#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "til.h" #include "til_args.h" #include "til_fb.h" #include "til_settings.h" #include "til_stream.h" #include "til_util.h" #include "fps.h" #include "setup.h" /* Copyright (C) 2016 Vito Caputo */ #define NUM_FB_PAGES 3 /* ^ By triple-buffering, we can have a page tied up being displayed, another * tied up submitted and waiting for vsync, and still not block on getting * another page so we can begin rendering another frame before vsync. With * just two pages we end up twiddling thumbs until the vsync arrives. */ #ifndef DEFAULT_VIDEO #ifdef HAVE_SDL #define DEFAULT_VIDEO "sdl" #endif #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_VIDEO #ifdef HAVE_DRM #define DEFAULT_VIDEO "drm" #endif #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_VIDEO #define DEFAULT_VIDEO "mem" #endif extern til_fb_ops_t drm_fb_ops; extern til_fb_ops_t mem_fb_ops; extern til_fb_ops_t sdl_fb_ops; static til_fb_ops_t *fb_ops; typedef struct rototiller_t { til_args_t args; const til_module_t *module; til_module_context_t *module_context; til_stream_t *stream; pthread_t thread; til_fb_t *fb; struct timeval start_tv; unsigned ticks_offset; } rototiller_t; static rototiller_t rototiller; typedef struct setup_t { til_settings_t *module_settings; til_setup_t *module_setup; til_settings_t *video_settings; til_setup_t *video_setup; unsigned seed; } setup_t; /* FIXME: this is unnecessarily copy-pasta, i think modules should just be made * more generic to encompass the setting up uniformly, then basically * subclass the video backend vs. renderer stuff. */ /* select video backend if not yet selected, then setup the selected backend. */ static int setup_video(til_settings_t *settings, til_setting_t **res_setting, const til_setting_desc_t **res_desc, til_setup_t **res_setup) { til_setting_t *setting; const char *video; video = til_settings_get_key(settings, 0, &setting); if (!video || !setting->desc) { til_setting_desc_t *desc; const char *values[] = { #ifdef HAVE_DRM "drm", #endif "mem", #ifdef HAVE_SDL "sdl", #endif NULL, }; int r; r = til_setting_desc_clone(&(til_setting_desc_t){ .name = "Video backend", .key = NULL, .regex = "[a-z]+", .preferred = DEFAULT_VIDEO, .values = values, .annotations = NULL }, res_desc); if (r < 0) return r; *res_setting = video ? setting : NULL; return 1; } /* XXX: this is kind of hacky for now */ #ifdef HAVE_DRM if (!strcasecmp(video, "drm")) { fb_ops = &drm_fb_ops; return drm_fb_ops.setup(settings, res_setting, res_desc, res_setup); } #endif if (!strcasecmp(video, "mem")) { fb_ops = &mem_fb_ops; return mem_fb_ops.setup(settings, res_setting, res_desc, res_setup); } #ifdef HAVE_SDL if (!strcasecmp(video, "sdl")) { fb_ops = &sdl_fb_ops; return sdl_fb_ops.setup(settings, res_setting, res_desc, res_setup); } #endif return -EINVAL; } /* TODO: move to til.c */ /* parse a hexadecimal seed with an optional leading 0x prefix into a libc srand()-appropriate machine-dependent sized unsigned int */ /* returns -errno on any failure (including overflow), 0 on success. */ static int parse_seed(const char *in, unsigned *res_seed) { unsigned seed = 0; assert(in); assert(res_seed); if (in[0] == '0' && (in[1] == 'x' || in[1] == 'X')) /* accept and ignore leading "0[xX]" */ in += 2; for (int i = 0; *in && i < sizeof(*res_seed) * 2;) { uint8_t h = 0; seed <<= 8; for (int j = 0; *in && j < 2; in++, j++, i++) { h <<= 4; switch (*in) { case '0'...'9': h |= (*in) - '0'; break; case 'a'...'f': h |= (*in) - 'a' + 10; break; case 'A'...'F': h |= (*in) - 'A' + 10; break; default: return -EINVAL; } } seed |= h; } if (*in) return -EOVERFLOW; *res_seed = seed; return 0; } /* TODO: move to til.c, setup_t in general should just become til_setup_t. * the sticking point is setup_interactively() is very rototiller-specific, so it needs * to be turned into a caller-supplied callback or something. */ /* turn args into settings, automatically applying defaults if appropriate, or interactively if appropriate. */ /* returns negative value on error, 0 when settings unchanged from args, 1 when changed */ /* on error, *res_failed_desc _may_ be assigned with something useful. */ static int setup_from_args(til_args_t *args, setup_t *res_setup, const til_setting_desc_t **res_failed_desc) { int r = -ENOMEM, changes = 0; setup_t setup = { .seed = time(NULL) + getpid() }; assert(args); assert(res_setup); if (args->seed) { r = parse_seed(args->seed, &setup.seed); if (r < 0) goto _err; } /* FIXME TODO: this is gross! but we want to seed the PRNG before we do any actual setup * in case we're randomizing settings. * Maybe it makes more sense to just add a TIL_SEED env variable and let til_init() getenv("TIL_SEED") * and do all this instead of setup_from_args(). This'll do for now. */ srand(setup.seed); setup.module_settings = til_settings_new("module", args->module); if (!setup.module_settings) goto _err; setup.video_settings = til_settings_new("video", args->video); if (!setup.video_settings) goto _err; r = setup_interactively(setup.module_settings, til_module_setup, args->use_defaults, &setup.module_setup, res_failed_desc); if (r < 0) goto _err; if (r) changes = 1; r = setup_interactively(setup.video_settings, setup_video, args->use_defaults, &setup.video_setup, res_failed_desc); if (r < 0) goto _err; if (r) changes = 1; *res_setup = setup; return changes; _err: til_settings_free(setup.module_settings); til_settings_free(setup.video_settings); return r; } static char * seed_as_arg(unsigned seed) { char arg[sizeof("0x") + sizeof(seed) * 2]; snprintf(arg, sizeof(arg), "0x%x", seed); return strdup(arg); } static int print_setup_as_args(setup_t *setup, int wait) { char *seed_arg, *module_args, *video_args; char buf[64]; int r = -ENOMEM; seed_arg = seed_as_arg(setup->seed); if (!seed_arg) goto _out; module_args = til_settings_as_arg(setup->module_settings); if (!module_args) goto _out_seed; video_args = til_settings_as_arg(setup->video_settings); if (!video_args) goto _out_module; r = printf("\nConfigured settings as flags:\n --seed=%s '--module=%s' '--video=%s'\n", seed_arg, module_args, video_args); if (r < 0) goto _out_video; if (wait) { r = printf("\nPress enter to continue, add --go to skip this step...\n"); if (r < 0) goto _out_video; (void) fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin); } _out_video: free(video_args); _out_module: free(module_args); _out_seed: free(seed_arg); _out: return r; } static int print_help(void) { printf("Run without any flags or partial settings for interactive mode.\n" "\n" "Supported flags:\n"); return til_args_help(stdout); } static unsigned get_ticks(const struct timeval *start, const struct timeval *now, unsigned offset) { return (unsigned)((now->tv_sec - start->tv_sec) * 1000 + (now->tv_usec - start->tv_usec) / 1000) + offset; } static void * rototiller_thread(void *_rt) { rototiller_t *rt = _rt; struct timeval now; for (;;) { til_fb_fragment_t *fragment; unsigned ticks; fragment = til_fb_page_get(rt->fb); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); ticks = get_ticks(&rt->start_tv, &now, rt->ticks_offset); til_module_render(rt->module_context, rt->stream, ticks, &fragment); til_fb_fragment_submit(fragment); if (rt->args.print_pipes) { /* render threads are idle at this point */ printf("\x1b[2J\x1b[;H"); /* ANSI codes for clear screen and move cursor to top left */ til_stream_fprint(rt->stream, stdout); } } return NULL; } /* When run with partial/no arguments, if stdin is a tty, enter an interactive setup. * If stdin is not a tty, or if --defaults is supplied in argv, default settings are used. * If any changes to the settings occur in the course of execution, either interactively or * throught --defaults, then print out the explicit CLI invocation usable for reproducing * the invocation. */ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { const til_setting_desc_t *failed_desc = NULL; setup_t setup = {}; int r; exit_if((r = til_init()) < 0, "unable to initialize libtil: %s", strerror(-r)); exit_if(til_args_parse(argc, argv, &rototiller.args) < 0, "unable to process arguments"); if (rototiller.args.help) return print_help() < 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; exit_if((r = setup_from_args(&rototiller.args, &setup, &failed_desc)) < 0, "unable to use args%s%s%s: %s", failed_desc ? " for setting \"" : "", failed_desc ? failed_desc->key : "", failed_desc ? "\"" : "", strerror(-r)); exit_if(r && print_setup_as_args(&setup, !rototiller.args.gogogo) < 0, "unable to print setup"); exit_if(!(rototiller.module = til_lookup_module(til_settings_get_key(setup.module_settings, 0, NULL))), "unable to lookup module from settings \"%s\"", til_settings_get_key(setup.module_settings, 0, NULL)); exit_if((r = til_fb_new(fb_ops, setup.video_setup, NUM_FB_PAGES, &rototiller.fb)) < 0, "unable to create fb: %s", strerror(-r)); exit_if(!(rototiller.stream = til_stream_new()), "unable to create root stream"); exit_if(!fps_setup(), "unable to setup fps counter"); gettimeofday(&rototiller.start_tv, NULL); exit_if((r = til_module_create_context( rototiller.module, rototiller.stream, setup.seed, get_ticks(&rototiller.start_tv, &rototiller.start_tv, rototiller.ticks_offset), 0, "", setup.module_setup, &rototiller.module_context)) < 0, "unable to create module context: %s", strerror(-r)); pexit_if(pthread_create(&rototiller.thread, NULL, rototiller_thread, &rototiller) != 0, "unable to create dispatch thread"); for (;;) { if (til_fb_flip(rototiller.fb) < 0) break; fps_fprint(rototiller.fb, stderr); } pthread_cancel(rototiller.thread); pthread_join(rototiller.thread, NULL); til_shutdown(); til_module_context_free(rototiller.module_context); til_stream_free(rototiller.stream); til_fb_free(rototiller.fb); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }