } } } /* draw blinds over the fragment */ static void blinds_render_fragment(til_module_context_t *context, til_stream_t *stream, unsigned ticks, unsigned cpu, til_fb_fragment_t **fragment_ptr) { blinds_context_t *ctxt = (blinds_context_t *)context; til_fb_fragment_t *fragment = *fragment_ptr; unsigned blind; float t; blinds_update_taps(ctxt, stream, ticks); til_fb_fragment_clear(fragment); for (t = *ctxt->t, blind = 0; blind < (unsigned)*ctxt->count; blind++, t += *ctxt->step) { switch (ctxt->setup->orientation) { case BLINDS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL: draw_blind_horizontal(fragment, blind, ctxt->setup->count, 1.f - fabsf(cosf(t))); break; case BLINDS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL: draw_blind_vertical(fragment, blind, ctxt->setup->count, 1.f - fabsf(cosf(t))); break; } } } static int blinds_setup(const til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { const char *orientation; const char *count; const char *orientation_values[] = { "horizontal", "vertical", NULL }; const char *count_values[] = { "2", "4", "8", "12", "16", "24", "32", NULL }; int r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Blinds orientation", .key = "orientation", .regex = "^(horizontal|vertical)", .preferred = orientation_values[BLINDS_DEFAULT_ORIENTATION], .values = orientation_values, .annotations = NULL }, &orientation, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; r = til_settings_get_and_describe_value(settings, &(til_setting_spec_t){ .name = "Blinds count", .key = "count", .regex = "\\.[0-9]+", .preferred = TIL_SETTINGS_STR(BLINDS_DEFAULT_COUNT), .values = count_values, .annotations = NULL }, &count, res_setting, res_desc); if (r) return r; if (res_setup) { blinds_setup_t *setup; setup = til_setup_new(settings, sizeof(*setup), NULL); if (!setup) return -ENOMEM; sscanf(count, "%u", &setup->count); if (!strcasecmp(orientation, "horizontal")) { setup->orientation = BLINDS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; } else if (!strcasecmp(orientation, "vertical")) { setup->orientation = BLINDS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; } else { til_setup_free(&setup->til_setup); return -EINVAL; } *res_setup = &setup->til_setup; } return 0; } til_module_t blinds_module = { .create_context = blinds_create_context, .prepare_frame = blinds_prepare_frame, .render_fragment = blinds_render_fragment, .setup = blinds_setup, .name = "blinds", .description = "Retro 80s-inspired window blinds (threaded)", .author = "Vito Caputo ", .flags = TIL_MODULE_OVERLAYABLE, };